Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2738: Wash the color

Chapter 2738 Scrubbing the color


Although the old patriarch looked mediocre, but he knew Ding Hao's purpose at a glance.

The sacred beast quickly stepped forward and said, "My patriarch, my master Ding Hao was originally a child of my clan! Later, he fought with people, was attacked, dying, and even his Tingli aura became very weak! Therefore, he actually watched. No color!"

"What, there is such a thing?"

The patriarch's old eyes suddenly became bright as electricity, and he looked up and down Ding Hao.

However, no matter how carefully he watched, he did not see the color of Ding Haoting's breath.

"There are seven Tingli breath colors in Tingyu, this guy doesn't have any color?" Although the old patriarch has lived for countless years, he has never seen such a strange thing!

"Could it be that his Tingli breath has no color?" The old patriarch secretly asked in his heart.

Although the old patriarch was puzzled, he didn't doubt Ding Hao too much. After all, he didn't understand this colorless breath of Tingli!

"Then what do you mean?" the old patriarch asked again.

Ding Hao said, "That's it. Because my Tingli information can't see the color, so I am often discriminated against when doing business and shipping abroad! So I want to ask the old patriarch to take action to help my Tingli breath be silver!"

"Silver? That's a disguise!" The old patriarch said with a cold face, "You are definitely not my silver tribe! The Tingli breath in your body is definitely not my silver breath! That's why you need me to treat you. Disguise! If I agree to your request, what if you are walking outside and ruining the reputation of my silver people?"

Ding Hao secretly said in his heart that this old patriarch really seemed faint, but in fact he was very shrewd, not faint at all. The lies between himself and the holy beast were easily exposed by him!

But when Ding Hao was embarrassed, the old patriarch looked at the Tingyu crystals that Ding Hao had sent, and said, "It's not that I can't help you, but you must swear a poisonous oath. From then on, no matter what the circumstances, You must not harm the interests of my silver tribe! If my silver tribe is in danger in the future, you must defend our tribe just like my tribe!"

Hearing what the old patriarch said, Ding Hao was overjoyed, knowing that the old patriarch had agreed.

He hurriedly said, "Old patriarch, don’t worry! Although you are just disguising colors for me, you actually have a new clan member! I, Ding Hao, are willing to be like other silver clan members, for the sake of the whole clan’s birth and death. Defending the country! Not only will it not harm the reputation and interests of the clan outside, but in the event of a crisis in the clan, I will definitely come back to help as soon as possible!"

"It's so good."

At the moment, the old patriarch immediately helped Ding Hao cast a spell.

This kind of spell is very strange, ordinary Tingyu people etc. can't use it. The old patriarch will only cast spells for the secret agents of the clan who sneak into the enemy's camp. In this way, it can be mixed into the golden camp and spy on intelligence. Even the patriarch of the golden camp cannot detect it !

Tingyu's various powerful spells all need to borrow the Tingli of this world.

It can be seen that around this huge palace, an astonishing number of Tongtian minarets and spires are lit up, and the entire city and nearby Tingli are madly attracted, poured into the center of the palace, dragged by the fingers of the old patriarch Underneath, continuously penetrate Ding Hao's body!

These terrifyingly powerful Tingli first received the silver Tingli breath of the old patriarch, and then poured into Ding Hao's body.

In this way, like a flood, it washed back and forth inside Ding Hao's body, giving it a silvery breath!

Ding Hao was shocked, "So this is the strength of the old patriarch!"

In Tingyu, everyone does not need to refine Tingli, what everyone needs is the ability to sense and call Tingli!

The more Tingli who transferred, the stronger the one!

Ding Hao had just entered this world, and wanted to use the power of this world, he couldn't even fly; and the old patriarch, the power of this world that was called was simply terrifying!

And the washing of this silver breath also shocked people's hearts!

Ding Hao felt that his colorless Tingli breath was stained with silver a little bit!

Ding Hao even wondered, if he was fooled by this, would he really become a member of the silver camp?

But obviously, his suspicion could not come true, because the colorless Tingli aura in his body looked very stubborn, and the silver Tingli aura could only be colored on its surface, and could not change the essence!

"What color of Tingli breath were you originally?" The old patriarch was sweating for a long time. He used to cast spells for the three spies of his clan, and he was not as tired as today!

Ding Hao could only smile awkwardly, "My original Tingli breath is rather weird, I can't tell."

"Okay." The old patriarch said tiredly, "I want to take a break, you go out first! Ding Hao, you will be our clan member from now on, go to receive tokens and benefits from the clan! Also, your original Tingli breath Very stubborn, I can only finish the surface coloring. If you meet a truly powerful person, you will still see through it at a glance. So be careful!"

"Thank you old patriarch, I see."

Ding Hao and Saint Beast walked out of the palace, and Ding Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

He felt that the colorless Tingli aura in his body must be extraordinary, and it felt more high-end than ordinary colors. This is a huge secret and must not be known to more people! Now that he is a member of the Silver Clan, it is a very good disguise!

Walked out of the palace, followed the holy beast to a nearby spire.

Ding Hao asked, "This kind of minaret is in the world of Guhong. We all call it Guhong Pagoda! What is its name here?"

The holy beast said, "This kind of spire is called the sword tower in us. Look at its side, it looks like a wide-bladed giant sword, hence the name! The sword tower is the most basic building in the Tingyu Region, a common residence and various functions. Most of his houses are in the sword tower! And when in danger, the sword tower is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and can be used to defend against foreign enemies!"

"That's the case, let's go in."

The two walked into this Tongtian Sword Tower and quickly found the place where tokens and benefits were issued.

Ding Hao reported his name, and a token carved with Tingyu characters was issued to his hand. At the same time, he was issued a number plate. This number plate is the key to a room in a Tongtian Sword Tower. Yu Dinghao has his own residence!

"Fine thanks."

After Ding Hao expressed his gratitude, the issuer said again, "Generally, descendants of the tribe who have just reached adulthood will receive a set of basic training manuals when they come here to receive a license plate. I don't think you can use it?"

Ding Hao quickly said, "No, no! I use it, please give me a set!"

(End of this chapter)

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