【Yesterday's diary was completed and rewards began to be distributed. You have obtained the character card upgrade task. After completing the task, you can obtain character card upgrade fragments X1. Collect 7 fragments to upgrade a character card.】

【The person who recorded yesterday's diary received a reward and began to draw a copy of the diary. The person holding the diary copy received the same reward. The rewards conflicted and the reward was replaced with a random recipe.】

【The draw is completed, congratulations to XXX (Tazoko Hui) for winning a random recipe】

【Rewards for diary copy holders have begun to be distributed. The person whose name was mentioned most by diary recorders yesterday was Gui Yanye. Rewards are now being distributed.~】

【Congratulations to Gui Yanye for obtaining the skill Sword Master, Sword Master: Obtaining sword master level swordsmanship-】

When Xiao Bai woke up the next day, his eyes widened.

Character card upgrade fragments?

Xiao Bai suddenly became excited, and then suddenly Xiao Bai found that it was a little difficult to breathe. Then he looked down and saw the pink and blue heads lying on his chest. No wonder he couldn't breathe!


Xiao Bai stared, as if he didn't expect that even Rem would get under his bed.

【Damn it, why should it be so exciting so early in the morning? Not only Ram, but also Rem is here today. This is too much. Use this to test the cadres, who can stand it! ]

He removed Rem and Ram from his body, then looked at Rem and Ram, got dressed and walked out. Xiao Bai did not notice that after he left, Rem and Ram People opened their eyes

"Rem, is the pervert master in trouble? There is no movement at all!"

Rem also had some doubts after hearing what Ram said.

【Fortunately, I can control it now. Otherwise, who can withstand paying tribute to the dead every day? Which veteran cadre can withstand such a test! 】

Xiao Bai's diary made Rem and Ram breathe a sigh of relief in time. Fortunately, it was not that they were unattractive, but that their master was now able to control them freely!

【No, how could Rem not wake up today? Normally she would have sex early, but nowCould it be that he was pretending to sleep? ]

Rem's face suddenly turned red.

Xiao Bai found out that he was pretending to be asleep!

【Well, probably not. Rem wouldn't do such a thing. It seems like it was just a rare occasion for Rem to stay in bed today, so I'll prepare today's breakfast. Well, I still have the buns from yesterday, forget it. Now, let’s heat up the buns. Although these Sishen Seafood Eight-treasure Buns are a failure, they taste pretty good, so they’re good for breakfast. Speaking of which, although they are a failure, they are still a failure with Si Yingshi. The performance is similar or even better. Not long after, Rem and Ram also walked out of the room. Xiao Bai did not mention the two of them running into his bed.

【Oh, I really admire myself. If it were other men, Rem and Ram would have turned from girls to women.】

【But who makes me a gentleman, so naturally I will not do that kind of thing. 】

Ram: Hey, stupid master!

Rem: Stupid master!

【Speaking of which, I'm a little curious. If I really want to do something, will Rem and Ram refuse?】

【Probably not, after all, they have already taken the initiative to get into my bed, but if I really did something, what is the difference between it and trying to repay a favor? I covet Rem and Ram's bodies, but I What I want even more is their love!】

【If we really want to do something now, the favorability level may not be directly locked! ]

Rem and Ram looked at each other.

Ram looked at Rem's eyes that were like spring water and curled his lips.

The pervert master knows how to seduce girls, so Ram will not be deceived by you.

When Rem looked at her sister, she didn't know that her sister was a tough talker.

【If you are trying to conquer a girl alone, then there is no problem, but it is a bit difficult to open a harem openly, so I have to control myself before I think of a way. 】

Alice Nakiri was so angry early in the morning that she wanted to open a harem. She wanted to open a harem. This lady has pulled down all your flags for you. If you want to open a harem, you are eating your ass, you scumbag!

Others have more or less the same idea, starting a harem?

What the hell!

After breakfast, Xiao Bai went to school.

When Xiao Bai came to the school, he saw Yuji Sakamoto and his group talking about something.

"I said, what do you say?"

Seeing Xiao Bai's arrival, Sakamoto Yuuji said to Xiao Bai:"We plan to launch a summoned beast war with Class E, and we are discussing it!"

"Start a war with summoned beasts now? Yuuji, although I know that you want to start a war while everyone's performance is not very good, but I personally suggest that you still consider it."

Sakamoto Yuji shook his head.

"I have thought it through clearly, we must start the summoned beast war!"

Seeing Yuji Sakamoto say this, Xiao Bai stopped talking. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Okay, then I’ll do as you’re told. If you need my help, just ask!"

"No problem, I won’t leave it unused."

After Sakamoto Yuji said this, he looked at Yoshii Akihisa.

"Akihisa, then you will be my class’s ambassador to declare war on Class E!"

"Ah, Yuuji, if you go to declare war, you will be beaten by the opponent, right?"

"Akiji, violence is prohibited in school, so you don’t need to worry about this at all!"

Xiao Bai quietly watched Yuji Sakamoto fooling Yoshii Akihisa!

It is true that violence is not allowed in the school, but if you don't use violence, you just control Yoshii Akihisa, and then the school won't do anything non-violent to Yoshii Akihisa. Nosy!

Sakamoto Yuuji is simply deliberately trying to trick Yoshii Akihisa.

But as a harmful friend, Xiao Bai will definitely not remind him

"Is it like this? No problem, then leave it to me and let me declare war!"

Then Yoshii Akihisa, who went to declare war with great vigour, was forced to put on women's clothing and come back!

"Yuuji, didn't you say they won't use violence?"

"So are they using violence now?"

Yoshii Akihisa: It's a shame that I'm pretty!.

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