【Shinomiya Kaguya: Sayuri Sawamura, how do you feel now? Do you think it will be fine if you send Eri Sawamura abroad?】

【Alice Nakiri: I'm curious about what the deep diver Shiro-kun is talking about. Aren't you curious?】

【Nangong Nayue: Deep diver, if nothing else happens, it should be this one】

【Nangong Nayue: Monster.jpg】

【Nangong Na Yue: Monster 2.jpg】

【Nangong Nayue: Monster 3.jpg】

【Kiku Chienka: This is so disgusting, I feel like vomiting just by looking at it】

【Nangong Nayue: This is the pollution that Xiao Bai said. That is, you saw it through the photos, so you only felt vomiting. If you use other methods, it can be solved by just vomiting.】

【Yukinoshita Yukino: Sayuri Sawamura, what are you going to do? It is impossible for Xiao Bai to give up revenge. The more you block it, the more hatred will settle in Xiao Bai's heart. Once it reaches its limit, Xiao Bai's anger will burn you all to ashes!】

【Sayuri Sawamura: Eiri is my daughter. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I don’t want Eiri to be harmed!】

【Ram: How stupid. The original pervert master mostly targeted Sawamura Eiri. Because of you, the current pervert master will definitely not only target Sawamura Eiri, but also the Sawamura family and you. Don't even think about escaping】

【Yukinoshita Yukino: Although what Ram said is unpleasant, Mrs. Sawamura, please take care of yourself! 】

They can't stop what Xiao Bai wants to do, and they have no reason or qualifications to stop him!

Xiao Bai's hatred, Xiao Bai's hatred, not to mention that they are not Xiao Bai, even if they are, they cannot stop him, but should stand in the same camp as Xiao Bai.

When Xiao Bai returned home, he suddenly slapped his head

"No, why am I in such a hurry to leave Yuanyue? We agreed to go to Yuanyue to gather wool and see if I could get old noodles, but why did I leave so impatiently?"

Xiao Bai touched his head and was speechless. His memory is really good.

【I'm speechless. I originally planned to go to Yuanyue to gather wool and see if I could get old noodles, but I actually forgot about it. It's really not possible because of my poor memory. Eat more walnuts to replenish your brain.】

【But today Erina's wife awakened her kitchen heart, and she focused all her attention on Erina's wife's kitchen heart. Although she didn't understand what kind of kitchen heart it was, but if nothing else happened, it should be a front-facing kitchen heart. This is good, front-facing. The influence of this type of kitchen mentality on chefs is not necessarily huge, but it is definitely not too much.】

【But if it is a negative kitchen heart, it would be really bad. The influence of the negative kitchen heart is too great, and it will become more and more paranoid under the influence of the negative kitchen heart, and eventually lead to a dead end. In my previous history, the negative kitchen heart The strongest owner should be Kaiyu Iruunryu from the dark cooking world, but that was before me, and now I am the strongest owner of negative cooking heart!】

【But even I can't use it more. The previous Thousand Cuts killed the killer directly. If it is not necessary in the future, I don't want to use these negative cooking hearts, butSawamura Eiri, I will keep these kitchen hearts and use them on you!】

【By the way, Kazuo Akita has been arranged to go to Britain, so should we also arrange for people to go to the mainland? There is currently no power in the mainland. Find an opportunity to arrange for people to go to the mainland, and generally put a pair of eyes. of】

【Know yourself and know your enemy and you will win every battle. Although I have no possibility of failure. The worst case scenario is to give in and directly destroy the world. But if it is not the worst case scenario, I will not use this situation. ]

Before I knew it, it was already past twelve o'clock!

"Get your rewards!"

Looked at the time.

Xiao Bai chose to receive the reward

【The diary was completed yesterday and rewards started to be distributed. You got a private photo of Mai Sakurajima.】

【The person who recorded yesterday's diary will get it, and one person who holds the diary copy will get the same reward.】

【The drawing is over, congratulations to XXXX for winning a normal photo of Mai Sakurajima. 】

In a certain apartment, Mai Sakurajima dropped the photo in her hand directly to the ground! (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Damn it!

"What's the use of having my own photo? And why is Xiao Bai's private photo and mine just an ordinary photo, and that private photo?"

Sakurajima Mai suddenly thought of something, her face changed instantly, and she rushed into her room.

"Gone, really gone!"

The expression on Mai Sakurajima's face was gloomy.

【Rewards for diary copy holders have begun to be distributed. The person whose name was mentioned most by diary recorders yesterday was Nakiri Erina. Rewards are now being distributed.】

【Congratulations to Erina Nakiri for getting Defect Completion. Defect Completion: being able to complete one of her own defects. 】

Xiao Bai picked up the photo album in front of him and started to look through it.

【Damn, this is so exciting, my wife Mai actually has this kind of photo? Wait, that's not rightWhat the hell, am I green? 】

Mai Sakurajima went crazy.

Lu, your sister, get out of here, can’t I take those photos myself and see them for myself? asshole!

Mai Sakurajima never imagined that the photo album she took would actually fall into the hands of Xiao Bai. Of course Mai Sakurajima knew the seriousness of the matter, so she locked it in the safe. I won, but I didn’t expect that this thing would actually fall into Xiao Bai’s hands!

This is very stupid!

【I didn’t expect Sakurajima Mai (Wang Haozhao) to be such a woman. Hum, I’ll break up with Sakurajima Mai from today on! ]

Sakurajima Mai: What does it mean to be such a woman? Can a guy like you who is full of pornographic waste die?

And do I care about you?

And cut it in two!

Cut it in two, you burned my bunny girl costume and photo album!

【Let this photobook commemorate my love that has passed before it even started. As expected, women in the entertainment industry are all the same. Unfortunately, I thought Sakurajima Mai would be different, but it turned outblow】

【I feel uncomfortable and want to cry. Sure enough, the wife across the screen is the best wife. Wait, will my other wives】

All holders of copies of the diary: Mai Sakurajima, can you please die? You have brought down a group of people by yourself, and Xiao Bai, can you please clean your mind and stop being so dirty!.

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