As if it were a tortuous story, the scattered raindrops slowly increased their speed, probably....

They are also interested in the land.

Mebius, who left Gu Cheng's house, was in a very uncomfortable mood, and the light rain this night made her feel that fate was so unfair.


Klein just hugged Mebius tightly, trying to warm Mebius's silent heart in this way.

Mebius gently rubbed Klein's head.

"Damn, I was actually hit by someone like Gu Shaoqing, will Gu Cheng dislike me..." At

least, she wasn't sure if Gu Cheng would favor his father.

The moon seemed to be bloodshot, and although it was still so bright, it radiated an ominous red.

"If you don't come early or late, do you have to have bad things?"

Mebius's eyes narrowed slightly, mobilizing the collapse in his body to wrap Klein in his arms.

Several cracking sounds came, and three rays of light shone down not far from Mebius, reflected by the smooth walls around them and the rain puddles on the ground.

The three big guys who were all white slowly showed their figures, purple crystals wrapped around their joints, and their snow-white bodies looked like solidified latex, as if there was no danger.

The height of the four-story building looks bluffing, the proportions of the body are very incongruous, the lower body is very short, accounting for only one-fifth of the whole body, and the two arms are like gibbons, and are not ordinarily large, faintly exceeding two-thirds of the body.

Ape-like Honkai beasts, they are frequent visitors to Honkai and exist as vanguards.

The danger level has reached level A, and it can absorb a certain amount of energy attacks to strengthen itself, and has strong physical combat capabilities.

"Oh, trouble..."

Mebius walked towards the Honkai Beast with a gloomy face, while Klein in his arms stared at the big guys with a curious expression.

The enchanting snake eyes were particularly obvious in the background of the blood moon and rainy night, and a circle of faint purple mist seemed to appear out of thin air, surrounding Mebius.

Several pools of dark green shiny liquid slowly surged on the ground, like a toxic liquid condensed together, and like a long-prepared pollutant.

"Come, I hope you can hold out a little longer, he~"

The Honkai Beast felt the strong energy reaction, and slowly twisted its body to find the owner who released this energy.

The huge body crushed the surrounding buildings, but fortunately there was already a long distance from Gu Cheng's community.


It looks like an insect-like mouth, but inside it is a tight cloth with fangs.

Mebius walked idly, even with Klein in his arms, he seemed unimpressed.

This is self-confidence, a great confidence in one's own strength.

But three A-class animals, some scientist wants them to last a little longer, so....

She was so angry that she was finished.

On the other hand, Gu Cheng, who went out to look for Mebius, was also in trouble.

A total of more than a dozen rays of light descended on this area, and where Gu Cheng was alone, there were five.

It was too late for him to go elsewhere.

Two planktonic Avalanche beasts and two Templars, as well as a juvenile Avalanche Emperor.

Looking at the size and concentration of collapse energy, it is probably two C-class mayflies, plus two C+ knights, and a nearly A-class emperor.

It's not good, the mayfly-type Avalanche Beast has a strong ability to sense life, and it has surrounded Gu Cheng in two directions.

The Collapsed Emperor didn't know what he was saying in front of Gu Cheng, like a whisper when the computer crashed.

Its overall color is white, with a slight purple crystal embellishment, which should be the materialized collapse energy. The whole body is a refined diamond-shaped three-dimensional, about two meters high, surrounded by a pink-purple halo.

After a while, two mayfly-type collapsed beasts floated over, although they couldn't see their eyes, but...

Gu Cheng still wanted to say that they were eyeing themselves.

The mayfly-type avalanche beast, named because the whole looks like some kind of creature on the bottom of the sea, the whole is about two meters long, pink-purple wings and a manta fish-like body, with a sharp cone in the tail, it is no exaggeration to say that if Gu Cheng is not prepared to be bumped into, he may be able to publish the next book.

Several voices like horses' hooves followed.

A solid building like reinforced concrete could not stop the knight's charge at all, and it turned into a ruin in an instant.

The Templar, who looks like a man in armor riding a war horse, is very figurative, a centaur, with a human upper body and a horse below, four legs.

Its arm is a gun, silver with a hint of purple, like a medieval church helmet, it looks very solemn, the whole person is tight, it looks like it is resistant.

Said to be a Templar, but a monster from the Honkai camp.

yes, I can't get it right.

