[Anomaly: Cthulhu Roll Rough (SCP26662). Anomaly Level 4: Destruction. 】

[The characteristics of this project are: a humanoid creature with some characteristics of mythical Cthulhu, with bat-like wings and twenty tentacles on the back of its head (this thing is really not Cthulhu?] ), can use tentacles flexibly, can handle eleven jobs at the same time. 】

[This project has weak cognitive pollution, which will cause cognitive pollution to humans with cognitive level one, making them feel that the project is the Supreme Lord Cthulhu, and try to perform sacrifices, spells, rituals and other acts on the project.] 】

[Note: Do you know how terrifying the range of cognitive level one is, that is even three percent of all human beings! ] Only fools, paranoia, a few humans fall into this category. 】

Looking at the abnormal characteristics, Gu Zeyuan fell into deep thought.

“Thank you, thank you very much!”

Levi saved it from the throne of human bones.

This throne, made of human bones, is surrounded by sharp bone stubble.

And Cthulhu didn’t want to get all over the scales, so he could only stay on this throne all the time.

And, as soon as he was carried down, he began to thank the surrounding foundation personnel.

Levi, dressed in crimson-1, stood beside Gu Zeyuan and asked in a low voice:

“What is it? When did the monster be so polite too? ”

Gu Zeyuan shrugged.

“Obviously, this is an anomaly that communicates and behaves in a fairly friendly manner.”

Levi pouted.

“Excuse me, what kind of organization are you, can you take me away?” I can’t stand those crazy people, oh my God! ”

Cthulhu asked Gu Zeyuan and begged.

The corner of Gu Zeyuan’s mouth twitched unconsciously.

Other foundation personnel are also slightly numb 070 wood.

This is the first time they have seen an abnormality, and they rushed to find the foundation to take them in.

It’s so weird!

Rubbing his eyebrows, Gu Zeyuan asked, “Can you tell us specifically, why can’t you stand this… Are believers? ”

Cthulhu Roll Rough immediately began the tragic narration:

“Oh God, this group of people somehow carried me here and put me on the seat of the human bone.”

“The blood on the bones hasn’t dried yet! And some sticky flesh and blood. Vomit! Also stabbed me! ”

“After that, the group began a ritual that I could not understand, dividing the captured people, skinning, and dissecting them.”

“They even wanted me to eat my heart. My God! I can’t talk anymore! Vomit! ”

Seeing that Cthulhu was really about to vomit, Gu Zeyuan hurriedly waved his hand, so that he didn’t have to say any more.

Although it is not certain, it is preliminarily confirmed.

This abnormality has the normal three views of human beings, as well as likes and dislikes.

Food is not a human fear or something, but sandwiches or ham.

“If you come with us, you will have to be held in a room and not allowed to leave.”

Gu Zeyuan tested this abnormality.

Cthulhu Roll visibly hesitated.

Gu Zeyuan’s eyes gradually became cold, and Yu Guang glanced at Levi beside him, ready to let him move.

“Do you have anything to eat?” He asked in confusion at this point.

Gu Zeyuan:

“The foundation provides three meals a day, including bread omelette and bacon for breakfast, and two vegetarians for lunch.”

Hearing this, Cthulhu’s thick eyes lit up.

Gu Zeyuan continued: (adec) “Every month, you have a quota of 6,000 cherry blossom coins (about 300 yuan), which you can buy single-player games, entertainment supplies, etc. ”

Speaking of this, I saw Cthulhu rolling a thick sliding shovel and came to Gu Zeyuan’s feet.

“Please take me in! Thank you very much! ”

Gu Zeyuan patted his forehead.

“Go and prepare the containment box, and then transfer it to the shelter site, the containment room is on the general specifications, according to the additional items I just said.”

Gu Zeyuan ordered.

Everyone in the foundation looked at each other, and the last group of people went to prepare the containment box.

Levi and Gu Zeyuan walked out of this underground passage together.

After that, it will be swept away by the foundation’s external capital, so there is no need to worry.

Some of the believers here chased out of the underground passage.

Fortunately, the Foundation cleared the surroundings beforehand.

As long as some surveillance video is eliminated, the containment is considered a complete success.

As they walked side by side, Levi suddenly asked:

“Where did you throw Erwin?”

Levi would raise this question, and Gu Zeyuan was not surprised.

For the most part, Levi followed Erwin to join the foundation.

“He has more important things, you should understand, that regiment leader has the ability to shoulder the future of mankind.”

Gu Zeyuan said.

It is impossible for him to reveal the identity of Erwin O5 MP.

And Levi no longer asked.

As Gu Zeyuan said, that regiment leader will never waver even if he is in a difficult situation.

Even in the face of their own sacrifice, they can also rationally order and fight for the future of mankind.

