Among the four people who survived the attack on the magician's village, three were involved in the spell that caused the great air disaster in Europe and Asia.

The only one who did not participate was Karen Nora Mathers, the sister of Allen, Westcott's top thug, who was working elsewhere at the time.

Therefore, after Kuang San learned the whole truth from Bai Yu, he now called the three magicians "sinners".

Feeling the killing intent coming from the elf girl like a sharp blade stabbing him, Westcott's distorted facial features recovered little by little.

"It seems that you already know, Nightmare."

"Then you should know that as an elf, humans are the enemy!"

"And my purpose is the same as yours! Humans... are also my enemies!"

Nightmare is different from other "Three Four Three" elves. She really wants to kill people. Westcott, who knows this through intelligence, thinks that maybe he can get Kuang San to come to his side.



The trigger is pulled and the bullet is fired.

Westcott looked down over his left shoulder.

There was no damage there, and not far in front of him, the random field that expanded instantly blocked the bullet fired by Kuang San.

"It goes without saying that I want to surrender. No matter what you say, I will kill you here today."

Kill once?

This strange statement confused Westcott.

But since the other party has already taken action, there is no need for him to persuade him to surrender.

After a moment of light, Westcott in front of him appeared in armor that was far more gorgeous than the CR-UNIT (tactical display unit) worn by ordinary magicians that Kurumi had ever seen.

As one of the founders of DEM and the real behind-the-scenes controller today, Westcott will naturally prepare himself a set of equipment that far exceeds what DEM provides to the military around the world.

With the appearance of CR-UNIT, Westcott seemed to feel a little more secure. He suddenly attacked and rushed to Kuang San at a speed faster than the speed of sound.

too fast!

When Westcott stabbed Kurumi in the throat with a sword far faster than Kurumi's reaction, the murderous smile on the girl's face had not completely dissipated.




"The weight of the rock, peace of mind!"

Bai Yu's voice sounded in his mind. Kuang San looked at the rock elemental shield spread out in front of him, and then looked at Westcott, who couldn't move any further after the sharp blade touched the shield, with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Don't be stunned. I didn't help you and you have already sent it." 』

(It’s really reassuring, Mr. Bai!)

The communication at the conscious level was extremely fast. While Kuang San responded to Bai Yu, the movements of his hands were not slow. The shadows under his feet spread on the floor as if they were alive, and finally extended to the surrounding walls and even the huge hole she had smashed open. on the ceiling.


Countless crazy threesomes emerged from the shadows, and many pale arms stretched out from Westcott's feet, grabbing his legs tightly.

Westcott simply used force to break free from the restraints of those arms, and at the same time quickly defeated the incoming crazy three-part body.

Looking at the clones that were neatly killed by the opponent, Bai Yu couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

These are all "resources"! What a waste!

"Your habit of using your clones as consumables..."

"I remember that being called out will also consume your time and lifespan, right? Are you fighting in Krypton?"

(Does Mr. Bai even feel sorry for 'us'?)

"I just feel like it's such a waste. 』

Kuangsan curled his lips and raised his right arm high.


The long needle and short needle are ancient rifles and pistols respectively, and a huge clock more than twice the height appears behind Kuang San.

With the activation of the ability, the golden clock in the pupil of Kuang San's left eye began to rotate. The Emperor Keke behind him pointed in the direction of the bomb, and the black shadow merged into the gun in Kuang San's hand.

Then, the girl aimed at her temple and pulled the trigger.

With one bullet, the time of the hit target is accelerated, allowing instant movement.


At the same time that the clone was retracted, Westcott was also enveloped in barrage.

Although the two guns used by Kurumi are both flintlock guns, they are actually angels derived from elves. Not only are the bullets fired made of spiritual power, but their rate of fire and power far exceed those of real flintlock guns in the traditional sense. ...

In conjunction with the acceleration effect brought by the One Bullet to himself, Westcott could not avoid it in just an instant.

He didn't choose to hide.

The expanded random field not only successfully blocked the barrage again, but also increased his speed to the extreme. He actually caught up with Kurumi after accelerating. For a while, the two of them started fighting. The sound of gunshots and the whistling of the sword blade cutting through the air were intertwined. Originally, The secret room that had become a mess just because of Kurumi's intrusion was crumbling and could collapse at any time.

"The random field is a space created by the display device, which can realize different functions according to the user's wishes, and its nature changes with the user's wishes. The stronger the user's willpower, the more concentrated the energy, the higher the accuracy in random fields, and the greater the intensity. 』

(No need to explain at this time, evil-minded Mr. Bai!)

Kurumi, who was forced back by Westcott, complained in his heart.

On the other side, Westcott did not relax because he had the upper hand.

Not knowing the existence of Bai Yu, he blamed everything that happened on Neril Island on Kuang San. In his eyes, the current Kuang Lord was not fighting seriously at all.

And Kuang San's expression, although he kept retreating after being beaten by him, never panicked, and instead had a strange complaining look on his face, made Westcott more and more sure of his thoughts.

Especially the layer of golden shield that this nightmare has put on itself, it can't be broken no matter how hard it is hit.

too disgusting!

"So, do you want me to fight for you?"


Kurumi didn’t refuse like he did on the way here.

She knew that she might not be able to kill Westcott on her own.


(Help me! Mr. Bai!)

"Leave Kuang Sansan!"

Kuang San: "?"

A strong impact suddenly erupted from her body, and Westcott, who was facing a sword attack, was caught off guard and hit head-on.

After taking over the body, Bai Yu looked at Westcott who was knocked out and hit the wall firmly, and then looked down at the two flintlock guns in his hands.

"I've seen Erya's Divine Eclipse Chapter, but what about yours..."

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