Is there a difference between real and unreal?

This question is actually the same as talking about the existence of God during the period of theocracy.

After all, the divine right of kings is only a means to consolidate rule. Who really understands, who cares whether the Son of Heaven's words and deeds have God's will?

Going back to our original question, is it really important to distinguish between real and unreal?

At the end of the day, we are caught up in it, amusing ourselves in a desperate struggle.

Is this a real reality or an illusory dream?

The memories that have been sealed in the dust emerge, the unclear way of thinking becomes clearer, and the scene in front of you is also hazy and real.

All around, it seems that there is a breeze rising?

Cool and cozy, sweeping away from a dreamy history of decay.

Then, a huge force struck, causing Gu Cheng, who didn't know what to think, to come back to his senses.

"Hey, what's the daze?"

The hearty voice came, although faint, but also clear, as if it was right in the ears.


Gu Cheng, who finally had some light in his eyes, suddenly sobered up, and when he turned his head, he saw Qianjian who was wearing a mask and covered by black circles beside him.

Gu Cheng was stunned in confusion, the image of the person in front of him was an overindulgent Internet addict teenager, so familiar and vague.

A thousand calamities... Who is it?

The question that hit the pain point directly entered Gu Cheng's heart, and a figure covered in roaring flames gradually appeared in his mind, he held up an unknown monster with one hand, but gently stretched out to himself with the other.

"Hey, you're not so weak, don't let me look down on you."

Sharp words with endless tenderness.

He was so hot and dazzling, majestic and secure.

The image that did not match the "teenager" in front of him at all made Gu Cheng's head hurt.

Suddenly, even more strange memories flooded over, overflowing in Gu Cheng's mind.

"Hey, get on the number!"

"Ah, why didn't you call me? Late again! The

embarrassed and funny, but youthful teenager replaced the majestic figure just now.

It was the memory of myself and Qianji skipping class on the Internet, and the shadow of meeting and being late together on the way to school.

A thousand calamities... How could it be the image before?

Himself, how can he not be ordinary?


Suddenly, another huge force struck, and Gu Cheng's whole person was not good.

The head suddenly heard closely with the desk, and it also made the previous complicated and chaotic memories instantly clear...

"Lean! You're going to die! Didn't you play a game last night? As for?!

Gu Cheng instantly stood up and roared at Thousand Tribulations with dissatisfaction.

But after looking at Qian Hao's stiff and incomparably stiff eyes with five points of panic and three points of disbelief, Gu Cheng realized that something was wrong.

Right now... It seems like... Are you in class?

Gu Cheng only then noticed the environment around him, he was clearly in the biology classroom, where did he remember the "vacation of the fire moth"?

"What kind of moth?"

Somewhere in the two rows behind Gu Cheng, Kevin who seemed to have dyed white hair said to his fellow table with great incomprehension.

"Who knows? It may be that there was some conflict yesterday, and the head is fighting today~"

Sue, who was also listless, was Kevin's tablemate, and he responded with a yawn and disapproval.

In his opinion, this is a normal sight.

"Hehe, there is a good show, Professor Mebius doesn't like someone breaking the rules of the class."

Kevin looked at a green figure on the podium and smiled a little gloatingly.

Sue shrugged and was noncommittal.

Sure enough....

"The classmate standing, I remember your name is Gu Cheng, right?"

"I haven't handed in my homework, I haven't passed the exam, and now I don't even listen to the class, what are you going to do!"

On the podium, the teacher in the image of a royal sister in professional clothes pushed the eyes on the bridge of his nose, and said to Gu Cheng in an unkind tone, and the look of dissatisfaction almost overflowed.

Gu Cheng was suddenly speechless, and the few untrue memories that remained in his mind were completely solid, burying his reason.

"Professor, I..."

"Me what me?" Listen to what you mean, yesterday's evening class didn't come because I skipped class and went online?

Gu Chenggang wanted to explain and save his meagre credits, but Mebius didn't leave him the slightest chance and directly interrupted him.

"Sit down, this semester's biology counts you as a subject, stay after school, I want to talk to you!"

Mebius was not used to him at all, and his harsh eyes suddenly made Gu Cheng stunned.

For some reason, Gu Cheng didn't have the slightest ability to resist as soon as he saw Mebius.


Because since the beginning of school, this "older leftover girl" has not given students a good face, right?

