People Are Collapsing Iron And Possessing All Realms

Chapter 347·Which Law Did I Break? Just Destroy It When You Get Back!

In the largest accounting room in the camp.

"The conditions are simple and there is no time to prepare refreshments that suit Miss Funina's status, so please don't be offended.

Sitting elegantly opposite Fonina, Arecino had a faint smile on his face.

Funina raised her eyebrows and glanced outside the tent unconsciously.

The fire guerrilla soldier named Jarstorich just now was wailing continuously, and it seemed that he had been beaten badly.

She turned back to look at Arecino across from her.

The relevant information about this executive officer of the Fools Codenamed "Servant" has naturally been sent to the case by her intelligence network all over the mainland.

If it were in the past, Funina would definitely feel frightened if she faced her alone.

But now Fufu is so confident that she even secretly expects Arecino to suddenly take action.

Although it is not to the point where she is armed with a weapon and has a murderous intention, it must be admitted that Fu Nina, who was armed by Bai Yu, is now... ambitious.

"I thought the servant lady wanted to ask for an explanation for my bullying of the fools." Funina took a bite of the cake prepared by Arecino.

Do you still know that you are bullying people!?

Are you embarrassed for a god to bully a group of mortals!?

I have never seen a god personally catch a group of mortals and beat them up!

The corners of Arecino's mouth twitched. Although she wanted to question her directly, the news about Funina in the past few days made her have to be cautious.

This strange water god is just out of character. Although the power he displays is weird, it is not incomprehensible. As a god, it is normal for him to have some abilities that mortals cannot understand.

Although according to Arecino's analysis, Funina's current abilities seem to be based on certain weapons, except for the energy shield that can block everything.

But the power displayed by those weapons was so terrifying that Arecino believed that these items might be "artifacts" that only gods could use.

"Although my subordinates are operating within Fontainebleau, they do not seem to have violated the laws of Fontainebleau. Miss Funina, does your behavior go against Fontainebleau's 'justice'?"

With a secret sigh, Arecino decided to give up force and instead apply pressure from other aspects.

As the God of Justice, taking the lead in violating justice [You shouldn’t give an explanation—Arecino’s eyes clearly said this when he wrapped Nina.

Funina blinked her eyes and said: "They entered the country illegally and did not report it to Fontainebleau. This is illegal immigration, and stowaways are not protected by Fontainebleau law."

Arecino said "Huh?"

"Fontaine...and this law?"

"Yes." Funina nodded, "I just added it temporarily."

Do you understand what the "law amendment" law means after controlling the power of legislation and judicial interpretation (tactical retreat)!?

Arecino was dumbfounded.

After being silent for a while, she could only say helplessly: "Miss Funina, you are more...well, elusive than I thought."

(Humph, this is what Xiaobai taught me!)

Funina was secretly happy in her heart.

She has not yet taken out the big killer weapon of "You said I broke the law? Which one? I will destroy it when I get back."

"Then, Miss Funina, I will ask the following people to go to Fontainebleau to report for entry later, and please Miss Funina not to embarrass them again."

"Then they can no longer steal Fontaine's hydrological data." Funina made her request.

Really think that?

Arecino frowned.

The reason why the fools collect these is to analyze the prophecy crisis and try to find a solution.

"Miss Funina, with all due respect, my people are doing this to find a solution to the prophecy crisis——I think you should be aware of this matter.

After much deliberation, Arecino finally decided to show off.

The Funina in front of her was really strange. She seemed to really not care about anything and completely ignored the pressure she had just exerted intentionally or unintentionally.

"Perhaps you don't know that I am also from Fontaine, so at least I have the same position as you when it comes to solving the prophecy crisis."

Funina paused while eating the cake. After a moment, she smiled and said: "Prophecy, it will be solved, don't worry. Since you are also from Fontaine, you should believe me even more."

Arecino became increasingly helpless.

She had no idea what Fu Nina planned to do, and the water god's past performance did not show that he was working hard to deal with the prophecy crisis.

"Then, can I know what Miss Funina has done to deal with the prophecy crisis?"

Funina didn't answer.

Arecino fell into thought again.

Intelligence showed that Funina had appeared in Liyue some time ago, and she happened to be caught up in the Bashi attack.

Afterwards, the Fools naturally investigated the matter and found the Abyss Cult. They were also very concerned about Bashi's obviously wrong mechanical body.


"Miss Funina, are you planning to let gods from other countries come to help Fontaine survive the prophecy crisis?"

This was the best Arlecino could think of.

Funina cleared away the last piece of cake in her hand, took out her silk scarf and wiped the corners of her mouth elegantly: "I can only say, I have no comment."

——Because I don’t know anything about 953!

She lamented inwardly.

If it weren't for getting the exact news from Bai Yu, it was predicted that the crisis would soon end, everything would be resolved, and she would be freed from the position of water god that restrained her, and could truly do what she wanted to do, she would now There was absolutely no way he could face Arecino so calmly.

Thinking like this, there was a sudden commotion outside.

Fonina and Arecino looked at each other, got up and left the accounting room.

As soon as they came outside, the two saw two streams of light falling from the sky.

The light fell to the ground and turned into white elm and shadow.


Seeing Bai Yu, Ningna ran down quickly in surprise.

Behind her, Arecino's pupils suddenly shrank, and she recognized Lei Qianqian's identity.


(How come Inazuma's God of Thunder appears here, and this man...

After taking a deep look at Funina, Arecino became more and more sure of his guess.

It seems that the plan of the water god Fukalos includes gods from other countries—first the rock god of Liyue, and then the thunder god of Inazuma.

There was also that strange silver-haired man. Arecino's eyes fell on Bai Yu, his searching look palpable. .

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