After leaving Totsuki Academy, Xiao Bai did not go home but came to the Yamada Group.

Looking at Yamada Torifu with a flattering smile on his face, Xiao Bai shouted to Yamada Torifu:"Go find that Akita Kazuo!"


Soon Akita Kazuo appeared in front of Xiao Bai, with the same flattering smile as Yamada Tifeng

"I can make you transcendent, but this will involve certain risks, so I ask you if you are willing to take this risk. Of course, I will not force you, everything is your voluntary act."

For this kind of question, there is no need to hesitate at all. Yamada Torifu and Akita Kazuo immediately fell to the ground and knelt down.

"Please give us this gift!"

Even if the Neon people were conquered by the Ming Dynasty, their strong-willed nature will never change.

So even if there is danger, Yamada Tifeng and Akita Kazuo will not hesitate at all.!

Whether you risk your own life to gain strength is a matter of no concern for Yamada Tofaze and Akita Kazuo!

04"Assign yourself an heir. If you fail to survive, the other party will continue to work for me!""


Yamada Tifeng immediately made arrangements. Not long after, a young man in his twenties appeared in front of Xiao Bai. The other party immediately knelt down and saluted after seeing Xiao Bai!

"This is my son, Yamada Choji. If I disappoint you, my son Choji will continue to serve you!"

Xiao Bai nodded without saying anything, and two black mist emerged from his palms.

With the permission of Mr. Ke, he can use the power of Mr. Ke, so Xiao Bai has the possibility to transform people into deep divers.!

Of course, it is just possible but not certain, so Xiao Bai told the two that there is a certain danger, but since the other party is willing, then Xiao Bai doesn't mind at all. If the other party is really dead, then just die!

One person and one ball, two days of black smoke instantly fell on Yamada Torifu and Akita Kazuo.

The next moment, Yamada Torifu and Akita Kazuo were rolling on the ground in pain.


Shrill screams came from the mouths of the two people.

Yamada Choji looked at his father's miserable appearance without any worry, but his eyes were full of passion and hope!

Yamada Choji was also longing for , eager to get this gift!

Looking at Xiao Bai, Yamada Choji's eyes were filled with enthusiasm. Yamada Choji knew that he also had a chance, as long as he was the great man in front of him. As long as you do things well, you can get the gift of this great man like your father!

Xiao Bai ignored the two people rolling in pain on the ground and sat on the edge of the coffee table to make tea for himself.

The time passed. It lasted for more than an hour, and Yamada Torifu and Akita Kazuo had completely lost their human appearance.

Now, their bodies should be a dark green color, and their bellies are white..

Most of the body is smooth and smooth, but there are high scaly ridges on the back.

The body has vague features of a human shape, but the head is a fish head. On the fish head, there is a huge, protruding thing that never closes. Eyeballs.

On both sides of the neck, there are constantly vibrating gills, and the long hands and feet are webbed.

To be honest, it looks really ugly, and it is also accompanied by a fishy smell that makes Xiao Bai wave it in disgust. Wave!

"Great man, we offer everything to you and beg you to favor us!"

Using hoarse, sharp voices, Yamada Tifeng and Akita Kazuo, who had transformed into deep divers, said to Xiao Bai enthusiastically

"Change back to your original self."

Following Xiao Bai's words, the two people's bodies gradually returned to human form, but this is just the appearance, they have become them!

Their essence is no longer human, but worshipers of Cthulhu—— Deep Diver!

"Kazuo Akita, I have a mission for you!"

"Yes, please order!"

Xiao Bai picked up the tea cup and took a sip, then put down the tea cup.

"Go to Britain and develop your power there. I allow you to use any and all means to develop your power. I can even give you some transformation quotas for you to bribe or anything else. I need three Within a year, you can develop a power that can stir up Britain. Can you do it?"

Kazuo Akita is a talented person, so Xiao Bai doesn't mind giving him some heavy responsibilities!

"Please feel free to leave it to me, I will never let you down!"

"Then stare at Eri Sawamura, you know which one I'm talking about, right? Keep an eye on each other"


Xiao Bai put down the tea cup, then looked at Yamada Qifeng

"You continue to expand the power of the Yamada-gumi. I hope that the entire neon can be shrouded in my shadow as soon as possible. Of course, I also promise to give you a few places, but my requirement for you is two years, two years Within me, you want all the low-level forces of Neon to become my Yitang. Can you do it?"

Hearing Xiao Bai's request, Yamada Tifeng immediately replied:"Yes! Yamada Choci on the side suddenly said:"

Lord, if I can spread your shadow to the entire neon in a shorter time, can I obtain your gift!""

"Of course, I will never treat those who have meritorious service unfairly!"

Yamada Choci clenched his fists and hit his head on the tatami with a bang.

Xiao Bai stood up

"Then let someone send me back!"

Yamada Tifeng personally drove Xiao Bai back!

【Sayuri Sawamura thought everything would be fine if she sent Eri Sawamura abroad? Haha, innocent woman! 】

Sayuri Sawamura, who was originally a little relaxed because she sent Sawamura Eiri away, suddenly became worried.

What did Xiao Bai do again?

【I successfully transformed Yamada Tofeng and Akita Kazuo into deep divers. As I thought, because they were transformed by me, the deep divers are not as polluted as the deep divers of my family!】

【Although there is a certain price to pay for transforming into a deep diver, it is all worth it. That woman Sayuri Sawamura thought that everything would be fine if she sent Eri Sawamura away? Just wait, no matter it's Sawamura Eiri, the Sawamura family or Sawamura Sayuri, I won't let anyone go! 】.

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