Obviously he looks good, why is his temper so bad....

Gu Cheng complained in his heart, but his face was still smiling, and he followed her meaning.

As soon as he sat down, Gu Cheng saw Qian Hao take off his mask and try to cover his mouth.

Maybe I'm afraid that the mask will suffocate myself, right?

"Laugh what laugh! It's all to blame on you.

Gu Cheng gave Qian Hao a punch as if venting, and the latter continued to laugh without pain.

"You're done, I heard that the students left by Mebius have taken a month's leave of absence without accident, and the school has specially approved this group of people not to study biology, you say it's strange~"

Qianjian gloated, although he knew that Gu Cheng's end was very miserable, he still couldn't stop the smile in his heart.

"I'm going, so miserable? I this... What to do!

Gu Cheng lowered his head, looking extremely miserable.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, although you are an unfilial son, but dad, I don't care about previous suspicions~"

Qian Qian comforted Gu Cheng, and the look of patting his chest seemed to be very confident.

"Are you going to talk for me?"

Gu Cheng's eyes flashed with some hope.

"No, I decided to let Kevin invite everyone to a meal to commemorate our warrior Mr. Gu Cheng."

Qian Hao squinted his eyes and smiled lewdly.

"Isn't this a feast? Roll the calf for me! The

two gagged in a whisper, and Kevin and Su in the back row were also discussing how to "arrange" Gu Cheng after school.

Only Mebius on the podium showed a mysterious and stunning smile when he turned his back to write to the blackboard....

Time flies quickly, like a warm and fulfilling time of youth, and in the blink of an eye, the friends around me go their separate ways, and they can no longer find the happiness they once had.

"See you in the old place!"

"Don't die inside~"

It was school time all of a sudden, and Gu Cheng, who was standing in the corridor, watched Kevin and Qianji hook up and wave to him, only Su stayed and accompanied Gu Cheng.

Although he looked like he was sleepwalking, Gu Cheng knew that this good friend who was proficient in fortune-telling would not leave him!


"Gu Cheng..."

The two spoke at the same time, embarrassing the originally harmonious scene.

"You say first..." ??2

was silent again.

"I just wanted to say that I will help you order an extra roast to avoid Kevin eating it all."

"So, you have to come back alive..." Su

opened his eyes with beautiful pupils, and a look of "looking forward to becoming a dragon" made Gu Cheng petrify in an instant.

It's not....

Did you stay just to say this? Buddy hearts are broken!

Looking at Gu Cheng's stiff movements, Su probably didn't feel good, so she patted him on the shoulder and comforted him again.

"Don't be afraid, the rumors about Professor Mebius may not be true, after all, this is a society ruled by law, how can there be 'human experiments' and 'delicious human flesh'?"

"As for why the professor has always been single..."

"Well, maybe it's just to wait for the right partner?" Or do you have a sweetheart? It can't be a killer specifically to the people around you, right?

Su smiled and comforted Gu Cheng, but before he said a word, Gu Cheng's heart cooled by half a point.

Su Xiaoyan moved and took half a step back.

"What, I have to go first, you don't know Kevin's meal, this time he didn't bring an object, he definitely won't pay attention to the image... If it's late, I can only look at the empty plates in a daze..."

Su said while stepping back, and when Gu Cheng reacted, the entire corridor was as cold as a ghost, without the slightest breath of life.

It's like....

In a trance, Gu Cheng seemed to see a familiar person, he stepped on the remains of countless corpses, surrounded by ice crystals, as if standing on the frost corridor, looking down on himself so coldly and proudly, holding the ice-blue long sword that moved him.

"Are you going to leave it at that?"

There is no sound, as if it comes from the mind, and it seems to be said for himself.

Gu Cheng's figure was stunned, and after returning to his senses, he actually broke out in a cold sweat, and there was nothing else in front of him except for the window that was opened.

"I'm Gu Cheng... Ordinary college students..." Confused

to himself, a trace of red light slowly appeared in Gu Cheng's eyes, as if to prevent him from remembering something.

Shaking his head, Gu Cheng only felt a pang of emptiness in his heart.

"Damn, these three dog sons are really unreliable, so they sold me."

Gu Cheng muttered to himself indignantly, as if he was dispelling the emptiness and confusion in his heart.

He is also more closely connected to the world.

"Alas, it's nothing more than a burst of criticism, and then there is a mental illness, I can't stand such a teaching method, and finally the school comes forward to solve it..."

