This is to make myself a scene of Wu Song fighting a tiger!

This Qi Bai is familiar! Too ripe!

So, he immediately took a step forward and shouted sharply: "Hey! That big worm is too presumptuous! I am Wu Song from Jingyanggang!"

"Look at me killing harm for the people today, and beat you, a big bug!"

How many people are present:? ? ?

What is he saying? I know every word, why can't I understand what it means when they are connected together?

In particular, Kamanue looked even more confused.

What is a big bug? I'm afraid there is something wrong with this ghost hunter!

At this time, Makomo carefully tugged at the corner of Qi Bai's clothes.

"Well, Qi Bai, we live on Mount Sagiri, and why do you say your name is Wu Song, isn't your name Qi Bai?"

Qi Bai was stunned when he heard this.

I didn't realize that Makomo is a natural idiot, is this her hidden attribute?

Kind of cute!

But Qi Bai couldn't answer the question she asked.

"Ahem, cough, what, Makomo, I'll explain this to you later! Now go and hide behind!"

After speaking, Qi Bai signaled Makomo to hide behind Sabito.

Then he said to Sabito: "Protect Makomo! Rabbit!"

"You don't need to say it!" Sabito said seriously.

After getting Sabito's answer, Qi Bai turned his attention to Kamanue who turned into a tiger.

I don't know if the tiger that the ghost turned into has a weakness like a normal tiger.

Urokodaki Sakonji on the side asked softly: "Qi Bai, is it really okay, this is a ghost who is going to be promoted to the lower string."

"If not, you take Sabito and the others to the Vine House in Asakusa, there are spare Nichirin Blades!"

"I'll hold him back!"

After hearing this, Qi Bai gave a thumbs up and showed a smile that could blind people's eyes.

"Don't worry, Mr. Rinaki, just leave it to me, you should see my way today!"

Kamanue, who turned into a tiger at the side, couldn't help but roared: "There's no end to it! Rory is so talkative, how dare you ignore me!"

"I have been ignoring more than 500 words, and I have missed more than 500 words. I don't care who you are, die!"

Kamanue, who turned into a tiger, roared and rushed directly at Qi Bai.

Qi Bai didn't intend to dodge at all, when Kamanue was about to pounce in front of him, Qi Bai moved.

At a speed invisible to the naked eye, a sliding shovel came under Kamanue.

Given that there are Sabito and Makomo next to him, it is not easy for Qi Bai to disembowel Kamanue with a slide shovel, after all, it would be too bloody and violent.

And it also damaged his tall and mighty image.

Sabito: tui, you have the image of a hammer!

Therefore, Qi Bai changed his move temporarily, and a crimson fighting energy emerged from the palm of his hand, exuding a terrifying temperature. It was the unique fighting energy belonging to Beidou Shenquan Gangquan.

"Beidou just palmed the wave!"

The palm with red fighting spirit slammed into Kamanue's abdomen.

With a muffled sound, Kamanue was directly sent flying by the palm.

In the next second, the battle energy in Qi Bai's hand turned golden, and then he jumped up, aimed at Kamanue's head, and blasted a powerful punch.

"Beidou punches the sky!"

The fist with golden fighting spirit bombarded Kamanue's head, and with a bang, Kamanue's entire body was smashed into pieces.

And each of these fragments is attached with Qi Bai's golden grudge, and before it hits the ground, it is evaporated.

At this moment, the three people on the ground were stunned.

The original trio originally thought that this time it would be a hard fight, but in just a few tens of seconds, a ghost who was about to be promoted to the next stage was killed by Qi Bai's two strokes.

No Nichirin Blades, just fists.

Qi Bai let out a long sigh of relief and clapped his hands.

"Call work after work! Let's go quickly! In case anything happens later."

After hearing Qi Bai's voice, the three of them reacted.

"Wow! Qi Bai, when did you become so powerful! You can kill ghosts who are about to be promoted!" Sabito exclaimed.

Regarding this, Qi Bai waved his hand, saying that this is all trivial!

And Urokodaki Sakonji also said: "Unexpectedly, Qi Bai, it has not been long before you already have such strength!"

"And it seems that you haven't exhausted all your strength. If you have exhausted all your strength, I'm afraid you will be able to fight against the real one!"

"Yes, Mr. Rinaki, you are right, I can indeed fight against Xiaxian now! And I can beat Xiaxian!" Qi Bai said.

There is another sentence that Qi Bai kept hidden in his heart and did not say it.

Not only was he able to defeat Xia Xian, but he also took in Xia Xian as a maid.

If this matter is told, no one will believe it.

But if you say it casually, it will cause trouble.

After all, he is a member of the Ghost Killing Squad.

You know, a hundred years ago, Ji Guoyuan was expelled from the Ghost Killing Squad just because he let Tamayo go, and he brought a ghost to be his maid...

I'm afraid the whole ghost killing team will chase and kill him!

Thinking of this, Qi Bai couldn't help wiping off his cold sweat, and at the same time a plan was put on Qi Bai's agenda.

"Okay, what's the matter, let's go back and talk about it!" After finishing speaking, Qi Bai hurriedly walked forward.

After hearing this, the three of them left the forest following Qi Bai's pace without saying anything.

On the way, Sabito murmured: "Damn it's knife ban! If there is no knife ban, I can come with Nichirin Blades!"

After Qi Bai heard it, he slapped him mercilessly: "Then, with Nichirin Blades, feed the tiger directly with a sliding shovel?"

"You are such a little genius!"

Sabito:? ? ?

Ahhh! Why beat yourself up!

At this time, Sabito wanted to go crazy, but because he was on the road, he had no time to go crazy, so he could only endure it.

At this time, Makomo suddenly asked: "How far are we from Mount Sagiri?"

Urokodaki Sakonji replied: "Soon, soon, there should be no ghosts on this road!"

At this moment, Qi Bai stopped suddenly, grabbed the other three people who were advancing, and looked forward with serious eyes.

"Who, get out!"

Sabito was a little confused by Qi Bai's burst of shouting.

"What's the matter Qi Bai, why did you say that suddenly?"

After hearing this, Qi Bai pointed to the ground in front of him with a serious face.

"Sabito, look, there's a problem there!"

Talking about the direction of Qi Bai's finger, Sabito looked over, but only saw some withered trees and some withered grass, and found nothing wrong.

"Eh? What's the problem, isn't it just some dead grass and trees!"

"It's not normal, it's like this when it's cold." Sabito said doubtfully.

Qi Bai shook his head.

"No, Sabito, you're wrong, you think those plants withered just because of the cold weather?"

"You are looking carefully!"

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