People Are Collapsing Iron And Possessing All Realms

Chapter 25·This Is Not A Question Of Whether To Watch It Or Not!

The signing of a contract between the human commander and the ship girl requires the ship girl to open her own mind cube and use this as a medium to connect the spirits of the human side and the ship girl.

Yes, this is a kind of "connection between people" (no serious faces allowed).

In this process, the two sides will open their hearts to each other. Only on this basis can they achieve a heart-to-heart connection in the future and achieve the most basic tacit understanding needed on the battlefield.

Under normal circumstances, although the mind cube is used as a medium to allow the two parties to communicate spiritually, after all, their respective consciousnesses are still in their own bodies, and the natural and physical isolation greatly weakens the impact that this interconnection brings to both parties. The influence makes it so that after the contract is signed, even a highly qualified commander can only reach a tacit understanding with the contracted ship girl to the extent that it is like a tacit understanding between partners who know each other well after being together for many years.

But the problem is, the current situation is not "normal"!

Bai Yu's consciousness and Belfast's consciousness coexisted in Belfast's body, and before signing the contract, Belfast unilaterally opened his heart to him because Bai Yu's consciousness was possessed.

This allowed the two people to greatly enhance the impact of their telepathy on each other during the process of signing the contract!

Bai Yu has been practicing "Sword Heart Jue" for many years, and the mental will he has developed through condensing the sword heart can initially resist this kind of impact directly on the consciousness, but Belfast has no experience in this area at all.

The impact of empathy was like a stormy wave at the first moment, almost breaking Belfast's defenses and setting off endless waves in the sea of ​​​​consciousness of the maid lady.

And because Bai Yu's consciousness is in Belfast's body, it is natural that these waves will continue to hit Bai Yu.

Just like two elastic metal rods standing in parallel, but connected by a rigid connecting rod, the "metal rod" representing the spirit of Belfast was severely impacted by the "Contract" After a knock, there was a violent vibration in an instant. The vibration was transmitted along the connecting rod to the "metal rod" representing the spirit of Baiyu. The constant impact from Belfast, coupled with the influence of the contract itself, finally came to Baiyu. A hole was torn in his spiritual consciousness.

As a result, Bai Yu's consciousness "resonated" with Belfast's consciousness!

The common sense of physics in kindergarten classes tells us that the phenomenon of resonance can be overcome as long as certain conditions are met! shock! cross! powerful! of!

Belfast drives Bai Yu to tremble, and Bai Yu in turn drives Belfast. The two of them are like left foot stepping on the right foot, and their consciousnesses instantly become entangled - spiraling into the sky!

At the same time, the bodies of the two people were inevitably strongly affected. In just a few minutes, Belfast's consciousness seemed to be involved in a stormy sea, and he completely lost his autonomy.

Bai Yu, who was already a little confused because he was brought into the new world by Belfast, was able to synchronize the five senses of Belfast's body due to the possession of his consciousness, so he could experience the theoretical world like never before. It was impossible to experience happiness in a lifetime, and for a moment I fell into the question "Who am I?" Where am I? What am I going to do? ” blank state of consciousness.

In short, he was open.

I don’t know how much time had passed, but Bai Yu, who had finally restrained his divergent thoughts, heard a call from Belfast, but did not make a sound, only a vague thought came out——

"I am here……"


Belfast apparently finally realized what was happening. She felt that her whole body temperature was rising rapidly due to shyness.

However, something happened that forced her to bite the bullet and continue to communicate with Bai Yu regardless of her shyness.

(Um...Commander, I think I may need to change clothes now.)

Bai Yu: "——!!!"

"I understand. I'll go first." 』

(Wait, wait a minute! Commander!)

Belfast was shocked and quickly shouted in his heart to stop Bai Yu.

(Are you leaving soon? How can I contact you?)

"Well... I still have to study how you took the initiative to contact me, but in theory I can come to you again at any time." 』


This statement aroused deep suspicion in Belfast.

After thinking about it, thinking hard, and hesitating again and again, the maid finally took a deep breath and gave it a go!

(Commander! Please... stay! Don't go back at least for the time being!)

I just signed a contract with someone, and something outrageous like this happened, and now I'm trying to run away, just like a scumbag who runs away immediately after doing something weird.

——The kind that doesn’t even give you any money!

Belfast did not want to simply let Bai Yu leave.

Bai Yu: "…………"

"Aren't you going to clean up?" 』

('s okay! If it's the commander...)

(Also, I believe the commander will not take this opportunity to peek!)

This is not a question of whether to watch it or not!

I can feel it clearly!

All your senses will be received by me here!

Bai Yu didn't believe that Belfast didn't know about this matter, but miraculously, the maid lady was like an ostrich and didn't mention it at all.

"Befa? Befa?"

Prestige gripped Belfast's shoulders and shook him.

"What's wrong with you? Your expression has been changing like a schizophrenia since just now, right?"

"Everyone..." Belfast clapped his hands on the conference table and stood up, suppressing the sourness that spread throughout his body, and said hurriedly, "The contract has been signed successfully! I'm sorry that you have seen such a gaffe of me! I’ll take care of it first!”

After speaking, the maid stumbled out of the conference room without giving anyone else a moment to react.


The maid, who was in a panic, bumped into the wall of the corridor outside the conference room.

It sounds really good, Beifa. Once you hear it, you'll get a good start.

Looking at the conference room door that was open after Belfast left, and the door that was still swinging left and right, the Prince of Wales coughed, left his seat, walked to the window and opened it.

Mainly to diffuse the smell.

The cool breeze from the sea lifted her blond hair, and the always serious ship girl realized more clearly that her face was also surprisingly hot.

", please find someone to clean the conference room."

Enterprise raised his hand and pulled down the military cap on his head deeply, covering his face.


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