As the exchange students from Otonogizaka arrived, not long after, the exchange students from Teitan High School also arrived.

"I'm Sonoko Suzuki, handsome guy, what's your name!"

Xiao Bai looked at Suzuki Sonoko who was leaning in front of him and laughed dryly.

"Xiao Bai, Vice President of the Student Union of Jixia College, hello, Miss Suzuki!"

"Just call me Yuanzi. I'll just call you Bai Jun.!"

Xiao Bai smiled and did not answer. He was a little speechless for Suzuki Sonoko, a familiar Xiao Bai!

【Suzuki Sonoko is really familiar, but it's normal. After all, she is a nympho in the plot. It's normal to meet a handsome guy like me to strike up a conversation, but Suzuki Sonoko wearing a hairband is completely sealed. Looks great, if you take off the hairband, it will be very beautiful. 】

Xiao Bai's diary made everyone look at Lingmu Yuanzi. Lingmu Yuanzi himself also saw the diary. There was no expression on his face, but he secretly complained in his heart:"It's really too much. Xiao Bai knows everything about me, and I don’t understand anything."

Xiao Bai then looked at the other people in Didan High School, and looked at one of them, a man with long black hair and straight hair.

【This is Katsura Yanha, it’s so miserable. If you can help later, please help. Find a time to kill Ito Makoto and Sawatsuchi, so that these two scum will not continue to harm others.-】

Gui Yanye looked at Xiao Bai with a hint of gratitude.

"My name is Gui Yeyan, please give me some advice."

Xiyuan Temple World next to Gui Yanye also introduced himself generously:"I am Xiyuan Temple World, please give me some advice."

In the world of Xiyuan Temple, Xiao Bai doesn't have a good impression of this guy, but he doesn't want to just show off his face directly.

"Please give me more advice."

Suzuki Sonoko seemed to be aware of Xiao Bai's attitude, and introduced the girl next to her to Xiao Bai

"This is my good friend Mao Lilan, how about she is a very beautiful girl, right?"

Xiao Bai glanced at Mao Lilan, then smiled and nodded.

【Maori Ran, what a pity. She fell in love with that guy Kudo Shinichi. Later, because he saw the black organization's deal, Gin knocked him unconscious and force-fed A. In the end, he turned into a child.】

【But to be honest, this guy Kudo Shinichi is also a real bastard. After turning into a child, he actually hid in Mao Lilan's house. He was not worried about the danger to Mao Lilan's family if his identity was exposed. In addition to this, he actually He turned into a child by himself, and then took a bath with Mao Lilan? ]

Suzuki Sonoko's eyelids couldn't help but twitch. This guy Kudo Shinichi is not only a walking god of death, but also a scumbag. He actually took advantage of Xiaolan's advantage by shrinking his body.

At this time, a car stopped at the door, and then several people got out of the car.

"It looks like we are the last to arrive, sorry to keep you waiting!"

Momochi Luoli, who came out of the car, saw a group of people at the school gate and spoke directly. The cyan lipstick made Momochi Luoli look somewhat coquettish, while Xiao Bai stepped forward with a smile.

"Xiao Bai, Vice President of Jixia College Student Union, now that everyone is here, let me take you to get familiar with Jixia College."

【This is Momogaki Roli. She is as strong as expected. The one next to her is Yumeko Snake. These two are the same type of people. They are crazy about gambling, but I don’t care about gambling. But if you are not interested, take them for a walk, and then you can go back quickly! ]

Momo Qi Luoli looked at Xiao Bai, her eyes became a little dangerous, as if she had seen some prey.

Xiao Bai was not interested in her, but she was very interested in Xiao Bai!

Naturally, Xiao Bai would not miss Taoqi Luoli's aggressive gaze, but Xiao Bai frowned slightly but didn't say anything more.

Others also noticed the way Taoqi Luoli looked at Xiao Bai

"President, are you very interested in this Xiao Bai?"

Huangquanyue Luna asked Momoqi Luoli. Just at the first sight of Xiao Bai, Huangquanyue Luna knew that Xiao Bai was not the kind of person she was interested in.

But what she didn't expect was that she Not interested, but my president Momo Qi Luoli is actually interested in Xiao Bai

"Yes, I am very interested in this man!"

As she spoke, Momogaki Roli stuck out her tongue and slightly licked her lips, which were smeared with cyan lipstick.

Nakiri Erina glanced at Momogaki Roli, with a warning in her eyes:"I hope you don't. What bad thoughts will there be? Otherwise, you will definitely regret it!"

Faced with this warning, Momoki Luoli just smiled evilly.

Otonogisaka Small Group

"The vice president looks quite handsome."

Gaoban Huinaoguo looked at Xiao Bai and whispered to the others.

"Well, it's better that we don't discuss it casually."

Nan Qinli reminded Gao Ban Hui Naoguo.

Xiao Bai quickly took everyone around the entire Jixia Academy!

"So this is the whole picture of Jixia College. If you have anything else you want to know, you can ask me." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"No more, thank you very much!"


Xiao Bai was about to say that everyone should go home, when he saw a figure walking in from outside the school gate.

The other party was wearing a windbreaker, a large-brimmed hat on his face, and a mask that covered most of his face.


Xiao Bai immediately noticed the identity of the other party.

Others also discovered the cracked girl.

"Is this a spirit?"

Xiao Bai found that some people did not show fear or panic on their faces, while others showed fear on their faces. When

Xiao Bai saw this scene, he frowned and retreated behind everyone. At the same time, he quietly winked at Nakiri Alice and Nakiri Erina, signaling them and him to temporarily retreat and run away if something goes wrong.

Nakiri Erina looked at Xiao Bai in confusion, this spiritual figure Is Baidu aware of danger?

Thinking of this, Nakiri Erina and Nakiri Alice approached Xiao Bai, and then retreated to Xiao Bai without leaving a trace.

"What's wrong?"

Nakiri Erina asked Xiao Bai in a low voice

"No, it feels like there will be danger, so we retreat first!"

【This spirit actually ignored my presence and ran over. It looked very powerful. Moreover, Suzuki Sonoko and some other people were not afraid but had excited expressions on their faces. The situation is not right. Go back first and see what the situation is. He said that if there was any problem, he would immediately take Erina's wife and Alice's wife and run away. force】.

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