Xiao Hei abused me a thousand times, and I still think of him as my first love.

Gu Cheng smiled slightly.

The good news is that the upper limit of his strength has been raised again, and even exceeded his previous life for a while.

Bad news, their own lower limit is lowered.

This spar is not satisfied! Dog system, can't this skill be given later?

But fortunately, Xiao Hei is powerful.

Gu Cheng, who was meditating cross-legged on the bed, opened his eyes, and the bright snowflake-like imprint shone brightly, a subtle thunder flashed, and his blue eyes turned purple.

Oh, the era of beautiful pupils is here!

Gu Cheng raised his hand, and the faint collapse energy in the room began to condense, and several pencil-thick thunderbolts flickered in his hand, like a flower.


Very strong attribute, so when can I use ice?

Gu Cheng put away his magical powers and got down from the bed.

Now that there are conditions, how can I not enjoy it?

Opening the door, Gu Cheng's bedroom was opposite the door of his father's study, and he couldn't enter it if he had been locked all the time, which was the first time he became curious about his father.

Shaking his head, no longer thinking about these distant things.

Suddenly, a smell of beef noodles came over, although it was very delicious, but it felt strange, a little... Well... Cheap feeling.

Turning around, Mebius was holding a bucket of instant noodles at the table, and Klein was also in front of a bucket of the same instant noodles, except with two more eggs and some beef rolls.

Good guy, buy vegetables and eat instant noodles?

"Hmm? Are you so soon?

Mebius swallowed the food in his mouth and tilted his head to ask in a kawaii manner. (No explanation)

woman, give you a chance to finish speaking.

Klein also tilted his head, looking quite like Mebius.

One big and one small do the same movements, and they look very cute.


Oh my God, saving the world in my last life was the right thing to do.

"Dad, eat."

Klein seems to be born not to talk, except for the few words he said in the market, the rest is basically concise.

Wait a minute, did she call me daddy?

Gu Cheng suddenly reacted and looked at Mebius sluggishly.

The latter looked proud and praised me.

This is an extra son?

"Look, we have children so soon~"

A pair of majestic Mebius pressed against the table, stroking Klein's head with one hand, and covering his face with the other, looking full of maternal brilliance.


Klein narrowed his eyes, his voice was very soft, like a coquettish kitten, making people have no resistance.

"Don't you think my father will be surprised when more than one son comes out in two days?"

Gu Cheng thought of this question, what did he do before he had more lives?

"Don't we want a family of three?"

Mebius smiled, and could see that she liked Klein, but thought of something and added a sentence.

"Klein is a girl~"

Gu Cheng is numb, intimate little cotton jacket?

But fortunately, he was adaptable and accepted it after a while, and then took the instant noodles from Mebius's hand.

"Okay, I can eat something, our family is not short of money, know to add ingredients to Klein, don't put it for yourself?"

A single instant noodle looks non-nutritious.

"No, give it to me~"

Mebius deserves the name of a snake, the softness of his body is too surprising, and the whole person directly entangled Gu Cheng and clings to it.

Klein felt that this was very warm and was also smiling.

"Okay, obedient, I'll make you a big meal, Klein too, don't eat too full."

Gu Cheng took a good soothing to make Mebius settle down, and walked into the kitchen with Klein's cute expression.

Gentleman Yuanding, this sentence naturally has its truth, but....

The life of the wife and children is so good, why not make it better?

Therefore, all empirical talk must choose the right environment.

"Little one, is it convenient to teach me how to cook?"

probably thinking that Gu Cheng would dislike that he couldn't cook, Mebius got entangled again.

Gu Cheng never thought of rejecting Mebius, not to mention, this is still an activity to promote the relationship between husband and wife.

Gu Cheng smiled and tied his apron to Mebius.

Needless to say, the single-tailed twisted braid and apron, a strong smell of human wife came out.

Tender eyes, mature and charming face...

Ahem, if you think about it, something will happen, Gu Cheng doesn't want to start like in his previous life.

Mebius just looked at Gu Cheng, since she began the fusion experiment, no one had looked at her as a woman, or rather, she had thrown herself out of the human realm.

Nowadays, the people you like are very obsessed with themselves, which is a very satisfying thing.

The two secretly crossed the autumn wave, and their relationship heated up rapidly, if it were not for the time, maybe the two sides would have met at the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Gu Cheng taught Mebius hand in hand, the two bodies were close together, and the elegant fragrance of Mebius's body poured into her nose, and she could feel her reassuring heartbeat.

Mebius's thoughts were not on cooking, and she was also in a bit of a trance at this time, although she had adapted to the inexplicable sense of familiarity, but...

She herself was indeed deeply immersed in Gu Cheng's tenderness.

