Is it really just a simple fate that is restrained by the dark silk thread?

When did that future without belonging become a reason for you to do nothing?

When the mind begins to be confused, the common sense of understanding is gradually deprived, and all the ways of thinking that have not belonged to you are strangely encroached in the deep mind.

Finally... What is right? What is wrong?

Why did you come here? And why did you leave?

The mottled lawyer energy filled Gu Cheng's body, alternating with his original energy, and another energy that became more and more intense emerged.

Pitch-black ice crystals covered the already shattered earth, lining it with wailing tombs.

The blood red was stained with the same energy as ink, wrapped around Gu Cheng's body, densely packed without noticing. They were constantly sending energy to Gu Cheng's body, stimulating the presumptuous core in his body.

And Gu Cheng....

He seemed to have lost consciousness, his ice-blue wings were withering, there seemed to be thorns burning in his blue and ice-colored eyes, and the ethereal gauzy energy coat also changed color, like wool dyed with flames.

Weird, too weird to understand.

Even if it is as strong as Gu Cheng, will it have such an ending?

The murderous and disgusting blood-red eyes in the air kept staring at Gu Cheng, and the trembling pupils were spreading despair like a tsunami that swallowed the world.

"Hehe, the fall of the star of tomorrow, such a scene is really rare~"

The charming voice is like a lotus leaf that follows the flow and is broken, losing its rooting and having to fall into the mud, losing the remaining will to lose its mind.

A scarlet and somewhat purple mist-like figure shadow appeared out of thin air, and slowly walked to Gu Cheng's side.

"She" lifted Gu Cheng's chin and looked at the pair of eyes that had lost their color and consciousness, and could see that "she" was a little disdainful at the moment - even if she couldn't see the slightest characteristic of "her".

"There can only be one creature under God's gaze, and what about a defective product like you, which is neither human nor a product of collapse, even if it is contaminated with divinity?"

"The future of the world? Rising Star? Or hope?

"Hahahaha! Laugh to death! When I was struggling in the abyss of despair, how could I not see hope as bright as the rising sun? The

shadow was a little excited, his tone became more and more angry, and the hand that was still treating Gu Cheng gently suddenly turned into a punch and stabbed into Gu Cheng's chest.

I saw Gu Cheng snorting, blood overflowing from his mouth, and the restrained arm subconsciously wanted to hold something, but in the end he had to rely on the air.

If that's all, but the shadow is not satisfied. "She" continued to vent all the resentment in her heart and exert it on Gu Cheng, who had nothing to do with others.

Dense and sharp shadow thorns shot out from the surface of "her" body, and ten thousand arrows pierced through the heart, all concentrated on the thorn.

"Originally, I just wanted to vent my inner pain to this group of fools, but I really didn't expect such a gain..."

"As a fellow lawyer, you should bring me greater satisfaction, right? Hahahaha! The

lawyer became more and more excited, the movements on his hands became faster and faster, and the scars on Gu Cheng's body and the traces of being corroded by the purple energy became more and more obvious.

It was as if her hatred of life in the past and all the injustices the world had treated her would disappear, leaving only her broken will to make her suffer and make her forget all her dignity and bottom line as a human being.

And Gu Cheng....

Just lambs to be slaughtered.

Suddenly, the sky seemed to have fallen some ice crystal white snow, and the refreshing breeze blew up, with an imperceptible indifference, releasing coercion on the world.

The crack high above suddenly revealed a little panic, and the direction of looking at Gu Cheng seemed to have shifted slightly.

It's like a mighty water suddenly rising over flowing clouds, wafting with amazing glaciers.


the familiar voice sighed out, as if it came from Gu Cheng, and it seemed to come from the sky.

"Obviously you are already so tired, can't you forgive me? Really... What are you going to do without me, wife slave? A

whispered murmur floated out of Gu Cheng's mouth, and the chain that ran through his body was actually shattered in an instant. The black shadow's laughter also stopped abruptly, and the face without any trace clearly showed shock.

"How is that possible? That's impossible! The

unknown lawyer made an incredulous voice, as if how terrifying Gu Cheng was out of his grasp at this moment.

The bat-like shadow quickly retreated, but Gu Cheng, who did not react at all, leisurely held the "chain" with one hand.

"With me here and something that even the Dream Lawyer has never done, how can a Lawyer like you, who only uses consciousness to manipulate others, succeed?"

"Gu Cheng" slowly raised his head, although the pitch-black energy fluctuations around him remained unchanged, the pair of pale blue eyes were particularly cold, as if with endless freezing points.

The originally stiff body gradually eased, the blue ice wings stood proudly, and the flowing yarn feathers on the body were like pure flames.

Gu Cheng is still sinking, but Gu Cheng has awakened, he represents the will of the God of Winter, for Gu Cheng, but also for tomorrow, at this moment, to come again.

