After returning home and taking a comfortable bath, Xiao Bai lay on the bed and started recording his diary.

【The components of this world are becoming more and more complex. Although they are all two-dimensional, can an animation or a game be linked together?】

【Yae Shenzi, right? When the time comes, will there be a Raiden Shin and a Raiden movie as a bonus?】

【I'm really grateful. What a mess this world has become.】

【But let’s not talk about it yet. Yae Shenzi, this pink-furred fox, is indeed a vixen. Tsk tsk, those long legs are so white.】

【But forget it, these are all trivial matters. The main focus now is on comfort and comfort. I can feel a little bit that their anger has continued to a level that makes my head hurt!】

【Obviously this matter has nothing to do with me, but in the end I am still required to do the work. Is this reasonable? 】

Sometimes Xiao Bai feels like the world is over, but thinking about his wives, he might as well save him.

And the world is over. Even if you live alone, what's the point? You are the only living person in the world?

At that time, I am afraid that I will be driven crazy by the estimation, so Xiao Bai cannot let Mr. Ke and Sha Bujin destroy the world.

【What’s even more troublesome is that without the old noodles and the Bai Luo snake chain, I am powerless. Even if I deduced the recipe, it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. I really can’t do this - ah!】

【So annoying, so annoying, so annoying, why are there so many nonsense things!】

【Ahhhh, I want to vent, I have to vent! 】

Narukami Taisha Shrine.

Yae Shenzi looked through Xiao Bai's diary, and a trace of trouble flashed in his eyes.

"Could it be you?"

A cherry blossom petal fell down, and then fell into the wine cup placed by Yae Kamiko. Yae

Kamiko twisted the wine cup with his green fingers, and then swallowed the wine in the cup together with the cherry blossom petals.

"It seems that he is still affected. He would not be so irritable before. Although the impact is not big, I am afraid it will be troublesome if it continues. Even I can't find the inheritance of Lao Mian and the Bai Luo family. I'm afraid In other words, the only reward that can really be relied on is Xiao Bai."

Then Yae Shenzi suddenly showed a smile in his eyes.

"Really, Ying, I wonder if you also have a diary? If you also have a diary, how would you feel if you knew that such a little guy knew of your existence?"

A disdainful smile appeared on Yae Shenzi's face, but then a lonely look appeared on his face.

"You are no longer here, neither is Huzhai Palace, everyone is no longer here. I live a very happy life according to what you said, but sometimes I feel a little lonely."

Suddenly, Yae Shenzi felt a terrifying aura coming from a distance.

Yae Shenzi's face was on one side.

"Could it be that guy Xiao Bai went berserk?"

Fortunately, this breath was just fleeting, but the relaxed look on Yae Shenzi's face no longer existed.

The breath just now made Yae Shenzi feel like he was like an ant, and he would die at any time. Being crushed!

Yae Shenzi immediately looked at the diary

【It was so dangerous, so dangerous. Just now, when I was getting more and more annoyed, I actually had the idea of ​​destroying everything. Fortunately, I reacted immediately.】

【Oh, I'm very angry and want to kill people. No, I can't be angry. Once I get angry, it will arouse the anger of those two big guys. Then I will lose control. The world is so beautiful, but I am so irritable. This is not good!】

【I need to find a way to divert my attention, uhYou actually gave me a message that asked me to relieve my anger by applauding men and women? I didn’t expect that big bosses can be rude sometimes, but it seems to be normal. Props that symbolize contracts have the ability to arouse people’s desires. It can be alleviated by applauding. There is nothing wrong with that.】

【How about spending some money? 】

Women:? ? ?

【No, no, my brain is so fucking crazy, otherwise I would go to Rem and Ram. It seems like Rem and Ram would not reject me. ]

0request flowers0

【What am I thinking about? Although Rem and Ram most likely won’t refuse, what do I think of them? They reject it.】

【Then it seems that there is only one way left. Let's cleanse the souls in Tokyo District to vent. Although it is better than nothing, it is better than doing nothing.】

【Moreover, this can also reduce other people’s encounters with evil spirits, killing two birds with one stone!】

【Wow, then the hunting begins! ]

Xiao Bai put on a hooded coat, and then he didn’t go out from the door, but flew out of the second floor window!

All the aliens in Tokyo suddenly felt a cold feeling, as if there was a knife on their necks.

One night, the whole night, Xiao Bai was hunting the evil spirits in Tokyo District. In the end, Xiao Bai was unable to find any evil spirits in Tokyo District.

Looking at the slightly pale sky, Xiao Bai let out a breath.

"It's time to go back."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiao Bai returned to the bedroom, and then he saw two maids, one pink and one blue, staring at him.


Xiao Bai has forgotten what will happen to his two maids who know how to get into their master's bed when they see their master is away.

"Master Pervert, do you still know how to come back? Do you know how worried Ram is about you?"

Looking at Ram, Xiao Baixian smiled and apologized:"Sorry!"

Rem sighed

"Then Rem will prepare breakfast first!"

Bowing slightly, Rem walked out, while Ram looked at Xiao Bai.

"Master Pervert, as punishment, can you please grant Ram a small request?"

"Um, request, what request?"

"From now on, pervert master, you just don’t have to do anything, just leave everything to Ram!"

Xiao Bai was puzzled, but soon Xiao Bai understood

【Damn, Ram is so bold!】

【Hiss, I really didn’t expect that Ram actually】

【I'm guilty, I didn't refuse! one】.

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