People Are Collapsing Iron And Possessing All Realms

Chapter 212: Reversal Of Kuang San, The Spirit Of Space!

As the spiritual power from the elves was replaced by the destiny power drawn from Bai Yu's own body, in Westcott's horrified eyes, "Krang San"'s own body also underwent tremendous changes.

The black twin ponytails instantly turned into silvery white, the red right pupil did not change, but the golden clock in the left eye turned into a pale blue astronomical clock.

The original red and black spiritual equipment "Divine Power Spirit Equipment - Third Edition" turned into a snow-white military uniform in a burst of light.

The two flintlock guns in his hands became pistols and sabers.

"This... this is... a reversal!?"

Westcott was stunned!

The reverse spirit that he wanted to see and capture in his dreams appeared in front of him so easily?

Even Bai Yu himself was a little surprised. He originally just wanted to see the angel who reversed Kuang San, but in the end, he used a little more force and turned Kuang San completely!

And this reversal is actually exactly the same as the White Queen in the Battle Side Story?

04According to the setting, this White Queen is the soul provided by Kurumi’s best friend Yamano Sawa who was killed by Kurumi. After killing her best friend, Kurumi almost reversed herself and abandoned the power at the last moment - that is, the inversion maniac. The three themselves - provide a body, a person who is combined at the critical point of being full of spiritual power.

(Ah this one?)

"The reverse version of you, Sansan. 』

Bai Yu hooked his lips, raised the saber in his right hand, and pointed at Westcott opposite.


A huge astronomical clock that is pure white and looks like a devil's bat wings appears behind him, and the twelve logos that originally represented time have also become patterns symbolizing constellations.

Normal Madness III, the elf of time.

Reversal of Kuang San, the spirit of space!

Waving the saber in his hand, everything seems random, but it ignores the distance in space and even the existence of random areas.

Westcott was still dazed when he suddenly felt a huge pain coming from his right shoulder.


The entire right arm detached from the body, and scarlet blood spurted out.

"Why...why...random field..."

"The random field is also a kind of space." Bai Yu walked towards Westcott step by step, "And the Cancer Sword after the inversion of 'I' has the ability to cut space."

"Although I can cut through your arbitrary territory so easily, it's only because I have enough power."

"Or, it can be like this."

Bai Yu raised his hand, pointed the pistol at the ceiling, and pulled the trigger.

Lion's Bullet!

The bullet fired is slower, but its trajectory can be freely controlled by Bai Yu (Krang San).

As the bullet flew, it also made a crunching sound like a lion gnawing at the space.

Under Bai Yu's control, the lion's bullet, which was obviously shot towards the ceiling, circled around and hit the random area that Westcott expanded again.


"This is a lion bomb that can produce an explosion that swallows space. You can understand it as some kind of small space shock."

The random field that he finally concentrated on was shattered again, and Westcott's entire left leg disappeared with it.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--!!!"

Even if he is a magician, even if he is equipped with CR-UNIT, the pain of completely losing his right arm and left leg successively made Westcott let out a shrill scream that was not like a human being.

Bai Yu glanced at Westcott, who was about to faint, and with a thought, exchanged his body with Kuang San again.

“In the end, I’ll leave it to you, Sansan. 』

(People thought Mr. Bai was going to have all the fun~)

Kuang San was in a happy mood, feeling his new power after being transformed.

It's really amazing, even though everything has been reversed, my consciousness is still very clear, and there is no sign of the mental breakdown that I experienced at the beginning.

His eyes fell on the frightened Westcott, and Kurumi licked her lips.

"The behavior before death is no different from the scumbags I killed."

Kurumi, who was not very accustomed to using a saber, raised the gun in his left hand and pointed it at Westcott's forehead.

Westcott tried to struggle again, but his body, which gradually became cold after losing a lot of blood, lost strength.

He pulled the corners of his mouth with difficulty, revealing a strange smile.

" this what death feels like..."

Kuang San tilted his head: "You seem very happy?"

"Hey...!" Westcott smiled again, then coughed violently and vomited out a large amount of blood, "Did you know? Nightmare, this world initially only had two emotions: pleasure and unhappiness. The so-called The seven emotions and six desires...are all products after this...ahem!"

"Human beings...have given me the right to kill and take revenge...ahem...!"

"And your righteousness to kill me...ahem...who gave it to you?"

Kuang San frowned, not intending to listen to Westcott's last words again.

"Take this question with you to hell and think about it!"


Westcott, who was originally active until the end of the plot and died together with Mio Takamiya, died silently in the DEM club's building in the British capital.

Until the end, he didn't understand why Allen didn't show up.

Bai Yu: Do you think I used the elemental shield to turn the entire secret room into an inaccessible dead place?

.....……Dividing line.……….

Three days later.

Tiangong City.

In a luxurious high-rise apartment, a super-luxurious flat floor.

Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!

Early in the morning, there was a rapid knock on the door of 910.

Before the girl lying on the bed in the bedroom got up to open the door, the door was opened from the outside.

Erya rushed in with thick dark circles under his eyes and an unkempt appearance, but the expression on his face was quite exciting.

"Xiao Kuang Kuang! Xiao Bai Bai! Come and see my new paintings!!"

The girl, who didn't even wear any shoes, ran quickly on the ground with her bare white feet, jumped up, and fell onto the bed.

Skillfully sitting astride the quilt that was as arched as a cocoon, Erya held his manuscript in one hand and grabbed the quilt under him with the other and began to pull.

"Get up! How long are you two going to sleep? I stayed up all night or two to create this - huh? Why are the sheets so wet?"

The body of the girl who was still squirming suddenly stiffened, her furry head suddenly stuck out, and her hands were pulled out and pressed tightly against the quilt on her body.

"Why don't you go out first and let me change my clothes?"

"Hey, we are all girls. What can't we watch?"

"I am Bai Yu now."

Erya tilted her head: "Isn't it just me watching Little Kuangkuang? It's not you watching me, and it's not like you haven't watched it either.


With a lovely cry, Erya was thrown out of the bedroom by Bai Yu. .

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