Gu Cheng looked solemnly at the monster in front of him, and was also wary of the Templars on both sides.

That Collapse Emperor really made Gu Cheng a little irritable, and its sound was like a false prompt sound when a virus was in the computer, which made Gu Cheng want to kill it a little.

The five Collapsed Beasts surrounded Gu Cheng, and had no intention of attacking, not knowing what they were thinking.

"No, it's late and changed, I'll start first."

Gu Cheng was ruthless in his heart, if it was later, he was afraid that something would happen to Mebius.

No, people's three A-level are all practiced, you have four C-level enough, and you still worry about others?

Gu Cheng's body seemed to be surrounded by a circle of lightning, and after being rubbed by the raindrops, it made a croaking sound, and at the same time, there were electric sparks.

The emperor has a certain IQ, and because his status is not low, he generally plays the role of a command, but....

Its strength is also unquestionable.

The emperor saw the fluctuations of collapse energy on Gu Cheng's body, and regardless of the familiar feeling before, he quickly retreated and commanded the two knights to start attacking.

The two mayflies also began their interference.

However, Gu Cheng's figure is very fast, although there is no way to break through the encirclement of the four monsters, but he can consume it first.

The purple thunder condensed in Gu Cheng's hand, and when his figure flashed, he came to the first ephemera-type collapse beast in a trance.


The thunder and lightning in his hand was like a ball of light with a diameter of more than ten centimeters, which was smashed by Gu Cheng on the head of the mayfly.

Gu Cheng is fast, the mayfly is not slow, when the thunder and lightning are about to fall, the mayfly has already lowered its head, like a somersault, the whole body quickly turned, avoiding Gu Cheng's sudden attack.

Not only that, but its tail also stabbed towards Gu Cheng fiercely with inertia.

If he stops, Gu Cheng will definitely be hit, if he blocks this blow...

Without thinking, two knights were already rushing towards him, and soon they were going to put themselves on a skewer, and moreover, there was another mayfly.

When it was too late, a cold light flashed on Gu Cheng's other hand.

A silver thread flashed, and Gu Cheng's other hand slashed over, and a short knife cut off the tail of the Broken Beast.

The thunder in Gu Cheng's left hand had not stopped, and he slowly clenched his fist and slammed into the sky.


A flash of thunder flashed in the sky, and Gu Cheng was like a lightning rod, attracting all the thunder.

The two knights instantly fell into paralysis, and the mayfly with its tail was also floating in the air with blurred flesh and blood.

The other mayfly had not yet advanced, avoiding this sudden change.

Gu Cheng hit the hand and accepted it when he saw it.

Suddenly, when Gu Cheng put away his thunder, a purple wave of light hit Gu Cheng.

The emperor made a move, and the timing of the sewing needle was very good.

Gu Cheng didn't have time to dodge, and hastily mobilized the collapse energy into the silence and ate it fiercely.


Gu Cheng was shot away in an instant.

And his results were not so good.

One mayfly was seriously injured, the knight was slightly injured, and there was an intact mayfly and the old Yin Bi Emperor.

On the battlefield, everything is instantaneous.

The emperor looked at Gu Cheng, who was shot away, and did not continue to mend the knife, but just let the mayfly in good condition fly over and finish.

The two knights were half-kneeling on the ground, not yet out of paralysis.

Although the emperor did not have an expression, he could see its disgust.

The aperture on its body expanded rapidly, piercing into the body of the severely injured mayfly-type Avalanche Beast.


The mayfly thought it was its boss who wanted to save it.

It's just....

In the emperor's cold snort, the mayfly was strangled into meat puree.

The emperor looked in Gu Cheng's direction from afar, it was cautious, it was waiting for the knight to recover, and then marched directly.

The reason why it is so careful is its wisdom on the one hand, and on the other hand....

It felt a trace of the aura of law on Gu Cheng, which made it a little uncertain.

In the distance, Gu Cheng smashed the load-bearing wall out of a pit, and the whole person seemed to be glued to it, and there was debris all around.

Bright red blood flowed from the corners of his mouth and ears.

"Ahem... Visceral displacement ... Ear... It seems to be deaf... Is... Embarrassed..." That

kind of energy attack made Gu Cheng's whole person collapse, and his head seemed to be mixed into paste.

There was a tinnitus in the left ear, and silence in the right ear.

Gu Cheng was unable to get up, he only felt that he was really unlucky, knowing that he was weak, but he didn't think so weak.