Gu Cheng thought about the rumors, and then comforted himself in his heart.

Looking at the stairs leading upstairs, Gu Cheng actually had a sense of familiarity in his heart.


The professor's name became more and more skilled in Gu Cheng's mouth, and in a trance, his mind was filled with Mebius's figure...

Shaking his head again and shaking out those unrealistic thoughts, Gu Cheng sighed deeply.

"I remember... The professor's office is separate on the sixth floor, right? Drumming

in his heart, Gu Cheng still firmly stepped on the road leading to the sixth floor.

Although he is just an ordinary college student, in the end, it is impossible to play with a certain Kaslanna's eldest young master without a little family background and background.

The sparse sunlight slipped in through the open window, and the sprinkling on the floor was particularly blurry, as if it existed.

"If I forcibly pull you out, this power will also have a gap with you. I won't make a move until the end, so..."

"It's up to you, Ben."

In a trance, Gu Cheng's voice seemed to come from the clear breeze, and when you looked closely, there was no one under the sun, which was really weird.

But the warmth of concern still poured into Gu Cheng's heart who was going upstairs, and some blurry pictures flickered again.

"Self-reliant..." On

the stairs, Gu Cheng's steps stopped for a while, and the scene of arguing with his parents during the college entrance examination unconsciously came to his mind.

You have to rely on your own ability to get into college, not your parents.

In a trance, Gu Cheng suddenly felt ...

Himself, as if he was never alone?

The cold and proud figure gradually occupied his mind, and a familiar feeling flooded his mind.

Suddenly, that red light reappeared, causing Gu Cheng's eyes to dim.

"Gu Cheng? Soul Steel? Avalanche energy?

"I am..."


In the haze, Gu Cheng seemed to see what the other self said to Mebius again....

What soul steel body? And...

That's not "professor" Mebius, and it's not the world in which he lives.

Over here... Where is it? Myself... And what are you doing?

The red light in his eyes became deeper and deeper, and the shock in Gu Cheng's mind became heavier.

The world is also shaking.

Suddenly, everything returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

Gu Cheng gasped, his eyes full of incredulity.

"What the hell is going on? How... Old problem again?

Gu Cheng slowly sat down with his back against the wall, skillfully took out a bottle of medicine from the inner pocket of his shirt, poured out a few pieces at random and swallowed it.

Exhaling a turbid breath comfortably, Gu Cheng finally felt relieved.

"It's really unlucky, I don't talk about it, I have to be scared, and now I am even sick."

Gu Cheng complained, it seemed that everything was so normal, a normal college student instead of a "person".

Gu Cheng raised a bit of the meaning of escape, but in his mind, the scene of Qian Calamity and Kevin waving goodbye was vividly remembered, and Suna and Xi's gentle smile suddenly made him regain some strength.

"Can't make you wait... I also want to eat two more bites of barbecue~"

Gu Cheng stood up and said to himself, looking at the stairs upstairs, his eyes full of tenacity that did not admit defeat.

Isn't it just the teacher training the students? How scary can it be?


He finally stepped onto the sixth floor and came to some luxurious mahogany door ready to knock.

"Ah! Spare me! Please! "

Help! Ah help!

Suddenly, there was a sound of tears from inside the door.

As a good young man in the new era, the blood in Gu Cheng's heart suddenly ignited.

He immediately mobilized all the strength in his body and acted quickly.

The swift wind-like pace makes people sigh, as if the speed of riding the wind is not the slightest timidity, as if the general who returned home by victory, without any hesitation....

Head downstairs.

"Urgency to urinate... Let's go to the toilet... Anyway, he is not the opponent of the old witch alone.

"Brother wait for me! I'll go find those friends to save you!" Hold on!

Gu Cheng clumsily made an excuse for himself, and ran towards the outside of the teaching building in three steps and two steps.

That speed is comparable to that of a national level athlete, and if someone notices him, it is estimated that he will find an athlete who can win glory for the country.

And his movements did not affect Mebius in the office in the slightest.

The tearful and miserable voice of the hearer still sounded, resounding in this room that seemed to have no soundproofing function.


We turned the picture into the office to know that there was no danger here as Gu Cheng imagined, nor was it a "human experiment" sitting as rumored.

Mebius lay lazily on her side on the couch, her beautiful figure in full view.

