Seeing the look of Alice Nakiri, Xiao Bai's eyes flashed with helplessness, and then he said:"It's Chuxin!"

Seeing that Alice and Nakiri Senzaemon didn't react, Xiao Bai continued:"Right now Erina is on the verge of awakening the kitchen heart, and if I can help this thing, I would never want Erina to control it!"

Nakiri Alice looked at Xiao Bai dumbfounded

"It’s fake, how could Erina master the cooking skills like this!"

Nakiri Alice said she couldn't accept it, why did Nakiri Erina suddenly master the heart of the kitchen!

"Don't look at me, I don't know why Erina suddenly mastered the heart of the kitchen. To be honest, if I can stop it, I will definitely stop Erina, but now"

In Xiao Bai's eyes, Nakiri Erina is exuding this aura. Perhaps it is because of Cthulhu and Sabu. Now Xiao Bai can not only see evil spirits that others cannot see, but now she can also see evil spirits that others cannot see. It is possible to see the chef’s awakening heart!

Nakiri Senzaemon's eyes were fixed on Xiao Bai.

As someone who has experienced this, Nakiri Senzaemon wants to know whether what Xiao Bai said is true. Nakiri Senzaemon was once a person with a heart for cooking, but later

But Nakiri 027 Senzaemon understands how dangerous it is when awakening the heart of the kitchen. He failed at the beginning, and finally survived with good luck, but he could not go any further in his life!

Dojima Gin looked at Nakiri Senzaemon and said:"Commander, don't worry, I believe Miss Erina will not let you down!"

"Erina has obviously not reached this level yet, so why did she suddenly awaken her cooking heart!"

Nakiri Senzaemon said in a complicated tone.

Xiao Bai did not answer this question. Looking at Nakiri Erina who was cooking, Xiao Bai hesitated in his heart. In the end, he did not intervene with Nakiri Erina.

Nakiri Eri. Izumi looked at Nakiri Erina with the same complicated eyes.

She thought she could catch up with Erina, but why did Erina suddenly have a cooking heart? Although having a cooking heart does not do much to improve her cooking skills, The levels are different.

Cooks without a cooking heart can only compete at the level of taste.

But having a cooking heart is a battle on the spiritual level. If the gap between cooks without a cooking heart is not too big, cooks without a cooking heart can only compete at the level of taste. There is no way to defeat a cook with a heart for cooking. Xiao Bai exhaled, and then said to Alice Nakiri next to him:"Alice, can you get me an empty paper cup?"

Nakiri Alice seemed to understand something, nodded, and left with a somewhat depressed expression. Not long after, Nakiri Alice came back, holding an empty paper cup in her hand.

Nakiri Senzaemon looked at Xiao Bai , I don’t understand what Xiao Bai wants to do.

Xiao Bai put the empty paper cup aside, and then looked at Nakiri Erina

【I didn't expect that Erina's wife would awaken her cooking heart. This was a big surprise, but to be honest, I didn't really hope that Erina's wife would awaken her cooking heart. Awakening her cooking heart is not just a mental drain. Awakening her cooking heart for the first time. It is very likely that the heart will die suddenly due to excessive wear and tear. Now Erina's wife is completely standing on the edge of the cliff.】

【But fortunately, I have century soup. Century soup can be used to supplement Erina's wife's consumption, but I think I will be in trouble next time. If people know about century soup, it can help prepare for the upcoming awakening. It is true that a cook with a good heart will increase the chance of survival.】

Alice Nakiri looked at Xiao Bai, with a hint of complexity in her eyes.

Although this man is said to be a pervert and a pervert, he loves everyone he sees, but he is really attentive to the people he likes, even though he treats everyone

【I don’t know what the cooking heart of Erina’s wife is about to awaken. Once the cooking heart is awakened, it cannot be changed. To explain it with a bit of metaphysics, the cooking heart is one’s own way. What Erina’s wife wants What path is he taking? Master Abe told Liu Pleiades that chefs want to bring happiness to people, so Liu Pleiades’ heart in cooking is to bring happiness to people!】

【Yukihira Seiichiro told Yukihira Soma that cooking is to dedicate everything you have to the people you love, so the future Yukihira Soma's cooking heart will also be related to love or dedication, and Erina's wife】

【Once the kitchen heart is determined, it cannot be changed. If it is revenge or other dark kitchen heart, I really would rather Erina’s wife never awakens the kitchen heart.】

【The awakening of the Dark Kitchen Heart has no impact at first, but as time goes by, the Dark Kitchen Heart will gradually affect the cook, and eventually it will definitely go astray!】

【Although I would not hesitate to be the enemy of the world for my wives, but】

Xiao Bai's eyes were fixed on Nakiri Erina, and he remained silent in the end.

Nakiri Alice pursed her lips and looked at Nakiri Erina with some worry.

However, as the person involved, Erina Nakiri's lips curved slightly!

"Don't underestimate me, man!"

Erina Nakiri glanced at Xiao Bai, and finished her cooking in a short time.

Xiao Bai naturally knew what kind of food Nakiri Erina was cooking when it was covered with a lid.

Mapo tofu!

Xiao Bai and Nagi The dish that Kiri Erina got to know!

Sieishi was cooking bear paws!

It was also coming to an end.

Soon Nakiri Erina and Sieishi were ready to serve.

"Senior Si Yingshi, please go ahead and invite me!"

"Then I won't be polite!"

Si Yingshi came to Xiao Bai and the others with his bear paw dishes. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Please enjoy!"

As Si Yingshi opened the lid, there was a bear paw placed on the dinner plate, but apart from the bear paw, there was no cover, not even the sauce.

"Remove the bones from the bear's paw and then hide the sauce inside the bear's paw? What a good idea!"

Xiao Bai suddenly said.

Si Yingshi was stunned for a moment and looked at Xiao Bai with some surprise, but then he immediately answered.

"Yes, I removed the bones from the bear's paw, and then hid the sauce in the meat of the bear's paw. This way is not only convenient to eat, but also allows the flavor of the sauce to penetrate into the bear's paw!"

Nakiri Senzaemon and Dojima Gin didn't expect that Xiao Bai would discover this before them!

Although they also discovered it when Xiao Bai opened his mouth!.

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