After disposing of the pile of minced meat, Nangong Nayue said to Xiao Bai:"Do you feel better?"

"Well, but Yue-chan, aren’t you afraid of me? Nangong

Nayue looked at Xiao Bai:"Idiot, how could the teacher be afraid of the students!""

"No matter what you become, you are still my student!"

【Ahhhh, Wife Nayue is so gentle, she actually said that no matter what I become, I will always be her student. But I’m sorry, Wifey Nayue, I don’t want to be your student, I want to be your husband.! ]

The blush on Nangong Nayue's cheeks flashed away, and then the folding fan in her hand hit Xiao Bai's forehead hard.

"Don't let me think so wildly, the obscene expression on your face betrays you.

Xiao Bai:"Nonsense, how could my handsome face make such a lewd expression?""

Ignoring Xiao Bai's tricks, Nangong told his true purpose that month:"Bringing the killer here this time is just one of the reasons why I came. The other reason is because the Bailuo family has been lost in history. , so I hope you can recreate the Four Gods and Eight Treasures Seafood Soul-Souling Steamed Buns to appease those two people!"

Xiao Bai pondered for a moment and then looked at Nangong Nayue:"I can agree, but I can only say that I am trying my best, and there is a prerequisite. Only if you find the prerequisite, then I can really make the four things. Divine seafood eight-treasure buns!"

"What are the prerequisites?"

Nangong Nayue asked, thinking that he could still solve this prerequisite.

"Old noodles, thousand-year-old noodles passed down from generation to generation in the Bailuo family!"

Nangong Zuoyue was immediately embarrassed.

There is nothing else to say, this thousand-year-old faceHow is this different from finding a descendant of the Bailuo family?

Nangong looked at Xiao Bai that month and asked,"Does it really have to be thousand-year-old noodles? What else can't be done?"

Xiao Bai shook his head, but then hesitantly said:"You can try other old noodles, those that are more than a hundred years old. Maybe you are talking, maybe you are looking for a thousand-year-old face!"


Nangong breathed a sigh of relief that month. The century-old noodles are okay, at least they can be found, but the thousand-year-old noodles, except that Xiao Bai may be able to get the reward, if you want to find them in reality, what's the difference between looking for a needle in a haystack? the difference?

"Then you have a good rest and I will figure out a solution for you."

Nangong Nayue then left.

【Although I promised my wife that month to find a way to make Sishen seafood eight-treasure buns, old noodles are the first problem to overcome. Shuhan old noodles, a thousand-year-old noodles, are probably difficult, but there should be century-old noodles. I don’t know if I can get it!】

【It’s not difficult for Na Yuejiang to think about this. Now I still want to think about how to come up with the recipe for Sishen Seafood Eight-Treasure Buns. Fortunately, I have super taste and can remember the recipes or the videos I watched. They can roughly deduce and restore the recipes, so you don’t have to worry too much about this! 】

Xiao Bai didn’t know that the current Alice Nakiri was so gnashing her teeth!

They all have super taste sensation, but Alice Nakiri's super taste sensation is much worse than Xiao Bai's.

Nakiri Erina suddenly felt that her God's Tongue was a hot chicken. Not only was it not as useful as the Super Taste, but it would also go berserk. I really wanted to throw that shit away to it!

But the other one, Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning's heart beat suddenly.

"Old noodles? I have it myself. Although it is not a thousand-year-old face, it is still a hundred years old."

After a slight hesitation, Ning Ning from the Kingdom of Ninaki dialed Nakiri Erina's phone number.

"Senior Sister Ji Zhiguo, what can I do?"

The voice of Erina Nakiri came from the other end of the phone.

"Miss Nakiri, do you also have a diary?"

Nakiri Erina's eyes widened, and she immediately understood that Ning Ning of the Kingdom of Ji also had a diary.

"Yes, I have a diary, and so do you, Ji Zhikuni-senpai!"

"Well, I do, and I have an old friend in my hands, so if you can, I hope you can help me connect the dots!"

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning directly expressed his intention.

"Got it, I will contact Nangong Nayue"

"Well, then it’s up to you!"

In Xiao Bai's apartment, after eating the medicinal food sent by Nakiri Erina and Nakiri Alice, Xiao Bai felt a warm current flowing through his body and felt much more comfortable. After finishing the dinner After that, Xiao Bai went into the kitchen and began to study the recipe for Sishen Seafood Eight Treasure Steamed Buns.

The time lasted until twelve o'clock. As soon as twelve o'clock passed, Xiao Bai immediately received the reward.

【Yesterday's diary was completed, rewards began to be distributed, and you gained a mysterious memory.】

【The person who recorded yesterday's diary will get it, and one person who holds the diary copy will get the same reward.】

【The extraction is completed, congratulations to XXXX for getting a memory fragment】

【Rewards for diary copy holders have begun to be distributed. The person whose name was mentioned most by diary recorders yesterday was Nangong Nayue. Rewards are now being distributed.】

【Congratulations to Nangong Nayue for obtaining the time and space cage, a time and space cage: a cage that contains the power of time and space! 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiao Bai blinked his eyes

【Damn it? Where is my reward? What about a mysterious memory that was promised? But where did the memory go? Why don't I have any extra memories at all? 】

Xiao Bai felt that he had been cheated, but he didn't take it to heart. He just thought it was the same as the previous ball of air.

".Go to bed early, go to bed early and get up early, tomorrow I will continue to study Sishen Seafood (Wang De’s) eight-treasure buns!"

Xiao Bai, who was asleep, didn't notice that the door was quietly opened, and then a certain figure got directly into Xiao Bai's bed.

Then he rubbed himself in Xiao Bai's arms and found a comfortable position. Then he hugged Xiao Bai and fell asleep. In his sleep, Xiao Bai subconsciously hugged the fragrant pillow that was delivered to his door. In a certain villa,

Sakayanagi Yuqi frowned.

"This world seems to be deeper than I thought. If this memory is leaked, the whole world will be shaken."

As a recipient of mysterious memories, Sakayanagi Yusu sighed. If the memories she obtained were leaked, the entire world would probably be in an uproar.

"But what happened to the memory that Xiao Bai obtained? Looking at the contents of the diary, it seems that Xiao Bai has not gained any memory?".

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