It’s time for a nice draw again!

One level 3 draw, one level 4 draw.

It just so happened that Gu Zeyuan was at the foundation site.

He hugged the two eyepeas.

The fly rubbed its hands .jpg

The two eyed peas, looking at their own hair growth, looked at each other, indicating that they were used to it.

As a rule, take the three-level lottery pad knife first.

Click on the draw.

I saw that on the lottery interface, a purple light streaked ~ by.

[Get Bonus Purple: Containment Rainbow Lollipop (SCP332 IX.] -】

Gu Zeyuan:!?

With the reward withdrawal, a bucket of rainbow lollipops fell into Gu Zeyuan’s hands.

[Containment: Rainbow Lollipop (SCP332 IX), Containment Level: 0 Safe. 】

[Containment characteristics: The item is a delicious-looking lollipop that, when placed in the mouth, produces three times the sweetness of ordinary sugar, and switches between eighteen flavors such as apple, orange, and strawberry. 】

[Abnormal characteristics: When there is the sweetness of the item in the mouth, the eater will have weak meme characteristics, and any words spoken, others will be persuaded, unconditionally trusted, and the meme effect lasts until the taste disappears. 】

[Note: After the meme effect disappears, the persuaded person will continue to believe what they just heard until someone else has exposed the loophole in the logic.] So, please don’t use it to lure little loli, the FBI will still step through your door. 】

Look at the containment characteristics.

Gu Zeyuan felt that some food was tasteless, and it was a pity to abandon it.

Some chicken ribs.

Since devouring grotesque insects, Gu Zeyuan’s black light virus has become transmissible.

Direct assimilation is much more reliable than this weak meme persuasion.

Moreover, he still needs to kidnap Lori


It doesn’t matter, the three-level lottery is just a cushion knife.

Gu Zeyuan rubbed his hands and pressed the fourth-level lottery.

This time, a golden light streaked across the panel.

Gu Zeyuan showed a reassuring smile.

The red light cannot be seen, but with the golden light, it is always good.

[Award: Phoenix Project Science and Technology Model.] 】

“Project Phoenix!? Is that the Phoenix Project I thought! ”

Gu Zeyuan was excited and accepted this reward.

A scientific and technological model appeared in Gu Zeyuan’s mind.

The so-called scientific and technological model means that even if you don’t know the principle, you can prepare the material and honestly manufacture it according to the template, and you can also create a finished product.

This technology model also gives a detailed explanation of the function.

did not disappoint Gu Zeyuan, this is the phoenix plan he thought.

The Phoenix Project, as the name suggests, Phoenix Nirvana, is a technology that can regenerate people.

The technology mainly includes two important directions.

The first is the upload of consciousness and the simulation of digital consciousness.

The second is biogenetic engineering and cloning technology.

The main body of the Phoenix Project is a huge cultivation warehouse.

In the culture warehouse, all the data of the individual will be recorded, and the individual’s thinking will be preserved in the form of digital consciousness.

When an individual dies, Project Phoenix will be signaled and activated.

Consume the resources in the culture chamber to clone a body that is exactly the same as the individual.

Thus achieving the resurrection.

Of course, the program can also be used in the pursuit of immortality.

When an individual ages, he can still upload consciousness, clone a young body, and transmit consciousness into it.

However, as mentioned earlier in the discussion of feminization agents, the individual’s body will affect the individual’s thinking.

The consciousness of old age is affected by the young body.

In theory, this also erases the old individual and creates a new one.

This process is a serious violation of the Foundation’s regulations.

Project Phoenix will be strictly prohibited from being used to extend life.

But the program’s rated functionality will be a leap forward for the foundation.

“Prepare the resources and materials on this list and send them to Room C-137 on the light containment floor.”

Gu Zeyuan listed a list of materials needed for the Phoenix Project and handed it to the foundation personnel.

For today’s tech environment, the supplies to build Project Phoenix are extremely expensive.

More than just consumables for main culture chambers and quantum computers.

There is also subsequent continuous consumption.

The cost of cloning an identical individual is a high number.

In room C-137 on the light containment floor.

According to the template of the Phoenix Project, Gu Zeyuan created the main body’s cultivation warehouse, quantum computer, and consciousness transmission system.

Look at the helmet that transmits consciousness.

After Gu Zeyuan pondered for a moment, he did not upload a backup of his consciousness.

His body can hardly be cloned.

After continuous evolution, the black light virus is no longer able to be analyzed by normal technology.

Moreover, Gu Zeyuan’s consciousness may not be able to be recorded by digital consciousness.

His consciousness was mixed with fragments of the Supreme Divinity.

Perhaps only a device that is also used as a supreme divinity can simulate Gu Zeyuan’s consciousness.

“Big brother, what is this?”

Yuri Nao appeared in the C-137 holding room at an unknown time.

Gu Zeyuan noticed it, but didn’t care much.

Moreover, it just so happened that Yurina O’s came.

