People Are Collapsing Iron And Possessing All Realms

Chapter 26·I’Ll Smooth Everything For You

If the ship girls who have the power of warships in their bodies do not activate the mind cube to materialize the ship equipment, then except for the strength and physical fitness that far exceeds that of ordinary humans, they will really be no different from humans in other aspects... maybe?

At least as far as their living habits are concerned, they are just like ordinary girls.

Belfast did not go to public bathhouses. Most of the Sakura Kankan girls loved taking baths. Many times, even if they had nothing to do during the day, they could be seen in twos and threes.

She always felt that her current state was not suitable for going to those places.

Therefore, Belfast returned to his independent dormitory in the harbor, but this also meant——

——In a sense, she was "bathing" alone with Commander Bai Yu at this time.

Even though he kept mentally preparing himself along the way, when the real thing happened, Belfast was still too embarrassed to say a word.

The warm water from the shower head slid down the milky white soft skin. I don't know whether it was because of the heat in the bathroom or the restlessness in the body, but the blush on her cheeks was shockingly hot. Although her eyes were tightly closed, her long and thick curled eyelashes could not be held back. trembling...

It was clear that she was actually the only one in the bathroom, but as soon as she thought of the Commander in the sea of ​​consciousness, Belfast felt as if she was live broadcasting to the Commander.

Is there really a normal girl in this world who would do this kind of thing for someone on a live broadcast less than a day after they met her (tremor)!

Even if the relationship between the two is that of ship girl and commander, Belfast still's so fucking exciting!




"Commander, can you please stop reading?"

"……ah? 』

"I've heard you recite it a dozen times, and I've almost memorized it, "If your heart is as clear as ice, you won't be surprised if the sky falls"..."

Bai Yu: "..."

I kept reciting the Bing Xin Jue silently in the sea of ​​consciousness, but accidentally made a sound and was heard by Belfast?

Perhaps it was because of the contract signed between the two. Although Belfast could not fully understand her thoughts like Bai Yu could, he could vaguely feel Bai Yu's emotions.

The commander seems to be more embarrassed than she is.

Realizing this, Belfast became less shy and his movements became more graceful and generous.

——He even deliberately posed in a few poses to show off his beautiful figure.

(I see, whether it is as a ship girl against the commander, or as a maid against the master, is it so enjoyable to tease the commander by subduing her superiors?)

(I can somewhat understand the mood of the sisters from the Sakura series who tease Miss Nagato on weekdays.)

Thinking of this, Belfast slightly curled his lips, lowered his head and lowered his eyes, missing his toes.

She is truly stunning~

"Commander, does it look good?"

Bai Yu's subtle voice sounded in his mind.

"Even judging from my experience, this is a very astonishing scale..."

Although Sister Tingyun, who always teases him, has a great figure, she is still not comparable to Mr. Bei.

As for Fu Xuan...

Forget it, if she mentioned Fu Taifu at this time, she would definitely cry!

She can't even compare to the sparrow who claims to be a sunny and cheerful gambling monster!

Um? And Bailu?

No, no, no, that is no longer a question of whether they can be compared, but a question of whether they should be punished or not!

Bai Yu quickly ran through the girls he was close to in his mind, but Belfast was surprised by his commander's outspokenness.

"Commander, are you saying that you are 'experienced'? I really didn't expect that."


How should I put it? Strictly speaking, Bai Yu actually has no experience at all in this life.

Even though he has already experienced Fu Xuan's creamy ice cream, he has not taken the last step yet - Fu Xuan has not given up the idea of ​​reversing his fortune as he divined it, and is trying to cut off the doubts in her eyes. Baiyu's "rotten peach blossom" makes herself the one that blooms alone.

This is also the reason why Fu Xuan and Ting Yun have always been vaguely hostile to each other.

There was nothing unusual in Belfast's tone, but Bai Yu still sensed a slight hint of emotion.

He sighed secretly.

Regardless of the qualifications and abilities of other commanders, at least they and their ship girls are in the same world and can accompany them day and night.

But he, the commander, couldn't even appear physically, and his consciousness would even leave before long.

This left Belfast with a lingering sense of uneasiness. It was also because of this uneasiness that the maid forced Bai Yu to stay and a series of subsequent actions.

"Don't worry, Befa, since you took the initiative to contract to become my ship's wife, then I will naturally assume the responsibility of being the commander." 』

"At least, I'm not the type to leave a cute maid who calls me 'Master' aside. 』


Belfast's sparkling purple eyes were filled with mist. He put his right hand on his chest and smiled like a flower.

Commander, I really felt her thoughts very well.

The light warmth completely dissipated the embarrassment caused by the current situation between the two of them. Belfast finished taking a bath in a happy mood and changed into clean clothes.

Sitting in front of the dressing table and wiping her slightly damp silver hair, she sighed with some trouble: "It would be great if you were here, Commander. As a maid, it would be a huge dereliction of duty to fail to serve the master in the first place."

"I believe there will be opportunities in the future. 』

Bai Yu said.

This is not because he really knows what to do, but because compared with the current difficulties, the universe containing infinite possibilities will not allow Bai Yu to encounter a solution to the current predicament in the future.

Maybe this comfort really had an effect. Belfast chuckled, stood up and said, "Then, let me, this incompetent maid, lead you, Master, to get familiar with this port area."

……Dividing line……

The location is at the bottom of the deep sea where sunlight cannot reach it.

In an unknown steel castle, in a room filled with various mechanical equipment, with the sound of an airlock releasing pressure, the oval hatch of the repair cabin opened with bursts of white smoke.

The tester climbed out of the repair cabin while rubbing his arms, and stepped on the cold alloy floor with his bare and pale feet.

"It seems you had a lot of fun this time, didn't you?"

A naturally seductive voice sounded, and the startled tester glared at the twisted tentacles that appeared in the corner of the room at an unknown time.

"Can you please stop showing up so suddenly every time?"

"Also, do you call a state where half of your head explodes as 'having fun'?"

"Isn't this trying to comfort you?" The tentacles twisted and extended to the tester's feet, slowly wrapping around her round and smooth ankles.

The tester raised his foot to break free, then stepped on it mercilessly, crushing the tentacle into a soft cake with a snap, and then raised his eyes to stare at the observer who slowly walked out of the darkness.

"Okay, you're here to ask about things about Belfast, right?"

"Yes." The observer tapped the corner of his mouth with his index finger and narrowed his eyes slightly. "The aura that burst out from that maid lady at that moment scared people even though they were hundreds of sea miles away. Are you shivering?"

"I wonder if you have any interesting information about that mysterious commander?"

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