After walking out of the underground passage, Gu Zeyuan inadvertently glanced at a brown-haired figure.

On his way here, he watched the recording of the containment transmitted in real time.

Naturally, it is known that it is the only D-class personnel who survived this time, D-181.

Speaking of which, when this guy went down, he walked in the front, but only she survived.

Gu Zeyuan walked over and gently patted D-181’s shoulder.

The D-rank immediately turned around.

When she saw that it was Gu Zeyuan, her eyes lit up.

“Will grow up!”

For a D-level, she knew very few foundation personnel, but only knew this president.

After all, Gu Zeyuan’s deeds are in full swing in the foundation.

“This mission was well done.” Gu Zeyuan praised.

“Eh!” D-181’s eyes widened. “The president actually praised me! Can the president remove me from the D-rank list? ”

Gu Zeyuan said with a smile: “Of course it’s impossible. ”

The originally hopeful gaze of the D-181 instantly turned into a dead fish’s eye.

Just kidding, D-class personnel still want to turn over?

You’re all death row inmates, okay!

“However, you will be removed from this month’s execution list, please continue to contribute to humanity.”

Gu Zeyuan appropriately encouraged this brown-haired girl. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

When D-181 heard this, he cried.

Still at the D level, even if you don’t execute it, perform this contact task, and be treated as an experiment, isn’t that the same?

Gu Zeyuan didn’t care what her reaction was, waved his hand, and left.

Return to Chiba.

It’s already late, and I definitely won’t be able to catch up when I go back to class.

So, Gu Zeyuan decided to go again tomorrow.

And, until then…

Go see the neighbors.

Although Gu Zeyuan didn’t want to do trouble, he was asked by Hiratsuka Jing, and he went to see Jiabaili’s situation.

As a result, as soon as Gu Zeyuan arrived at the apartment, he received a call from the foundation.

Cthulhu Rolling Rough (SCP26662) was robbed during the escort.

Hearing this news, Gu Zeyuan’s people were numb.

Therefore, I can only rush to the foundation site to see the situation.

Fortunately, two hours later, under the actions of armed personnel and mobile contingent A-Wings of Freedom.

Cthulhu Rolling Rough (SCP266662) was taken back.

The attack is recorded as follows:

Cthulhu rolled through the black containment box and transferred it to a special foundation motorhome.

Nearby, the RV is equipped with seven Foundation sedans and a Foundation loading vehicle.

Thirty armed men, five Freedom Wings members were responsible for the escort.

Halfway out of Osaka, the road ahead was suddenly detonated and the convoy was forced to stop.

At the time, Cthulhu Rolling was bathing in the RV and preparing to sleep.

Five civilians blew up the RV where the project was located, attempting to climb into the RV from the blast outlet.

Armed personnel and mobile contingents immediately intervened and five civilians were placed under control on the spot, resulting in two Class D personnel charging the RV at this time.

In order to avoid the explosive collar of the execution of D-class personnel, which harmed the project, remote execution could not be carried out.

One of the D-Class personnel cut his hands with debris from the ground and smeared strange symbols in the RV with blood.

Another D-level person pulled out his own promoter and carried out a (data deletion) campaign on the project.

Cthulhu: Oh my God, two, it’s not hygienic, and it’s completely unnecessary!

After the event, the D-class cut his own promoter and smeared blood and bodily fluids onto the project, singing along the way.

Cthulhu Roll: Oh God! Stop it! Please! I just finished my shower!

Two D-class personnel were executed by armed men who arrived in the process.

The project rushed into the toilet and vomited.

Record of the attack ended.

Look at this record of the attack.

Gu Zeyuan wanted to scold the street, but he couldn’t scold.

How can there be so many abstract artists in the world?

However, if you think about it, people with a cognitive level of one account for only three percent of human beings.

However, it cannot stand the large human population base.


In this way, the abnormal level four of Cthulhu Rolling Thick not only did not set high, but was a little low.

Fortunately, now Cthulhu has been pressed into the shelter and placed in the containment room.

[Successful containment abnormality: Cthulhu rolling rough (SCP26662). 】

[Containment level 4 destruction, excellent containment. 】

[Reward one lottery for level 4.] 】

Although the containment was successful, it also woke up Gu Zeyuan.

Some projects are really not suitable for sites in the city.

Once containment fails, the impact is too great.

The establishment of sub-sites, especially in uninhabited areas, has begun to loom.

Gu Zeyuan is thinking about future development.

It’s a pity that during this time, Shinomiya Kaguya has never contacted the head of the Shinomiya family, or even met.

The black light virus has not yet been able to infect the head of the fourth palace.

It is necessary to take the initiative and bring the other four chaebols into their hands.

(Family, the monthly pass is still quite important, please please!) There are also tips and reminders! Casting a free flower and evaluation is also a great support for Sanqi! Thank you, sir! )。

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