The professional outfit is black and white, tightly outlining the beauty that is about to come out. The looming collarbone and the black silk barefoot that did not shake a match...

The fair and delicate face is even more attentive to the TV in front of him, meticulously.

The slender and slender jade soft caressed the glasses, and the remaining soft shade could not put down the bag of snacks, and the pink and plump beautiful lips were even more seductively gently shaking, attracting performance.

On TV, that horror movie is still playing as always.

The hero of that story screams and runs away, looking really pitiful and embarrassed.

The protagonist is also followed by the perverted murderer we know, chasing and hunting with a chainsaw.

"Stupid to death, but if the chainsaw stretches further forward, won't it touch?" It's true, it's too fake~"

Mebius didn't want ordinary little girls to be afraid of this horror movie, but the aging dragon bell, and even a little eager to command the murderer.

"Oh, it's not interesting~"

Mebius, who clearly enjoyed it, said her evaluation inconsistently after the movie, and then looked at the clock on the wall as if remembering something.

"That's not right... I remember I didn't call that Gu Cheng's student to talk? The

hour hand of the clock on the wall had pointed to "eight", but Mebius was the only one in the office.

"I was released pigeons? Those rumors are so scary? Don't hesitate to really hang up the subject and don't come to the training? It's really..."

Mebius stood up lazily and stretched, his graspable waist was simply superb.

"That's it, let's talk to the principal's little sister tomorrow, such an unbehaved student still has to be 'adjusted' fiercely."

Mebius turned off the TV and said to himself with rare interest.

And Gu Cheng, who has already fled, naturally will not know.


The familiar godhead space, the familiar and long-lost ice and snow.

The nine days of frost and the throne of thorns were depressed coldly, while Scati, the goddess of winter, looked at the sky thoughtfully, not knowing what she was melancholy.


As if feeling someone, the god turned sideways, her flawless face was suddenly revealed, and the long hair of blue ice melting in the ice and snow was also shining.

"I'm not his father, I did everything I had to do, I can't do anything, right?"

"What's more, since she was discovered by Mebius last time, she seems to mind my existence very much, and has been tinkering with some soul steel medium recently, ready to give me a whole new body..."

Gu Cheng, who appeared as Bing Xue appeared, shook his head and complained, like a rich son who had just returned to find his little daughter-in-law after spending all day drinking.

Scati smiled slightly, not caring about this sentence.

"How long will it take for Gu Cheng to truly inherit my Godhead?"

Scati slowly walked down and asked Gu Cheng softly.

But Gu Cheng was stunned when he heard this.

"It's not good to say."

"There is a rejection phenomenon in the core of the lawyer in his body, and the causes and effects of his previous life are still at work, although it is positive, but it still affects my plan."

"I've paid a great price in other spaces and worlds, and finally unified the ending of the story."


Gu Cheng said halfway, but in the end he only sighed.

"But the world in which He exists is so elusive?"

Scati smiled playfully and summed up Gu Cheng's hesitant words.

The latter nodded and looked sadly at the sky together.

"If you can't even control these self-powers, what if you have surpassed the godhead of the past? If I continue, it is just continuing the old way, how can I overcome Him again?

Gu Cheng sighed again.

"It doesn't matter."

"You and he are already tired, even if it is a dead end? It's just another trip to the Quantum Sea to be a 'Jingwei'.

Scati hugged Gu Cheng with some distress, and his tone was full of confidence.

But Gu Cheng shook his head and refused.

"Although I always bully this guy, Ben can always move me every time I really awaken..."

I don't want to lose it again. So, if Mebius could really make my medium out of the pieces you left behind, everything would be much simpler.

"Whether it is success or failure, it is nothing more than the loss of a body, and at that time, it is generally good for me to take action."

Gu Cheng held my god's hand, his words full of tenderness, but full of firmness.

Scati was silent.

She knew that end.

It's always good for them, but from the perspective of the world... It will be a time of re-transformation.

"Don't worry."

As if seeing Scati's thoughts, Gu Cheng turned around and took her into his arms, petting the unattainable head.

"It's too early to say anything, and although I don't want to be in tune, I haven't been holding back. I believe in him.

Gu Cheng looked at the bright eyes and said firmly.

"Hmm..." the

goddess nodded in relief, and then kissed her feet.

In that ice and snow, there was a gentle breeze again...

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