Shinomiya Yanan has investigated Xiao Bai. After all, how could Shinomiya Yanan not care about the person his precious daughter likes? In the past, he only watched in secret because he was worried that Shinomiya Kaguya was not his daughter, but now Shinomiya Yanan wants to pamper Shinomiya Kaguya to heaven!

So it's natural to feel unhappy with Xiao Bai, a wild boar who wants to take advantage of his own cabbage.

Not to mention what kind of bad things Xiao Bai's predecessor did at that time!

Therefore, Sigong Yan'an, the daughter slave, doesn't like Xiao Bai no matter how she looks at him, but Naihe's own daughter likes Xiao Bai, and she is so determined that she won't even pull him!

He is really angry and angry.

So Sigong Yan'an was thinking about whether he could open a breakthrough from Xiao Bai's side, but as soon as he saw Xiao Bai, Sigong Yan'an knew that his idea failed.

Xiao Bai is completely different from the licking dog he investigated. Sigong Yan'an doesn't know what Xiao Bai was like before, but now Xiao Bai is definitely a tyrant!

"Originally I wanted you to leave Kaguya, but now I have changed my mind. Although I 597 still hate you very much, you are qualified to be with Kaguya."

Sigong Yan'an said coldly to Xiao Bai, but Xiao Bai was a little funny. This old father's drama was really hilarious.

"Didn’t the head of the Shinomiya family always care about Kaguya? Oh, could it be that his conscience noticed it and he wanted to compensate Kaguya? No way, no way, I left Kaguya aside for more than ten years and then suddenly realized my conscience and wanted to compensate Kaguya, right?"

The veins on Sigong Yan'an's forehead jumped, what a brat!

But although he was unhappy with Xiao Bai, he had to admit that Xiao Bai was very good.

Even the descendants of those big families looked grand when they saw Sigong Yan'an. They didn't dare to take a breath, but Xiao Bai not only dared, but also dared to choke with him!

Although Shinomiya Yan'an was unhappy with Xiao Bai's attitude, he was sure that Xiao Bai and Kaguya would be able to protect Kaguya after they got married.

For himself His sons, Shinomiya Yanan know very well what kind of virtue they have. If he is gone that day, Shinomiya Kaguya will definitely be made things difficult or even difficult for him by his sons.

So if Xiao Bai is strong enough, he can protect Kaguya!

Although Kaguya looks decisive and ruthless, how can Shinomiya Yanan, a slave girl, not know who Shinomiya Kaguya is?

Shinomiya Kaguya attaches great importance to feelings. If Shinomiya Kaguya didn't care about feelings, Shinomiya Kaguya wouldn't have given him the pill.

Therefore, although Shinomiya Yanan was unhappy that Xiao Bai had snatched his daughter, he believed that Xiao Bai could protect Shinomiya Kaguya and did not think about stopping the relationship between the two.

What? Do you think it is reasonable for a father to help his daughter deal with his son?

Just don't be too reasonable, okay?

Shinomiya Yanan did not strangle these sons with his own hands to pave the way for Shinomiya Kaguya because of the love between father and son. The things Shinomiya Huangguang did to Shinomiya Kaguya were enough to make Shinomiya Yanan strangle to death. The fourth house has yellow light.

That is to say, when there is still a trace of father-son affection, I let the other party go.

"Huh, if you can only talk, then I will doubt whether you can protect Kaguya!"

"You don’t need to worry about this, a bad old man like you. Kaguya is my future wife. It’s not your turn to worry about it, an old guy with one leg buried in the soil!"

Fuck, this brat's mouth is so poisonous!

Sigong Yan'an looked at Xiao Bai with a dark face.

Xiao Bai was actually a little surprised by Sigong Yan'an. Sigong Yan'an's body should have been in failing condition, but Although Sigong Yan'an looks (agba) old now, he can still survive for a few years.

Something is wrong!

Xiao Bai muttered in his heart, and then said to Sigong Yan'an:"Okay, just go ahead and Tell me, what are you asking me for? If you want to break up Kaguya and me, then don't speak, lest I laugh at you!"

Sigong Yanan's veins jumped, but he endured it for the sake of his precious daughter. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I came to you this time just to see you. If you are not worthy of Kaguya, then I will let you leave Kaguya, but you did not disappoint me, so I do not intend to interfere with you and Kaguya. matter!"

Although Shinomiya Yan'an was dissatisfied with Xiao Bai, he also admitted that Xiao Bai was indeed capable of protecting Shinomiya Kaguya.

"Okay, see you there then. If I have nothing else to do, I will leave first. Staying with an old man like you makes me feel a few years older."

The veins on Shinomiya Yanan's forehead jumped again, but looking at Kaguya's face, he continued to endure it!

"Okay, let's go, I'll be angry when I see you, this brat!"

Sigong Yan'an waved Xiao Bai away with a look of disgust.

Not minding Sigong Yan'an's attitude, Xiao Bai walked out, but when passing by the corridor, Xiao Bai and a middle-aged man passed each other. However, at that moment, Xiao Bai felt a dark, cold and evil power in the other party's body!

"It seems interesting!"

This middle-aged man had a bald head, and Xiao Bai immediately understood who he was.

Sigong Huangguang

"Maybe it will be a good show. If it were before, I wouldn't mind my own business, but now that Kaguya has reconciled with that dead old man, then I can't watch the dead old man really die!"

The darkness flashed away under Xiao Bai's feet!

"Oh, let's go, go home, the rest has nothing to do with me!"

And the same bald man, after passing by Xiao Bai, ordered his entourage:"Go and investigate who that person is!""

"Yes, Master Huang Guang!"

This middle-aged bald man is Sigong Huangguang, and then Sigong Huangguang walked into Sigong Yan'an's room.

Xiao Bai had already got on the vehicle arranged by the Sigong family and went home!

【Sigong Huangguang, haha, it's really interesting. The father-killing incident may happen at some time. What is the cold, chaotic and evil power in Sigong Huangguang's body? It made me a little bit more interested!】

【However, in order to prevent the old man from Shinomiya Yanan from really dying, I still have some backup plans. I believe that the old man will not die. Wife Kaguya, I am really worried about you! 】.

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