Mebius also gently sniffed the sun-like smell on Gu Cheng's body, his firm chest was soft, and his warm embrace was addictive....

The two obviously got along for a short time, but they were unexpectedly very suitable, even...

As soon as they met, the two already knew each other and understood each other.

For the first time, I knew that Gu Cheng was still in the teacher's mouth, let myself pay attention to this person, and help a little if I had the ability.

At first, Mebius was only a little interested in the special person described by the teacher.

It wasn't until the two met in the alley that Mebius discovered that she...

It's really a lifetime at a glance.

The surname Gu was said by the teacher to be very special, and Honkai can be 100% adaptable.

This connection is really a coincidence.

Is it fate or providence?

Mebius didn't care, she only knew that Gu Cheng would be the most important person in her life.

Well, Alicia barely counts one.

Mebius thought so.

She was so covetous of Gu Cheng that in the recent experiment, she kept his figure in her mind.

Gu Cheng could see that the girl in his arms was a little absent-minded, but he didn't care, wouldn't it be enough to fit together like this?

Klein really likes this family, the most sincere feelings, whether it is Mebius or Gu Cheng, she can feel the affection in her heart.

As for who the biological parents are, the pain suffered during this period is less important.

The beauty is warm in my arms, warm jade is like my heart, there are children every morning, and the family is harmonious with nine neighbors.

It's a happy picture, perhaps....

This is what Gu Cheng wants?

Turn off the heat and serve.

It was very easy to make a braised crucian carp, which looks very bright and attractive.

Heat the pan again and cook again.

Everything is silent.

The depth of love is speechless, and everything is used completely.

Mebius' cheeks flushed and he raised his head slightly.

Gu Cheng also lowered his head in cooperation.

Two pairs of lips slowly approaching....


The door was kicked open fiercely, and a dusty Gu Cheng walked in embarrassed, with a blue nose and a swollen face and a bit of kidney deficiency, and a bright red slap print on his face.

"Turtle son, you gave away the commemorative coin I hid under the refrigerator? This gave me a beating..." Father

Gu didn't see the movement of the two at all, or rather, the bruise was too serious, and his eyes were blocked.

After a while of solidification, Father Gu saw the picture in front of him clearly.

A child who resembled Mebius tilted his head and looked at himself suspiciously, and his face was actually a little like Gu Cheng.

In the kitchen on the side, his son Gu Cheng lowered his head a little embarrassed, holding a woman who was gentle as water in his arms.

Well? It was Mebius, when I didn't say.

Gu Shaoqing only felt that his outlook on life had collapsed.


This is Mebius?

The two have a baby?

Am I in the wrong door?

Mebius's eyes stared at Gu Shaoqing, and immediately kissed you to disturb the good thing of the old lady?

Gu Shaoqing came this time because his dear wife saw a commemorative coin with special traces in the hands of a friend, and that commemorative coin she obviously ruined Gu Shaoqing.

Private money? Take it, you.

After a severe beating and not letting him go to the family, the humble Gu Shaoqing had to ask his son for an explanation, and dealt with it in the study for one night by the way.

The devil knows how to run into this scene.


Gu Shaoqing was sitting in front of him, with a somewhat curious Klein on the side, and Gu Cheng and Mebius with a "kind" face on the opposite side.

On the table is a steaming four-course soup.

Braised crucian carp, sweet and sour meatballs, cumin lamb, crystal shrimp and emerald tofu soup.


Gu Shaoqing's face was yin and yang strange.

"Mebius, you really don't want to be faceless, the old cow eats tender grass, I don't know what Ecstasy you poured into my son, and brought the child over to eat and drink? Is it not because I fancy my Gu family's genes, or..." Gu

Shaoqing for some reason, always with a trace of wariness towards Mebius, for fear of what she would do to her son.

"Daddy! You are overdoing it. "

Gu Cheng is very uncomfortable to hear, why don't you face? What Mebius did.

I thought my father was not like others, but... Or with tinted glasses.


.... The sound of water droplets falling.

Mebius seemed to be stunned. Just stared at Gu Shaoqing blankly.

The eyes are red, and the crystalline tears do not want the money to flow.

"Gu Shaoqing... Am I just such a person in your eyes?

Mebius's voice was a little hoarse and his tone trembled.

She didn't care about worldly gazes, even if she was vicious.

However, the identity is different, Gu Shaoqing is his nominal father.

Grievances, helplessness, sadness....

She hadn't felt such pain in a long time since she lost everything.

Gu Shaoqing was also stunned, he never thought that he could break this woman's defenses.

Because all this time, it is yourself who has been bullied.

What's more, once she did almost tie herself to the operating table for dissection.

Klein didn't know what was going on, but she expressed her position with actions - the tiny body jumped down and then hugged Mebius.

"I'm sorry..."

