Looking at the bear paw in front of him, Xiao Bai picked up the knife and cut it, and the sauce immediately flowed out.

The sauce purple turned pale pink. Xiao Bai looked at Si Yingshi and said:"Peony sauce, bear's crotch. Peony sauce. Although Mei Cheng in the Han Dynasty used Fu to satirize, he also admitted that bear paws paired with peony sauce would be a delicacy in the world.."

Si Yingshi had a smile on his face.

"Yes, and in order to reduce the use of other seasonings, I only used peony paste to restore the original deliciousness of the ingredients."

Looking at Si Yingshi, Xiao Bai didn't say anything, but Xiao Bai was basically sure that Si Yingshi's dish was not as good as Nakiri Erina.

If Si Yingshi didn't break this idea, he would never be able to cook it again in his life. That's it, never try to understand the cooking heart.

What is Si Yingshi's change in cooking?

Try not to leave any traces in the cooking, but if you don't even leave traces, then what's the use of you? ?

Can't you just drink Maoru's blood directly?

But Xiao Bai is not Si Yingshi's, Xiao Bai has no obligation to remind Si Yingshi.

Based on the idea of ​​​​taking advantage, Xiao Bai still tasted it, but As a result, Xiao Bai gave up after just one bite.

Xiao Bai gave up after just one taste, but Dojima Gin and Nakiri Senzaemon still finished eating in a dignified manner.

Si Yingshi looked at Xiao Bai

"Well, my food isn't to your liking?"

Xiao Bai originally wanted to have sex for free before taking a bite. Who knew that the two big guys in his body didn't even care about him?

"It’s quite delicious, but I want to keep my stomach open for Erina’s cooking!"

Si Yingshi frowned and said nothing.

Xiao Bai suddenly felt a burst of energy coming towards him, but the energy in the next moment disappeared directly when he was about to contact Xiao Bai.

This time At that time, Nakiri Senzaemon beside Xiao Bai had only one pair of crotch pants left!

Dojima Gin also had only one pair of boxers left. Xiao Bai twitched the corner of his mouth and decisively turned his head, MD, himself Why did I forget this thing? It’s over. Will I get a needle eye? I need a pair of eyes that go back to ten seconds ago. Alice

Nakiri, who was next to Xiao Bai, hid beside Xiao Bai as expected. So after Xiao Bai resisted the energy just now, he didn’t burst into tears.

"Alice, I think if your family wasn't powerful enough, your family's superpower might have sent you to a detention center!"

Nakiri Alice rolled her eyes at Xiao Bai, but she was also very disgusted with this power of hers.

【I almost forgot, the traditional superpower of the Nakiri family. This superpower will burst your clothes once you eat delicious food, and it will also affect other people around you. Hey, even if you eat the food, you will get crazy. Does this have to be a loss?】

【I have to find a way to figure out how my wife's advantages have been taken advantage of by others. After I go back, I can talk with her and see if there is any way to change it. ]

Nakiri Erina glanced at the diary, then took a deep breath, picked up the food and prepared to walk over.

But suddenly, Nakiri Erina's eyes blurred, and then her whole body fell backwards uncontrollably.

The food in his hand also fell to the ground.

However, before everyone could react, in the blink of an eye, there was an extra person next to Nakiri Erina, Xiao Bai!

Xiao Bai, who was still on the judges' table just now, suddenly appeared next to Nakiri Erina. Not only did he support Nakiri Erina, he also caught the food cooked by Nakiri Erina with his other hand.

"Alice, bring me the paper cup!"


Nakiri Alice also reacted, and then picked up the paper cup and walked to Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai looked at Nakiri Alice and Nakiri Senzaemon who were coming over and said,"Don't worry, nothing will happen. Yes, Erina just consumed too much and fainted."

Xiao Bai took out the box containing Century Soup and opened the box. Colorful aurora appeared in the air. Century Soup attracted everyone's attention.


Nakiri Senzaemon's pupils shrank, is this the soup of the century?

The previous portion of Kobayashi Gentian's soup of the century was sent for testing, but the material could not be detected at all. In the end, it was only detected that the thick sputum actually contained powerful energy.

Xiao Bai poured out some of the century soup from the sealed box and then slowly fed it to Nakiri Erina with a paper cup.

As the thick soup entered the entrance, it instantly flowed into Nakiri Erina's esophagus, and then entered her stomach. Nakiri Erina woke up almost instantly.

"Drink all this soup and you'll be fine!"

Xiao Bai saw Nakiri Erina waking up and handed the paper cup to Nakiri Erina.

"Thank you, but my hands and feet are weak now, so please feed me!"

There is no pretense, Nakiri Erina told Xiao Bai. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After Xiao Bai fed all the soup of the century to Nakiri Erina, Nakiri Erina's body He had recovered for two days.

After regaining his footing, Nakiri Erina took a deep breath and said:"Then let's continue the game now."

Xiao Bai returned to the judges' table, and then placed the sealed box in the hands of Alice Nakiri.

"The remaining soup in this belongs to you, but the box must be returned to me."

Nakiri Alice looked at Xiao Bai:"What are you doing for me?"

"Because you should have what Erina has!"

This sentence directly hit the softness in Alice Nakiri's heart. Growing up, Alice Nakiri didn't want to argue with Erina Nakiri, but she was not convinced. Why was everyone's eyes on her? Nakiri Erina, and she is destined to be the foil!

Holding the container with century soup in her hand, Nakiri Alice certainly understands what this container is. It can produce 100 ml of century soup every day. This container is worth Even if he sold Totsuki, it would be far worse!

Xiao Bai just handed it over to him!

For a moment, Nakiri Alice's eyes became full of tenderness when she looked at Xiao Bai.


Looking at Xiao Bai, Nakiri Alice said softly.

Xiao Bai:???

Nakiri Erina looked at Nakiri Alice and snorted softly. Nakiri Alice's eyes, Nakiri Erina Can you tell what's going on?

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