The next day, Xiao Bai woke up and looked at Ram in his arms, and then fell silent.

This Ram gets into his bed every day, and he will make mistakes sooner or later.

【When I woke up today, Ram actually got into my bed again, but fortunately, I'm used to it now. Well, getting used to it is really a terrible habit. 】

Putting Ram next to him, Xiao Bai got dressed and walked out. This time, Xiao Bai didn't need to go to the bathroom.

Xiao Bai didn't notice that Ram opened his eyes after he went out.

"Damn it, the pervert master has no interest in Ram anymore?"

Rahm expressed that he was very unhappy that Xiao Bai did not pay tribute to him today.

Xiao Bai who walked out of the room looked at Rem who was preparing breakfast.

"Good job, Rem!"

"No, this is what Rem should do, and it is one of the few things Rem can do to help her master."

"Well, Rem helped me!"

Xiao Bai looked at Rem with a smile.

A light flashed in Rem's eyes. It could help Xiao Bai, which is very important to Rem.

【Sure enough, Rem's wife is completely different from Sakurajima Mai. Sakurajima Mai, hehe, hetui~ spit and leave! 】

Mai Sakurajima's veins jumped. If Xiao Bai was in front of Mai Sakurajima now, Mai Sakurajima 423 would definitely not mind hacking Xiao Bai to death with a knife!


"Today I have to go to school and take some exchange students to Jixia College. Well, by the way, Rem, what are your and Ram’s academic qualifications? Are you interested in going to school?"

Xiao Bai suddenly remembered that Rem and Ram didn't go to school either.

"Master, please don’t worry. Both Rem and sister have college graduation certificates. For us, we need some means to live in human society, and it is not difficult for us to obtain academic certificates."


Xiao Bai asked confused!

"No, Ming Dynasty has a special school for teaching spirits, so as long as you study there for three years, you can basically get a university degree in human society."

Xiao Bai was silent, and then decided not to continue the topic.

The clown was actually me!

I originally thought that Rem and Ram had never gone to school, but who knew that Rem and Ram not only went to school, but also... He had a higher education than himself.

After finishing breakfast quickly, Xiao Bai hurried out.

After Xiao Bai left, Rem (afaj) looked at Ram who came out of Xiao Bai's room:"It seems that my sister is very interested in The master has no temptation left! Ram

's face was slightly annoyed:"Nonsense, maybe it's because the pervert master rewarded himself too many times after getting the photo album of Mai Sakurajima yesterday, which is why he didn't pay tribute to Ram today!""

Xiao Bai didn't know that his reputation had been damaged. He came to the student union of Jixia College and took the list, then came to the rest area of ​​Jixia College.

Not long after, Nakiri Erina and Nakiri Alice brought Nito Hisako back. Two other people got out of the car

"Mr. Bai!"

Alice Nakiri gave Xiao Bai a big hug!

Xiao Bai smiled and hugged Alice Nakiri, then let go, and then looked at Erina Nakiri:"Is everything okay?"

"It’s okay, as long as you don’t use the kitchen core for a short period of time, you’ll be fine!"

Nakiri Erina knows that the kitchen heart consumes not only the body's physical strength, but also the spirit.

Therefore, Nakiri Erina did not use the kitchen heart again out of curiosity.

"Your kitchen core will next enter an incubation period. Do not use the kitchen core during this period. This time may generally be a few months, or the longest may be a year."

Nakiri Erina looked at Xiao Bai:"You seem to be"

"I'm different, unless you can be like me and be attracted by two big boss-level spirits!"

Nakiri Erina shut up instantly!

The two spirits in Xiao Bai's body, Nakiri Erina, heard Nangong Na Yue say that it is impossible for spirits of this level to sign a contract with humans and establish a worship relationship.

Xiao Bai It’s the only one and the exception!

"Ahem, I’m talking about Alice, Erina, why don’t you introduce who this handsome guy is?"

Kobayashi Ringtong winked at Nakiri Alice and Nakiri Erina!

Nakiri Erina's mouth twitched.

But then she introduced:"This is the second seat of the Ten Elites, Kobayashi Ringtong, and Shijie. Ning Ning, the Kingdom of the Sixth Anniversary!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Naturally, Xiao Bai recognized the two people a long time ago, so he also said hello.

"Hello, I am Xiao Bai, the vice president of the student union of Jixia College. I hope you will gain something from Jixia College in the next year!"

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning nodded slightly without speaking, looking cold and charming.

【Well, my wife Ning Ning is really cool and cute. What are you thinking about? Ahem. ]

Ning Ning of the Kingdom of Ji couldn't help but blush slightly. Alice Nakiri and Erina Nakiri both reached out and pinched Xiao Bai's waist, causing Xiao Bai to break away instantly. state of fantasy

"Mr. Bai, how long do you plan to keep staring at Senior Ji Zhiguo?"

Xiao Bai smiled and did not answer.

Fortunately, a car stopped in front of Xiao Bai and the others, and then a few girls got out of the car.

Exchange students from Otonomisaka School also arrived.

Xunze Eri, Nozomi Tojo, Umi Sonoda, Kotori Minami, Eno Takaita, and Maki Nishikino, after seeing Xiaobai and the others, bowed and greeted directly under the leadership of the blond girl Eri Tsunase.

"We are from Otonogizaka School, please give us your advice in the future!"

After informing each other of their names, Xiao Bai looked at the group of girls.

【Sure enough, the young and beautiful girl is so awesome, even just looking at her makes me feel happy, because the injured heart of that woman, Mai Sakurajima, was immediately soothed!】

【These girls are awesome! 】

Mai Sakurajima:

Mai Sakurajima: Can you die, you bastard!

Mai Sakurajima, who was once again mentioned by Xiao Bai, is not well now, Xiao Bai is a bastard.

She likes to take some private photos, can't you see it yourself?

Xiao Bai, this bastard, not only took away his private photos, he actually regarded himself as an indecent woman. Bastard, damn it, go to hell, you pervert who is full of pornographic waste!

Another day of incompetence and rage for Mai Sakurajima.

From yesterday to now, Sakurajima Mai didn't know how many times she had been angry because of this matter..

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