In his sleep, Xiao Bai seemed to be stuck in a memory that kept repeating itself.

Xiao Bai suddenly woke up and found that he could not remember the dream he had had.

Suddenly, Xiao Bai found that he seemed to be holding something in his arms.

He opened the quilt and immediately saw Ram lying on his chest.

Ram seemed to be dreaming about something in his sleep, and his little head was still rubbing against Xiao Bai's chest! so cute!

Xiao Bai looked at Ram in his arms and suddenly felt a heat in his lower abdomen, and something began to change.

Ram, who was lying on Xiao Bai, seemed to feel something. He twisted his body slightly, and then opened his eyes.


Sitting up and riding on Xiao Bai's belly, Ram said to Xiao Bai in a daze:"Good morning, Master Pervert."

Then he seemed to wake up, and Ram immediately reacted.

"The pervert director actually fell in love with Ram so early in the morning. How obscene!"

Xiao Bai had a speechless expression on his face.

"Hey, hey, Ram, this is my room. Can you ask me why you appear in my room?"

577 When Ram heard Xiao Bai’s words, he put his hands on his hips and looked proud.

"Of course Ram wanted to protect his pervert master personally! Xiao

Bai was speechless, and then looked at Ram who was riding on his belly:"So Miss Ram, how long are you going to do this on your master's belly!" Ram suddenly showed a sinister smile:"Oh, that's it. Is the pervert director shy?""

Xiao Bai said with a dark face, he directly lifted Ram off his stomach, and then quickly stood up and entered the matching bathroom.

Ram smiled proudly.

"The pervert master was easily manipulated by Ram."

More than ten minutes later, Xiao Bai came out. There were still wet stains on his face. He didn't see Ram in the bedroom. Xiao Bai breathed a sigh of relief. Now that he met Ram, Xiao Bai There was inevitably a trace of embarrassment in his heart.

After all, Long raised his head and was caught by Ram.

Suddenly Xiao Bai was stunned!

"No, okay, I'm in the room. Why did Ram appear in the room and run to my bed? This doesn't look right, damn, I was tricked by Ram!"

Xiao Bai suddenly realized that he had been tricked by Ram! After changing his clothes, Xiao Bai walked out of the room and saw Rem who had already prepared breakfast, and then looked at what seemed to be something. The same thing has never happened to Ram, and he raised his eyebrows.

"Why does the pervert master keep staring at Ram? Is it because the pervert master finally couldn't bear his obscene desires and was ready to attack Ram?"

Xiao Bai was speechless!

【Damn it, Ram has no martial ethics, he actually came to steal, cheat, and sneak attack on me, a wounded person, and he actually came to my bed at night! 】


The tableware in Rem's hand fell to the ground and shattered!


Hearing Xiao Bai's call, Rem shook her head quickly.

"I'm so sorry, Master!"

"It doesn't matter, Rem, just be okay!"

Rem looked at Ram with some slight dissatisfaction in her eyes. Her sister actually sneaked into the master's room yesterday night!

【Rem's wife is so cute, but Ram, this sister-in-law, is really mean and mean. Don't you know that I am in my prime of youth? It's normal to have a reaction when you wake up in the morning, right? Moreover, there is a soft and fragrant little maid like Aunt Ram in your arms, so it's normal to have a reaction, right?】

【Damn it, this grudge has been recorded. Now that you have been sent to my door, you will be my Ram’s wife from now on! 】(dbee) At this time, Rem still didn’t know why her sister did this.

My sister is a tough talker. She obviously likes her master, but in the end she always ends up being venomous.

Xiao Bai took out a piece of paper and handed it to Rem

"Rem, go buy these ingredients today. If you can't buy them, contact Kaguya and the others. In short, send these ingredients to me as soon as possible!"

Rem put the paper away.


"Then let's eat. After eating, Rem, you and Ram will go out to buy those ingredients."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After eating quickly, Rem and Ram went out to purchase ingredients, while Xiao Bai relied on God's Tongue to continuously deduce the recipes.

After going out, Rem looked at Ram.

Ram was a little embarrassed to be stared at by Rem.

"elder sister!"

Ram turned his head and pretended not to hear Rem's words. Rem suddenly shouted

"elder sister!"

Knowing that he couldn't compete, Ram turned his head.

"I'm just worried that the master will be attacked again. Everything is to protect the master!"

Rem had an expression on her face, like you can believe it or not.

"Okay, okay, let’s hurry up and buy the ingredients that the pervert master wants!

Rem said a little unhappy:"Rem has asked other people to help buy it through the diary chat room!""

Ram: Rem, you look like this, Ram, I'm stupid!

Detention center.

An Yilun also looked at the sunshine outside the detention center and felt as if he was in another world. He finally came out of the detention center!

Akane Kurisaka He walked forward and said to An Yilun:"Get in the car! A

Yilun also got on the bus obediently.

Akane Kurisaka said after A Yilun also got on the bus:"There are still twenty days. The game will be produced in twenty days. You must do a good job in supervision.""

"Don't worry, President, I will definitely make the game as soon as possible and slap Xiao Bai hard in the face!"

The teeth crunched loudly.

Akane Hongsaka took a puff of the lady's cigarette and said,"I investigated and found that there are many people behind Xiao Bai supporting him. Do you know what this means?"

Before An Yilun could speak, Hongsaka Akane continued to speak.

"This means that because of you, I am on the opposite side of those people, the Shinomiya family, the Yukinoshita family, the Sakayanagi family, the Kirishima family, the Nakiri family, the Yuuki family, and the Sawamura family!"

An Yilun also looked at Hongsaka Akane in disbelief.

"Eri Sawamura quit three days ago and has left Neon for Britain!".

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