【I killed someone. It was the first time I killed someone. I used a kitchen heart to kill someone. The flesh and blood on the opponent's body was scraped off by the kitchen heart one by one. In the end, only the white skeleton and internal organs were left, and he died in front of me! 】

This entry in Xiao Bai’s diary instantly made the girls who saw the diary feel terrified.

【Yukinoshita Yukino: Rem, did Xiao Bai really kill someone?】

【Nangong Nayue: It’s true. I saw it with my own eyes. Xiao Bai made the killer eat a piece of egg fried rice, and then the killer walked out of the door. He just walked to the courtyard, and the flesh and blood on his body fell off piece by piece. The last set of bones!】

【Nakiri Erina: Ouch, stop talking, I feel sick just thinking about that scene!】

【Nakiri Alice: Erina, let’s sleep together tonight. I don’t dare to sleep alone tonight!】

【Mujiuzhi Yuanguo: Well, I don’t know what to say. Xiao Bai’s methods are a bit too cruel.】

【Yukinoshita Yukino: I can accept Xiao Bai’s revenge, but in this way】

【Megumi Kato: Shiro-kun almost died. No, it should be said that he had already struggled on the edge of death and came back. I don’t realize that there is anything excessive in doing so. 】30

【Asuna Yuki: But isn’t this look a little too cruel? Will Xiao Bai become a murderer?】

【Shinomiya Kaguya: No matter what happens to Xiao Bai, I will bring him back!】

【Nangong Nayue: I was relieved when Xiao Bai did this. I was afraid that Xiao Bai would hold this breath in his heart, which would be a bad thing. Now Xiao Bai would release this breath. Let me rest assured that I don’t have to worry about Xiao Bai’s change of heart. You must know that most people who have struggled on the edge of life and death will change.】

【Kirishima Shoko: I think no matter what Xiao Bai becomes, he will never hurt his wives. This is enough!】

【Sakayanagi Yusu: Kirishima-san really knows Xiao Bai! ]

The others just observed silently and did not speak in the chat room, but Xiao Bai continued to record his diary.

【This is the first time I have used the kitchen heart to do this kind of thing. I didn’t expect that the kitchen heart that I set up at the beginning can really be done. The kitchen heart is a key, a key to heaven or hell. Good people. Ascend to heaven, and the wicked fall into hell! 】

This piece of content makes people take a deep breath again, the secret of the kitchen heart?

【Unfortunately, this is for other people. For me, the kitchen heart is just a tool. Everyone's kitchen heart is fixed and has a separate attribute, but I can turn the kitchen heart into what I want. Any attribute you want, just like the kitchen heart this time, integrates the hatred in your heart into the food, causing those who eat the food to be cut into pieces!】

【But this time, I made a slight mistake. I didn't originally intend to kill the killer. I just mistakenly underestimated the power of my cooking heart. I originally thought that the most that the killer would do was become a vegetative state. Unexpectedly, he actually reached this level. It interferes with reality to the extent that it cannot be used indiscriminately until you have mastered the kitchen next time. The flesh and blood on the ground and the skeleton made me feel a little sick. 】

In the chat group

【Yukinoshita Yukino:】

【Mujiuzhi Yuanguo: I apologize for what I just said. I misunderstood Xiao Bai! 】

Mujiu Zhiyuanguo's face turned red. She originally thought that Xiao Bai had gone too far, but she didn't expect that it turned out to be an own goal. Xiao Bai didn't want to kill the killer, he just misjudged the kitchen. The power of the heart.

It’s just that the chef’s heart can actually do this?

Mokuchienguo, who has not mastered the art of cooking, can't help but wonder, what will be his innovation?

Suddenly he remembered what Xiao Bai told him about Chu Xin before.

"Have a love affair?"

Mukuchi Yuanguo's face turned slightly red.

【Yuuki Asuna: I also want to apologize for what I just said. I misunderstood Xiao Bai!】

【Rem: No matter what happens to the master, Rem feels that the master will not harm Rem or her sister.】

【Ram: Of course, after all, that pervert said that Rem was his wife, huh! 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Rem: Is my sister unhappy because her master didn’t call her wife?】

【Ram: Nonsense, no, Ram doesn’t want to be called wife by that kind of pervert master!】

【Yamada Fairy: Appeared, this is a typical tsundere! 】

Xiao Bai, who didn’t know that he was almost regarded as a perverted murderer, continued to record his diary.

【The Kitchen Heart is really too perverted. I did set this Kitchen Heart myself, but now I regret it. Every Unforgivable Curse in the Harry Potter novel needs to be dealt with by a person. Emotions, the Killing Curse must have a strong emotion of wanting to kill the other party, the Imperius Curse must have the emotion of wanting to control the other party, and the Cruciatus Curse must have the emotion of wanting to torture the other party. The stronger the emotion, the more effective it will be. It is outstanding, and so is the heart of the cook!】

【Yuan Guo’s wife, Erina’s wife, Alice’s wife 063, and the other wives I haven’t met yet, I don’t really want them to master the cooking heart. Heaven and hell are just a thought. Once the cooking heart is determined, it cannot be changed. Master it. It's okay to have a good heart, but if you have an evil heart, you will continue to sink and be unable to extricate yourself!】

【There is a reason why there are so few super chefs in the world. Once you are unable to control your cooking heart, the only end result is death!】

【Um, let's not talk about that. With the strength of Sonoko and his wife, it is not that easy to master the cooking heart. Speaking of which, the cooking heart Seiichiro Saiha masters must be Shura, right? If so, then it can be explained why his strength dropped. Later in the plot, he was defeated by Erina's wife's half-brother. ]

Nakiri Erina:? ? ?

The sudden appearance of a half-brother made Nakiri Erina dumbfounded. This melon is a bit big!

Alice Nakiri also waited to look at Erina Nakiri:"Uncle Thistle actually cheated on me!"

Erina Nakiri glared at Alice Nakiri fiercely.

【Forget it, the affairs of Saiba Chaoyang and Saiba Seiichiro are none of my business. I'd better think about appeasing the two big guys in me. The killer who died so miserably this time has something to do with these two. Relationship! 】.

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