"Wow, you two only eat so much and you can't eat? Come, drink two plain water!" After speaking, Qi Bai handed them two bottles of carbonated drinks.

This is the Hirano water that Qi Bai mentioned before. It is one of the earliest carbonated drinks. The taste is not bad, with a light apple flavor.

Sabito and Makomo took a sip of Hirano water, and their eyes brightened.

"Qi Bai, this is delicious!" Sabito said.

Makomo on the side raised the own question, "Qi Bai, where did you get the drink from? There is nothing in your hand!"

Hmm... careless!

I can't tell Makomo, I bought this thing and put it in my Interspatial Ring!

After thinking about it, Qi Bai found a reason.

"I bought it just now, I have been holding it all the time, you just didn't see it, look, Teacher Linlong is here!"

Said Qi Bai pointed forward, looked in the direction of Qi Bai's finger, and sure enough saw Urokodaki Sakonji.

Qi Bai breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately he was able to fool the past, the teacher Linlong came at the right time.

Soon, Urokodaki Sakonji came in front of the three.

"It looks like you guys are having a lot of fun. If you've had enough fun, go home!"

"Okay!" The three of them happily agreed, and set foot on the way home.

On the way, Qi Bai asked: "Mr. Linlong, where have you been?"

"I went to see my former friends and chatted." Urokodaki Sakonji replied.

Qi Bai nodded after hearing this, and muttered in a low voice, "I thought Teacher Linlong would go to Flower Street for a while!"

As soon as the words came out, his head was severely hammered.

Qi Bai covered his head in pain.

"Ah! Teacher Rinaki, why did you hit me!"

"Hmph!" Urokodaki Sakonji said angrily, "What's wrong with beating you, it's not big or small!"

After Qi Bai heard this, he smiled mischievously and didn't say anything else.

There is no way, whoever let own whisper is heard, can only say that it is time to call.

On the other hand, Sabito was very happy when Qi Bai was beaten.

"Hahaha, Qi Bai, let you talk too much, you will be beaten!"

Makomo gently rubbed the place where Qi Bai was beaten.

With tears in his eyes, Qi Bai hugged Makomo.

"Whoa, Makomo is the best, not as sympathetic as Sabito!"

Sabito: ...

Why don't you forget to blackmail yourself at any time!

And if I'm not mistaken, Qi Bai is taking advantage of Makomo again!

"Get off Qi Bai, let go of Makomo!" Sabito roared.

The four of them walked towards Mount Sagiri in such a noisy manner.

When passing through a forest, Qi Bai suddenly shivered.

It was here that I met Mukago last time, and I said that I would not be able to meet the bottom string this time.

Coincidentally, Sabito saw Qi Bai who was shivering.

"Qi Bai, what's wrong with you, you're still shivering, don't you be afraid!"

After Sabito finished speaking, he waited for Qi Bai's reply.

After all, when I was with Qi Bai, the most common thing I did was bicker.

However, this time, the situation is somewhat different.

What Sabito originally expected did not happen.

Instead, Qi Bai said with a serious face: "I'm really a little scared, what if a ghost suddenly pops out of the woods!"

"I'm fine, but none of you three have Nichirin Blades!"

After Sabito heard this, the expression on his face suddenly froze.

Damn, what a joke! Qi Bai is a crow's mouth who can say everything, if Xiaxian really appears, it will be cold!

Ah, Damn it's knife ban!

Urokodaki Sakonji on the side said right away: "It won't be such a coincidence, Sabito don't be nervous, just leave quickly."

After finishing speaking, the four began to quicken their pace, preparing to leave the woods quickly.

When the four of them were about to leave the woods, an ape with a strange shape suddenly jumped out of the woods and came in front of the four of them.

Looking at the four people in front of him, the strangely shaped ape showed a humane smile.

"Four people! That's enough! Let's forget about the old man, the meat is old and not tasty!"

"That muscular guy should look good, and that little girl should also be delicious!"

The four of them listened to the strange ape's words expressionlessly until the ape finished speaking.

Sabito then said with a look of despair: "Qi Bai, you are really a crow's mouth! How could you really jump out of the ghost!"

"I, Makomo, and Ryotaki-sensei didn't bring Nichirin Blades out!"

Qi Bai rolled his eyes, "It's my fault, how did I know there would really be ghosts!"

"The last time Lin Bei walked through the woods and jumped out of the last four, he didn't complain, what are you complaining about!"

"Huh? When did you meet the bottom four, why didn't you tell me!" Sabito said.

"I'm afraid you are worried! That's why I didn't say anything." Qi Bai replied confidently.

Urokodaki Sakonji said at this time: "I didn't expect you to touch the lower string!"

"It's amazing!"

Makomo listened to the three talking with interest.

Only the weird ape was left, looking at the four of them in bewilderment.

In other words, I am a ghost, why are they not afraid of me, but still fighting? And he was still talking about the fourth of the last string.

I recently heard that the fourth of the last strings is dead, it can't be that they did it!

The more the weird ape thought about it, the more awkward it became. In the end, he couldn't help it, and shouted at the four of them: "You four guys, why are you still thinking about arguing!"

"I'm a ghost! Aren't you afraid of me!"

After Qi Bai heard it, he said: "What's wrong with the ghost, it's not Kibutsuji Muzan, just a fish ghost, it would be great to turn into a monkey?"

After hearing the ghost, the weird ape roared angrily: "I'm not a ghost! I'm Kamanue! I'll be promoted to the bottom soon!"


Qi Bai was stunned when he heard the name.

I am familiar with this, this is the sixth of the last string in the future!

But now, he wasn't, at least not with engravings in his eyes.

"It's great when the strings are played?" Qi Bai said disdainfully.

"Let me introduce to you, the spectator, the former Shui Zhu, as for the other two, I won't talk about it, do you think you are the opponent of the former Shui Zhu?"

Kamanue froze when he heard that.

Former water column? Own luck is really good, I met my ex Shuizhu.

mom! Don't leave me a meal tonight!

Thinking of this, Kamanue felt a little desperate, he was really going to die.

But he suddenly remembered that the flesh-colored kid said that they didn't bring Nichirin Blades!

That is to say!

Kamanue's eyes brightened. It seemed that he could kill a water column today. Although he was the former water column, he could also add a brilliant stroke to own's record!

Immediately, his figure flickered and turned into a colorful tiger.

Seeing the fierce tiger, Qi Bai regained his spirits.

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