Gu Shaoqing was dumbfounded, if Mebius was sincere about his son, he... There will be no objection either.

It's just that Mebius is too dangerous, and he doesn't feel at ease.

"I don't accept your apology!"

Mebius stood up holding Klein, and the whole person was really no different from ordinary women.

"Didn't you always want to crush me? You have made it now!

Mebius's face was full of grievances and kept shedding tears.

"Aren't you just trying to use your son to crush me?"

"You did it!"

Mebius cried loudly with tears in his eyes, as if he had suffered some grievance.


I think that she Mebius is also a existence admired by everyone, when did she bow her head so much?

Mebius wiped his tears and walked out of the house, as if to escape from here.

Gu Shaoqing was aggrieved, he really didn't expect it to become like this.

"Dad, I'm not stupid, I can tell what I like, whether it is you or whoever I like, I regard Mebius as a bad person, but..." Gu Cheng's

expression was very serious, he really took Mebius very seriously.

"She is also an ordinary person, an ordinary girl, she will also be sad, she will be sad, and there will be times when she can't bear the pressure, have you ever seen her bow her head to anyone?"

Yes, Mebius is very strong, and her pride and self-esteem will never make her bow to herself.

"We truly love each other, you can rest assured."

Mebius still knows how clean and self-respecting Gu Shaoqing is, she can't have a child without knowing it, he just wants to use this to hit Mebius.

Indeed, he succeeded, but....

It seems to have failed too?

"I haven't eaten yet, have you been kicked out by my mother? It's all made by me and Mebius, cheap you, as for the commemorative coin..."

"Who let you put it under the refrigerator, and let me find it, I can only say pay attention next time."

Gu Cheng waved his hands and didn't think so.

Gu Shaoqing also sighed, forget it, commemorative coins, dozens are only five million, just to make his son happy, it's a big deal to give him less living expenses next time.

"Well, you rest, I'll go find my wife."

The words were very relaxed, but they were also reminding Gu Shaoqing.

Mebius, is your daughter-in-law, iron-beaten, can't be changed.

Gu Cheng also left the house.

Gu Shaoqing lowered his head to eat, and his heart was also turbulent.

"Huh... My own son, it's the same as when I was young..." Gu

Shaoqing raised his head, where was the guilt before?

Seems... Everything is acting.

"I'll help you get here, next time if she can pull down her face and call me dad, I won't care about anything, by the way..."

A smile appeared on Gu Shaoqing's face, but it was a little hideous under the background of those bruises.

"There will be no eyes that will stand in your way."

Gu Shaoqing took out a ring from his pocket.

The whole ring seems to be polished with amethyst, and it is crystal clear and looks as if it is extremely light.

This is his gift and a life-saving means for Gu Cheng.

He had already felt the thunder in Gu Cheng's body full of destructive power.

"Oh, this old bone, Eleanor is also true, isn't it that she hid some commemorative coins behind her back and deducted three-fifths of her son's pocket money~"

Hehe, he also borrowed Shanyat's name to invest in several shops, and traveled at public expense by the way.

Then, Gu Shaoqing wiped his hands on his face, and those bruises and scars disappeared.

Avalanche can reorganize, allowing genes to regain activity, which is equivalent to a quick cure.

"Human union, first stop, go!"

Gu Shaoqing stretched out, and was also ready to do business.

He was pleased with the reaction of his son and Mebius, which is what a young man should be.

Although in his eyes, Mebius is not a young man.


The night sky is thin, the stars are receding, and only a round of crescent moon shines coldly.

The wind blew slightly, pushing away the crowded clouds, revealing a few scattered stars.

Drops of rain and dew fell gently, like a big net that could not sink into the sky, falling into mortal dust.

It seems to reveal the mood of the world, and it also seems to reflect the stories of some people.

The rain, gently falling, like a light story of the world, waking up the dawn of Feihong, but also as if sweeping away the dust of the world, dotted into a small mud, is to remind people of the story that has been over for a long time, but also to continue the classics of the past.

Gu Cheng walked out of the gate of the community and followed the street all the way north.

At least, he had a sense of it.

The air became a little oppressive, and the moon was a little red.

It is like an indictment of the unwillingness of the world, and it is also like spreading the danger that will never fade.

Gu Cheng narrowed his eyes, and he felt a disgusting presence.

"I'm in a bad mood now, I hope you don't hit the muzzle."

Gu Cheng muttered, as if to warn.

The speed of absorbing the collapse energy in the spar is gradually accelerating, and the concentration of the collapse energy around it is also increasing.

Whether it's changes in the environment or feelings about the energy of Honkai.

What is certain now is....

Honkai, a big guy descended in the city.


Gu Cheng just wanted to find her quickly, and then...

Take her home.

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