I saw Gu Cheng tightening the chain and suddenly exerting force in his direction, but he actually pulled the black shadow over.

He raised his right hand, and there was a cold glow condensed on it, like a sharp blade, only to wait for the arrival of the black shadow to tear it apart.

"I'm on top, the stubborn ants can still lift me up a little bit of fun..."

the black shadow muttered slightly, her figure was not following the trend, "she" immediately broke the chains on her body, and used the air as a fulcrum to sparkle in the middle, and then burst out, raised her hands as if condensing something, and went straight to Gu Cheng's head with the whole movement, without the slightest mercy.

"Since small means cannot solve you, then give you endless pain with the will of death! Indelible despair! The

black shadow seemed to reveal a rippling cloak, and a huge double-headed multi-bladed scythe that was also pitch black appeared out of thin air, and by the way, he picked up the murderous opportunity that tore the heavenly dome and rushed towards Gu Cheng.

"Her" thin body became bloodthirsty in an instant, and the shadows that covered the sky flowed together, like spreading black magma, devouring the earth.

With the eyes of the cracks in the sky turning, the black cold knife light came one after another, as if to make everything colorless, just to deprive Gu Cheng's life.


" "Bold enough!"

In a trance, Xiao Hei's voice was clearly heard in his ears, and Gu Cheng's body seemed to have found the backbone of the main heart, and instantly resumed the previous struggle, stood up straight, and then charged at the lawyer.

"Winter, the past has reappeared!"

As the blue and ice-colored light and shadow cut off the space, the peerless divine weapon named Rin Dong rushed forward, protecting its master from trying to destroy the scythe that threatened it.

The wail resounded in the sky.

This sword is immortal! The name of the elegy, the world is indisputable!

The two "people" are like a clash of fates, and also like a convergence point for the flow of history.

At this moment, the lawyer who represents the collapse is aimed at the human race with the power of "will" and "death", and Gu Cheng, who acts on the collapse, is born.

When the pitch-black scythe clash with the sky-shattering crystal waterfall, is it the blade that tears the curtain, or the bottom starry river to cover the sky dome?

The needle point against Mai Mang, the cold light rushed to the sky, and competed with the dark night.

The purple energy exploded, and without too many scenes, the blade in Gu Cheng's hand slashed straight at the scythe of the lawbreaker, hitting the latter all the way to the cheek.

"This force?"

The black shadow obviously didn't react, she didn't understand why she couldn't match the current Gu Cheng, obviously...

But a hairy boy who is easily controlled by himself, how can he be immune to the control power given by God all of a sudden?

The black shadow used the liquid cloud of temporary condensation as a defensive fortification, resisting the sharp sword that crossed the long night.

Rin Dong was tightly held by the black mist that looked like a giant hand, and froze, resisting all the killing intent from Gu Cheng.

"It's just a chosen poor worm, do you really think this power can support you to hurt him?"

Gu Cheng held the sword in one hand, and stroked his long hair that changed color very leisurely with the other hand, and his face had a coldness that ignored everything, and also carried a ruthless killing intent.

On the other hand, although this black mist in the name of God could not see any expression or expression, her trembling body and faintly retreating posture had already exposed "her" decadence.

Gu Cheng's simple energy release and casual attack had already made this lawyer powerless to resist, and if Xiao Hei reawakened Gu Cheng's consciousness...

They froze in the air, and the crack had disappeared long before winter appeared.

The fine crushed ice crystals that decomposed were like endless waves, accompanied by the flowing wind of the seven thousand layers of waves, extinguishing the coercion on the lawyer.

The lawyer with consciousness and the power of death was completely suppressed for a while.

Click, click.

The surrounding space began to crack, but Gu Cheng's figure was still tall, as if it was enough to withstand all calamities.

"Oh, I see..."

Suddenly, the decadent lawyer seemed to have found some fun, his weak body strengthened, and his hands gradually exerted strength until he could straighten his body.


Gu Cheng was interested, but he didn't give the lawyer a lot of face, turned around and slashed the lawyer with a sweep, and then mobilized the ice picks around him, like ice and snow turning to bombard the lawyer like a rainstorm.

The lawyer was thrown heavily into the already damaged land, and then a storm "rain" like a natural disaster hit, connecting the broken ground and covering the thick layers of crystal.

"That's all..."

Gu Cheng raised his hand and smiled slightly, and the winter in his hand struck out again, cutting off the land covered with ice and snow.

Suddenly, the feeling of the sword coming back made Gu Cheng's body pause, and the face that controlled everything suddenly turned solemn and replaced.

"Did you actually escape? No, did you make a move, old fellow?

Gu Cheng looked up thoughtfully at the sky that had already compounded, and a little interest gradually rose in his ice-blue eyes.