Without the power of the godhead, the power of the core cannot be mobilized, and if there is only one energy transformation, it is not enough.

Gu Cheng vaguely seemed to hear Xiao Hei complaining about himself, and then smiled a little stiffly.

"Blackie... If you don't come again, I will have to go..." "

Made, didn't you say that the high-level Collapse Beast can't enter the wall?" Or is it not considered weak even if it is not S-class? This group of old six, I really convinced.

Gu Cheng greeted a certain green person of Heaven's Mandate in his heart, and then kept calling Xiao Hei.

The mayfly-type avalanche beast slowly flew over, like a cheetah chasing its seriously injured prey, and teasing like a cat scratching a rat.

The sharp cone was about to move, and when it saw the half-dead Gu Cheng, it was already a little impatient.

It was as if a sharp cone that could pierce all obstacles stabbed towards Gu Cheng fiercely.

Buzz ~

A sound that seems to come from space.

The sharp cone was firmly held in his hand by "Gu Cheng".


An indifferent voice came out of Gu Cheng's mouth.

A strong sense of suppression swept over, and the mayfly-type collapsed beast froze instantly.

In an instant, the drizzle flowed backwards, and everything seemed to press the slow button.

The injuries on Gu Cheng's body were visibly restored, and the blood that flowed out seemed to have life, and it was taken back.


"Gu Cheng"'s voice did not have any emotion, as if it was a machine.

His eyes were a clean blue, but the snowflake-like imprint was golden, and he looked full of sacredness, as if the breath of a superior person flowed out.

Blackie, here it comes.

"Gu Cheng" didn't do anything, just glanced at the mayfly collapse beast, and then...

The body of the Broken Beast began to crumble, and from the tail held by Gu Cheng, it slowly became all illusory.

In the end, it turned into dust in the world.

"It's boring, it's boring."

"Gu Cheng"'s face showed a look of contempt, and some fine ice crystals appeared in the silent gun in his hand, and then, he looked in the direction of the emperor.

The Collapse Emperor only felt that his core was grabbed by something, and even condensed with energy.

The two knights slowly stood up, pointed their spears at Gu Cheng, and prepared to attack.

The emperor planned to take advantage of this opportunity to escape, but...


Gu Cheng instantly came to it and held its head with one hand.

If it had eyes, it must have been wide-ranging.

Look again, two knights....

No, there is no way to say knighthood.

The slag in a place, like shards of glass, where can you see that it is a "human" type?

"You're smart?"

"Gu Cheng" showed a smile.

The body structure of the emperor does not support its metabolism, otherwise ....

Maybe just pee.

It's a smile from hell, or rather....

It's the smile of death.

"Be a stepping stone on his way up."

A black vortex appeared in the hand that "Gu Cheng" pressed on the emperor's head, like a layer of black hole, devouring the emperor's body.

In a few breaths, the emperor, who was still smug, had no bones left, and directly declared death.

Suddenly, "Gu Cheng" stared at the moon.

A figure faintly appeared on the side of the originally cold moon.

Long purple hair, long skirt connected by blue and white, a golden aura of the lawyer.

She also seemed to be looking at Gu Cheng.

"Huh... Coward.

"Gu Cheng" withdrew his gaze and muttered in his mouth, not putting this mastermind behind the scenes in his eyes.

"Since you came out once, let's have fun?"

Feeling the aura of the Collapsed Beasts around him, "Gu Cheng" was faintly excited, and even the short knife in his hand exuded a strange light, even if it was pitch black... Even if it is inserted into the scabbard, the crystal blue light is still dazzling.

The black blade glowed with a cold blue light.

The golden eyes are very lethal on rainy nights.

"What a fool, the eye of insight can't be used, and his core can't be used, ridiculous~"

It seems to be talking to himself, and it seems to be mocking someone.

"Gu Cheng" looked to the west and shook his head.

"Seeing your snake like this, I guess something will happen, well... I'll go to a 'big meal' for you, right?"

He licked his lips, and there was an extremely bloody smile on his face, like a fierce ghost from hell, and like a demon who demanded the price.

Then, with a gentle step on one leg, as if he had exerted such a magical ability as shrinking the ground into an inch, his figure flashed in an instant, and he went to the east.

That night, the smuggled beasts remembered the days when they were dominated by extreme evil.

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