Kouta Tsuchiya took the camera and kept taking photos of Yoshii Akihisa wearing women's clothes.

"Yuuji, now that we’ve said hello, it’s time for us to appear!"

Yoshii Akihisa looked at the two of them in confusion!

"What's the meaning? Didn’t you ask me to declare war?"

Sakamoto Yuji looked at Yoshii Akihisa:"Of course it's because Akihisa has completely failed to complete the task, so we can only talk to each other in person."

"The leader of Class E in the first year is Ryuen Sho. This guy likes to use violence. Although violence is not allowed in school, Ryuen Sho still has some small tricks. Even if the other party agrees to summon the beast war It is inevitable that the lion will open his mouth!"

Sakamoto Yuji looked at Xiao Bai, and then said with a smile:"690""What do you think the other party's conditions will be?"

"After thinking about it, I am afraid that the only one who is valuable is me. As the vice-president of the student union, the conditions proposed by the other party may only be mine as the vice-president of the student union."

How could Xiao Bai not guess that Sakamoto Yuuji had betrayed himself again!

"I said Yuuji, you bastard still owe me a favor, and now you’re actually selling me out again?"

Sakamoto Yuji looked at Xiao Bai with amusement on his face.

"I'm already high on favors!"

Xiao Bai:"????"

"Shoko is beautiful, isn’t she?"

Xiao Bai's pupils shrank, and then he looked at Sakamoto Yuuji. Then Xiao Bai thought a lot, and then Xiao Bai looked at Sakamoto Yuuji:"You are such a scumbag, I want to beat you to death. idea!"

【Damn it, Sakamoto Yuuji is such a beast, Kirishima is also blind, he actually likes Sakamoto Yuuji! ]

Year A, Kirishima Shoko became stiff because of this entry in her diary.

But then Kirishima Shoko felt relieved. She had guessed it a long time ago, right?

【Yuuji, you really deserve to die. You repaid Kirishima's favor, and you even helped yourself solve Kirishima's problem. Yuuji, you really deserve to die. This makes me look at Kirishima squarely in the future. 】

A group of people were very confused. What was Xiao Bai talking about? Why could they not understand it at all?

【He deliberately designed to make Kirishima leave sadly, and then asked me to comfort Kirishima. Even I doubted whether those yellow hairs were the ones arranged by Yuuji, shit!】

【Really a bastard! 】

Xiao Bai looked at Yuuji Sakamoto in front of him:"If I don't punch you, I will really be suffocating in my heart. So, Yuuji, you don't mind letting me punch you, right?""

"Don't think about it. If you have this power, just leave it in Class E and use it!"

Sakamoto Yuji is not stupid, so naturally he will not let Xiao Bai punch him."

"In this case, then I can reject the conditions proposed by Ryūen Sho! Sakamoto

Yuji looked at Xiao Bai:"Do you really want to be like this?""

"I feel uncomfortable if I don't punch you, and more importantly, this punch can be regarded as helping Kirishima. Is what you did a human matter? You bastard, think about it yourself. If you don't agree, there will be no discussion on Class E's affairs!"

"Okay, so light"

Xiao Bai had already punched Sakamoto Yuuji in the face and knocked Sakamoto Yuuji away!

【After punching out, I finally felt better. Yuuji, this bastard, did a good job. If you don't like Kirishima, you just push Kirishima out as if he were an object? It’s true that Kirishima is beautiful, but now that Yuuji is such a bastard, I can’t even look at Kirishima. It’s so stupid! 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The corners of Kirishima Shoko’s lips raised a slight arc.

"It seems that Kirishima-san is not sad. Is it because there is a replacement?"

"Not a replacement!"

Kirishima Shoko frowned slightly, and then retorted to Sakayanagi Yusu.

"It seems that Kirishima-san is ready to start a relationship again, but also, compared to Sakamoto Yuuji, although Haku-kun is a little more flirtatious, he is serious about the girls he likes, and his gentle personality is true for the people he likes. It is very popular with girls."

Sakayanagi Arisu had to admit that Xiao Bai's gentle character towards the people he likes is very popular with girls.

Compared with the macho chauvinism of other neon men, Xiao Bai's Asashi is a plus point 0.......

Kirishima Shoko didn't say anything, but Sakayanagi Yusu could tell that Kirishima Shoko had probably changed from a good impression of Xiao Bai to a crush on Xiao Bai. The content of this diary completely pushed Kirishima Shoko.

Sakamoto Yuji's rejection and ruthlessness made Kirishima Shoko completely give up on Sakamoto Yuji.

After punching Xiao Bai and Yuji Sakamoto, they came to the first-year Class E

【This guy is Haruyuki Arita. Kuroyukihime's taste is really unique. She actually likes this little fat guy. But forget it, everyone has their own preferences for radish and green vegetables. At least she is better than Mai Sakurajima. She deceived my feelings. Sakurajima Mai, hetui~]

Mai Sakurajima: What’s the matter with me? And every time you mention my name, you have to spit, it’s endless, right?

Sakamoto Yuji looked at Ryūen Sho:"Ryuen, let's talk."

"Talk, there is nothing to talk about, I have no reason to agree to a summoned beast war with you!"

The red-haired Ryuuen Sho, who looked like a delinquent, had his hands in his pockets. He and Sakamoto Yuji, who also had red hair, looked somewhat similar. They were both delinquents.

Xiao Bai directly interrupted:"Okay, Long Yuan, stop pretending, I have guessed what you are thinking. If you win, I can do you a small favor that does not violate my principles within the scope of my responsibilities!"3.2

"Haha, since you said so, then it would be unwise for me to refuse. If that's the case, then just leave it like this."

"But what if you lose?"

"If I lose, first-year Class E can do something for you, Class F, unconditionally. How about that?"

Xiao Bai looked at Sakamoto Yuji, and Sakamoto Yuji nodded.

"Okay, then that’s it!"

Long Yuanxiang looked at Xiao Bai:"Then the time will be set for tomorrow, you guys are fine!"

"No problem, then tomorrow will be fine, Xiao Bai, let’s go!"

"Yuuji, go back to class by yourself. I won't care about your mobilization. I'll go to the student union to settle this matter!"

"Okay, then I’ll leave the student union to you, and leave the matters in the class to me!".

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