Gu Zeyuan pressed Yuri Nao to the seat on the side, and then put the helmet of consciousness on her head.

“This is a product that surpasses current science and technology, and its main function is nirvana.”

Gu Zeyuan explained.

Yuri Nao tilted his head, still a little incomprehensible.

“In short, sit still and leave a backup.”

Gu Zeyuan said, and started the upload procedure.

Yuri Nao’s body shook for a moment.

It’s like being electrified.

Then, the consciousness upload is over.

In the quantum computer, there is a backup of Arinao’s consciousness.

This backup will be frozen and sealed and will only be unsealed when the death of Unitis is detected.

Then the body of the clone Rina Ao backs up the unsealed consciousness and transmits it into the clone’s body.

After that, Gu Zeyuan took blood for Youli Nao, as well as some tissue samples.

Although Youli Naixu was puzzled, he still cooperated with Gu Zeyuan’s actions.

“Speaking of which, Nao, you haven’t officially joined the foundation yet.”

After finishing sampling, Gu Zeyuan suddenly said.

Yurina nodded.

Although she operates within the foundation, there is no clear level of status.

Gu Zeyuan took out the Absolute Contract Code.

“Do you want to sign a contract?”

When Yurina heard this, his turquoise eyes flashed.

“Okay! Is Big Brother finally willing to let me sign the contract? ”

She had long wanted to join, but Gu Zeyuan said that she should not judge based on her feelings.

Grab the Absolute Contract Code.

Yuri Nao signed his name on it.

The contract is in force.

“Big brother, what is my position and number?”

Yuri Nao asked expectantly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“SCP Foundation, Director of Decision Coordinator A, Director of Naroka Yuri, number A-01.”

Gu Zeyuan reported the position decision of Yuri Nao.

This is what he has long thought of.

Yuri Nao has a talent for decision-making and coordination, and joined almost at the same time as the foundation was established.

I know a lot of confidential information about the Foundation.

A: The personnel deserves it.

“Wow! All right! Yurina cheered.

She thought she would become a C-level investigator or a B-level manager.

“Okay, stop messing around here, go and gather the Foundation personnel to take samples in the C-137 containment room.”

When Gu Zeyuan said this, he paused.

The Phoenix plan to resurrect a person will consume resources, which is equivalent to a large amount of money.

And some C-level personnel absorbed outside may not be as valuable as a Phoenix Plan.


“Notify all personnel above level C, all come and take samples, not a single one is missed.”

Gu Zeyuan said in a deep voice.

The SCP Foundation is a human first organization.

When the consumption of funds does not affect the operation of the foundation and does not cause further casualties.

Human life should be regarded as something more important than money, resources and other material things.

This is the guidelines of the SCP Foundation.

Yurina nodded.

Gu Zeyuan instructed again:

“Do not disclose to anyone the purpose of this sampling and the role of the C-137 device in the containment room.”

If it can be resurrected, it is widely known.

Foundation personnel inevitably lose some of their reverence for death.

Going back and making some mess of containment failure is a headache.

The content of the Phoenix Project is only allowed to be known to those with level 4 security permissions or above.

(Level 0 only public information, Level 1 Basic Trust, Level 2 Restricted, Level 3 Confidential, 4 Top Secret, Level 5 Gemini God.) )

(Level 5 authority is granted only to o5 councillors, and 4 authority is granted to a small number of A personnel, such as site directors, decision directors, mobile task force leaders.) )

Sampling activities are in full swing inside the Foundation’s hospices.

Gu Zeyuan, on the other hand, returned to the apartment.

At this time, it was already late at night.

However, when passing by on the street, Gu Zeyuan heard the sound of shouting from the apartment next door.

For example: Up! Dregs! Die! Litter!

Words of this kind.

Looking at the flickering light in the window of the apartment next door, Gu Zeyuan fell into deep thought.

This is really the apartment of the classmate Jia Baili who braved the holy light?

It’s really problematic.

One night without a word.

The next morning, after Gu Zeyuan finished washing, he came to the door of the apartment next door.


Gu Zeyuan pressed the doorbell.

“Who! Big morning! ”

Inside came the girl’s complaining cries.

A black line appeared on Gu Zeyuan’s forehead.

“Classmate Jia Baili, I’m Gu Zeyuan, your neighbor, and classmates.”

“Yesterday you skipped class, and Shizuki-sensei Hiratsuka cares about you, so let me ask about the situation.”

There was silence in the house, and there was no reply.

“Just pretend not to be at home, you don’t want to go to school at all!”

Such a low muttering entered Gu Zeyuan’s ears.

Obviously, the person who said this thought that if the voice was lowered, it would not be heard outside.

Unfortunately, Gu Zeyuan’s perception and ear power are completely inhuman.


Gu Zeyuan kicked open the door of Jiabaili’s apartment.


Jia Baili exclaimed.

(Family, the monthly pass is still quite important, please please!) There are also tips and reminders! Casting a free flower and evaluation is also a great support for Sanqi! Thank you, sir! ).

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