People Are Collapsing Iron And Possessing All Realms

Chapter 24·The Ultimate Experience From Belfast (Dense Fog)

"I think everyone knows that as ship girls, we are born with extremely accurate intuitions about human beings' spiritual attitude toward us."

"This is also the reason why we will not choose a commander easily, but we will not hesitate once we are sure."

"Commander, and everyone, please forgive me for being willful, but I do crave the feeling of being...protected by your spirit, Commander."

Belfast really means it.

Everyone in the conference room looked at Belfast, who had a faint smile on his face, and realized this.

"What, that guy isn't a human, he's an alien!" Queen Elizabeth muttered awkwardly, "Who knows if the intuition we use to judge humans is of any use to this guy who may not even be considered a human. "

Not only Elizabeth, but others were also a little skeptical of Belfast's rhetoric.

Although they do not have a contracted commander, they have learned about the feeling of being under a contract through the ship girls who have commanders. There is no such situation as what Belfast said in the intelligence.

On the other hand, Bai Yu was thoughtful——

(No wonder I always felt that Ying’s attitude was weird before and that she trusted me too easily.)

(Does she also feel like Belfast?)

(Ask her next time? But she will be shy, right?)

While thinking, Bai Yu suddenly heard the Prince of Wales sigh: "Since you have said so, we have no position to object to this matter, not to mention that signing a contract with others is your freedom."

With the Prince of Wales's approval, the company also smiled and said: "Bless you, Belfast, and Mr. Bai Yu, I hope you will not betray Belfast's trust."

Belfast finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it was her own business to identify as the commander, being recognized by others would always give her a strange sense of happiness, like a girl to be married having received blessings from her family.

"Then, Commander, I'm going to get started."

Belfast smiled, and everyone in the conference room held their breath.

When Bai Yu was wondering what the so-called signing of the contract was all about, he suddenly felt that Belfast's spirit began to become unusually active.

Under the gaze of everyone, Belfast raised her hands to make a heart-cup shape in front of her body, and dots of ice-blue starlight particles emerged from the void and gathered in her palms.

Not long after, with a flash of light, a crystal-clear blue cube floated in the sky above Belfast's palm.

Mind Cube!

The moment he saw this thing, Bai Yu came to a conclusion.

To sign a contract, does the ship girl need to reveal her own mental magic cube?

"Commander, according to the normal procedure, you need to use your own spirit to connect with my mind cube..."

It seemed that due to the manifestation of the Mind Cube, Belfast's cheeks were flushed and his eyes gradually became blurred.

With Belfast's reminder, Bai Yu no longer hesitated, separated a ray of his mind, and slowly penetrated into the mind cube.

The Mind Cube, which was already blooming with a blue halo, burst out with even more dazzling light the moment it came into contact with Bai Yu's spiritual power, causing other ship girls in the conference room to close their eyes.

At the same time, a unique sensation, different from consciousness possession, appeared between the minds and consciousnesses of Bai Yu and Belfast.

Bai Yu didn't feel too strong here, but Belfast once again experienced the warm feeling of receiving help from the commander in the previous battle.

The feeling of comfort all over my body is like hiding in a warm bed on a winter morning, with my cheeks illuminated by the soft morning light through the curtains, and I feel so comfortable that I don't even want to move a finger.

The beautiful feet wrapped in white silk curled up ten cute toes unconsciously. Belfast raised his swan-like white neck, opened his red lips slightly, and let out a soft moan——


Su Mei's humming made the person next to her tremble on the spot.

When the light dissipated, the Mind Cube returned to Belfast's body, and everything returned to normal. Belfast's cheeks were on fire as if he had experienced some strenuous exercise, and his body slumped down on the chair, hanging his head and breathing. The fragrant Lan Fang gently brushed against my chest, arousing goosebumps.

Everyone: """..."""

"Wha, what what is going on!!???"

After a long silence, Shengli finally stood up suddenly, clapped his hands on the conference table.

"It's just a contract. Why Belfast"

The Belfast in front of me seemed to have been spoiled by something. The misty eyes were coated with mist, and the blood flow caused by the rapid heartbeat eventually coated all the visible skin around me. A layer of cherry color.

Reputation cautiously raised his hand and waved it in front of Belfast, but found that the maid lady had no reaction.


"Is there such a situation when signing a contract? That's wrong..." The Prince of Wales also felt a fever in her cheeks. It was true that Belfast looked like someone who was pampered to its peak at this moment. She could only cough. He said in a deliberately deep voice, "Belfast, what happened?"

"I...I don't know..."

Belfast raised a pair of eyes that were still confused, and even she herself couldn't figure out the situation.


"Commander? Are you still there?"

After calling several times without getting a response, Belfast did something that even she could not imagine.

With a coquettish look on her face that was half complaining and half flattering, with a sweet tone that was almost coquettish, Belfast called out in a long voice:


This sound caused Victory to stand up, and his legs were instantly drained of all their strength. He fell down with an "ouch" and sat down on the ground.

Bai Yu: "………………"

He wants to pretend to be dead, no, he is pretending to be dead now! .

Because at the moment when he signed the contract, Bai Yu experienced a feeling that theoretically, as a male, he would never experience in his lifetime.

Now he is in the midst of strong self-doubt!

Who can tell him what is going on?

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