He slowly lowered his body and looked at the seemingly ownerless but full of dangerous energy around him, and his face was full of hatred that iron could not be made of steel.

"Really, so poor that you can't even control your core? Obviously, the Collapsed Beast reacted, why was it so underestimating the enemy? Don't you really think that you are invincible?

Gu Cheng looked down at his palm and complained to himself, looking like an old father figure who could stand out but hope for a dragon.

Xiao Hei sighed softly, withdrew Winter, and then raised his left hand, summoned the core in his body, and then absorbed the collapse energy around him.

"Don't you know to set up an extra barrier to purify and purify energy? You dare to use anything, but if you don't know, you think you are possessed by Pixiu.

Gu Cheng shook his head and walked towards the center of the energy with the core in his hand.

Those black mist that quickly dissipated also followed Gu Cheng, dyeing the long crystal blue hair with bursts of black flames, like dragon-shaped red feathers covering the pair of light wings, blooming with the pride of the dragon clan.

"You also come out, so long reincarnation even the spiritual intelligence has worn out?"

Xiao Hei held up the core and "poured" the lava emperor inside.

This Honkai Beast was the one that Gu Cheng and Paduo collected under Inazuma...

The height of the duang ~

red emperor of more than two meters was like jelly, falling to the ground and bouncing.


A little fire light was scattered from the lava emperor's body, and then he was dragged by Gu Cheng to absorb the surrounding collapse energy.

"Hephaestus, can you still talk? The kind that speaks human language.

Gu Cheng rarely showed a little smile, although it was more with a bit of sarcasm, but it did have a bit of humanity.


The emperor seemed to be very perfunctory, and although his face seemed to be composed of solid magma without any expression, he could always detect the disdain hidden in it.

"It's still the same... It's a pity, this energy alone is difficult to even make you say a word~"

Gu Cheng shook his head, and after the energy dissipated, he forcibly recalled the Collapsed Emperor regardless of it, as if he had subdued a Pokémon, and directly flowed it back.

"Roar? Roar! In

the clear voice, Gu Cheng saw the middle finger that the emperor beast could compare with the collapse and the bravery of the scolding lady to defend the family tree.

Gu Cheng still went his own way, and smiled indifferently.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I am him, he is me, if you scold me, you will scold him, and I will not lose~"

It was rare that Xiao Hei learned Gu Cheng's tone of voice, but unfortunately the emperor did not have a chance to refute anymore....


Gu Cheng exhaled a turbid breath, and the core fluttering on his hand changed from pure blue ice to ice crystals dyed with a little crimson-gold flame, and a pure sense of evil gushed out from it.

Gu Cheng's state at the moment is not good, with the help of Gu Cheng's body, his already not rich spirit becomes more fragile, and his shaky body looks so pitiful.

His thin and pale appearance looked like a severely ill patient....

"Sooner or later, I will calculate an account for you, for the sake that snake will actually be weak like this... Let you enjoy and let you regress..." Gu

Cheng's voice became weaker and weaker, and his figure became more and more illusory.

He looked at the dissipated Avalanche energy and the environment around him to stabilize, and his heart also calmed down.

Although I don't know how long it can last, this prosperity is the driving force for him to persevere.

"I... Came back.

"How long will that wedding dress last?"

Gu Cheng muttered something in his mouth, and then he couldn't bear the heavy eyelids anymore and fainted.

"Hello hello? Are you still there? What happened? Gu Cheng? With

Alicia's slightly anxious inquiry in the headset, Gu Cheng completely lost consciousness.

At the moment when he was about to hit bottom, the familiar scent of lavender filled the tip of his nose, and soft warm colleagues covered him.

"My first step has already been taken, and the complete core will be talked about after the photo is taken, how?"

Mebius's unique voice penetrated Gu Cheng's mind, making his consciousness, which he didn't know how long he had lost, begin to return.

As for that inexplicable sentence, he didn't care.

Enough has changed, everyone will have secrets, won't they?

Above the messy earth, the sky is blue and white for a long time, and you can't see the slightest sense of doom just now.

Following the light scattering, Mebius knelt in the center of the slum like a leprechaun under the gods, and on his soft thighs lay the embarrassed Gu Cheng.

She caressed the latter's cheek gently and carefully, and the pampering in her eyes almost materialized.


After waking up, let's go and welcome that new tomorrow.


"A divine messenger of the same price as my God? That's interesting... But do you think that's the end of it? The

pitch-black lawyer was panting in the collapsed space, and she was panting in a mess, but she couldn't stop being proud.

"The dream of consciousness created by the medium of the broken will is fatal to the lawyer, can you help for a while, can you help for a lifetime? The war between lawyers, it's not as simple as you think! "

The lawyer, who symbolizes consciousness and death, seems to be raising his eyebrows with words, venting the anger in his heart.

"Let this so-called hope sink in my carefully laid grave, hahahaha!"

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