Nakiri Erina put the food in front of Xiaobai and the others with a rosy face.

Xiao Bai looked at Nakiri Erina and reminded:"Don't use the kitchen heart for a short time!"

Nakiri Erina gave a gentle smile to show that she understood.

Nakiri Senzaemon frowned and looked at Xiao Bai. Not only did this guy look good with his granddaughter, but he also knew the chef so well. Is it possible?

Nakiri Senzaemon took a deep breath, then looked at his granddaughter, and then gritted his teeth in his heart.

Two, two granddaughters, it turned out that this piece of shit was cheap!

"Try the Eight Flavors Integrated Magic Mapo Tofu!"

Nakiri Erina raised her head slightly.

Xiao Bai was a little surprised:"Erina, you came up with"487" yourself?"

"Of course, the Six Flavors One Magic Mapo Tofu is a recipe from hundreds of years ago. Wouldn’t it be embarrassing if we kept using the recipe from hundreds of years ago?"

Xiao Bai listened to Nakiri Erina's words and gave a thumbs up to Nakiri Erina.

Very good, as expected of you. With such an arrogant character, Xiao Bai wanted to think about it with a high probability. The reason is that Nakiri Erina got the recipe from herself, and then Nakiri Erina felt unhappy with it as it was, and then she made a slight change, but she didn't know whether the change was good or bad!

"The eight flavors are one, so can you tell me which eight flavors they are?"

"Numb, spicy, hot, fragrant, crispy, tender, fresh and lively!"

【Erina's wife is truly a genius. She actually came up with the eight-in-one mapo tofu by herself. You must know that this was determined after countless generations of chefs modified it hundreds of years later.】

【Sure enough, my wife Erina is awesome!】

"Okay, Mapo tofu should be eaten while it’s hot. Mapo tofu is the most delicious only when it’s piping hot!"

Nakiri Senzaemon interrupted the interaction between Xiao Bai and Nakiri Erina.

Xiao Bai looked at the old man Anakiri Senzaemon, and then he picked up his own That portion of Mapo Tofu.

With the spoon in your mouth, the eight flavors of numbing, spicy, hot, fragrant, crispy, tender, fresh, and lively are integrated into the magic Mapo Tofu. It immediately aroused Xiao Bai's appetite, and even took over Xiao Bai's body. The two spirits were startled.

Xiao Bai's left eye turned into black gold, and black smoke emitted from his body!

Si Yingshi looked at Xiao Bai's appearance, and then looked at Lai Cui in front of Xiao Bai, and the corner of his mouth Lu gave a bitter smile.

He lost, he lost completely!

Nakiri Senzaemon and Dojima Ginya both looked at Xiao Bai in surprise.

Nakiri Senzaemon was originally worried about Xiao Bai. He was unhappy and changed slightly.

Although it is very realistic, the world is like this. If Xiao Bai is still the licking dog he was before, Nakiri Senzaemon will never let Xiao Bai and his two granddaughters Together.

But now that Xiao Bai has shown his value and strength, Nakiri Senzaemon will have to reconsider the relationship between Xiao Bai and his two granddaughters.

"Great mapo tofu!"

Xiao Bai said to Nakiri Erina very seriously.

Nakiri Erina smiled, but looked at Xiao Bai with questions in her eyes!

"So, don't you have anything to say?"

"A very warm heart, but the will you want to convey is still too weak. Erina, you need to keep working hard!"

Nakiri Erina's brows were furrowed, and her eyes looking at Xiao Bai were full of suspicion.

【Why is Erina's wife looking at me? Could it be that Erina's wife blamed me for not eating the food that the chef wanted to convey? Can you blame me? I have tried very hard to feel what Erina's wife wants to convey, but now Erina's wife's cooking heart is still too weak, so I really can't blame me! ]

Nakiri Erina gritted her teeth and looked at Xiao Bai, with a hint of displeasure in her eyes.

Xiao Bai looked at Si Yingshi:"I don't think you need to say more about the victory or defeat."

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he looked at Nakiri Senzaemon

"Old man, I'll leave first. Anyway, Erina has won now!"

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he winked at Nakiri Alice.

"Let's go!"


"Ah what, you brought me here, shouldn't you be the one to take me out?"

Nakiri Alice smiled, and then said:"Then let's go!"

Nakiri Erina glanced at Xiao Bai unhappily, but did not stop her. Her game was not over yet. 0....

Seeing Xiao Bai about to leave, Nakiri Senzaemon suddenly said:"There will be residential training for freshmen in Totsuki soon. If you are interested, you can come as a tutor when the time comes!"

Xiao Bai paused slightly, and then The answer:"Okay!" (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Accommodation training? Maybe we can take advantage, this girl Tadokoro must have understood the heart of the cook! 】

Nakiri Alice's body stiffened slightly

"Alice, what's wrong?"


Taking a deep breath, Nakiri Alice's smile was slightly stiff.

Xiao Bai reached out and held Nakiri Alice's hand.

"It's because Erina has awakened her cooking heart, right? Don't think about these things. No matter what happens to Erina, you are you, and if possible, I hope you never awaken your cooking heart in your life. Awakening your cooking heart is accompanied by dangers, Erina You also saw what Rina looked like just now!"

【The setting of the kitchen heart that I set up at the beginning was really stupid. If I want to awaken the kitchen heart, the first step is consumption, consumption of energy and spirit. The body can almost die suddenly on the spot. The better your health, the better. The higher the success rate of awakening. 】5.3

【This is only the first level, and as the first level passes, the attributes of the second level's cooking heart will also subtly affect a person. The good will be better, and the evil will be worse. If you want to be like Seiichiro Saiba The high probability of self-destruction of the kitchen heart is basically impossible!】

【Erina's wife has no choice, but Alice's wife really doesn't want her to understand the heart of cooking. If she doesn't do it well, something will happen. It's true that she will die if she tries. 】

Xiao Bai suddenly felt a pain in his waist!

Then Xiao Bai saw Nakiri Alice's eyes with a hint of annoyance!

"Um, sorry, I got distracted!"

Nakiri Alice snorted. She wasn't angry about this. She was angry about the cooking settings that Xiao Bai, Baga, came up with!.

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