Seeing Ram taking out a tissue to wipe away the unknown liquid on his face and the maid uniform, Xiao Bai felt a little complicated for a moment.

"Master Pervert, if you need anything, please come to Ram!"

After Ram finished speaking, he bowed slightly and walked out, while Xiao Bai fell into silence.

【I'm not clean anymore】

【Bah bah bah】

【No, I didn't expect that the first time I handed it over to Ram like this. 】

A group of girls who didn't know what was going on suddenly turned pale for a moment. Sure enough, they shouldn't worry about Xiao Bai and the two maids being together!

But it’s too late to say anything now, that Ram has already succeeded.

【But I didn't expect it to actually work. I felt much clearer, my head no longer had the dark and heavy feeling of"817", and the lingering irritability in my heart also disappeared!】

【But is there something wrong with this? Why did Ram suddenly become so bold? Could it be the influence? I'm afraid this is really like this. I feel a little sorry for Ram. I'm sorry. I'm guilty. I should refuse. But I didn't refuse just now.】

【Forget it, don’t think about this anymore, just collect yesterday’s reward first】

【Yesterday the diary was completed and rewards started to be distributed. You got a piece of Sakurajima Mai’s original flavored silk.】

【The person who recorded yesterday's diary received a reward, and the diary copy was drawn, and the person holding the diary copy received the same reward.】

【The drawing is completed, congratulations to XXXXX (Yunoshita Harano) for winning a piece of the same style.】

【Rewards for diary copy holders have begun to be distributed. The person whose name was mentioned most by diary recorders yesterday was Nangong Nayue. Rewards are now being distributed.】

【Congratulations to Nangong for getting a piece of Shu Han Old Noodles that month. 】

Xiao Bai held a piece of high-quality silk in his hand, and his eyes showed as much disgust as possible. He had no idea that Yukinoshita Yono, who had received the same high-quality silk, had a face as black as the bottom of a pot.

【I actually gave it to Mai Sakurajima’s original flavored silk. What’s the use of this thing? After I said I wanted to give it to my wife, what’s the point of giving it to a woman like Sakurajima Mai? Hetui~] Xiao

Bai achieved his achievement , the daily milk cherry is completed.

Mai Sakurajima had another day of incompetence and rage. Xiao Bai, that bastard, took advantage of her, and then he pulled her out and whipped her body every day, no matter what happened.

【Forget it, I won’t say anything more. Anyway, this Sakurajima Mai was once one of my wives. It’s a pity that she doesn’t know how to love herself. When I think of that photo book, IForget it, forget it, if I keep talking, I'm afraid the fire that Ram just lowered will come back again.】

【After tidying up, it’s time to go to school. Fortunately, with my current physical condition, even if I don’t sleep for a day, it’s not a big deal. ]

Xiao Bai entered the bathroom and took a shower, then changed his clothes and walked out. When he saw Ram, his eyes looked slightly guilty.

"Master Pervert, please come over and eat quickly. The breakfast made by Rem is already too much for you to swallow."

Xiao Bai chuckled, and then decisively walked forward to eat. After eating, Xiao Bai went to school.

After the day's classes, Xiao Bai went directly to the service department!

"Hey, Yukino, have a good evening!"

Yukinoshita Yukino nodded slightly.

Xiao Bai looked at Yukinoshita Yukino and Yotsuya Miko:"What's wrong with you? Looks like he's a little depressed"

"It's nothing. What brings you to the service department?"

Listening to Yukinoshita Yukino's somewhat rushed words, Xiao Bai blinked. Why did he feel that Yukinoshita Yukino didn't welcome him?

Is it an illusion?

"Come and see you, Yukino. Don’t you welcome me, Yukino?"

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Xiao Bai's appearance, was silent for a while, and then sighed and said:"Mr. Bai, it's not that you are not welcome, butForget it, it’s nothing!"

Xiao Bai:"???"

Looking at Yukinoshita Yukino in front of him, Xiao Bai blinked. Can he not be the Riddler?

At this time, there were footsteps outside the service department, followed by a knock on the door. Hiratsuka Shizuka walked in with a man and a woman.

"Yo, Yukino. Hiratsuka

Shizu and Yukinoshita Yukino said hello, and then looked at Xiao Bai:"It's you!""

"I said Jing Keai, can you treat me differently like this? As a teacher, what you do is simply chilling!"

Hiratsuka Shizuka used her little finger to pick out her ears...

"After saying that, go away, Xueno, I’m here to see you today. Aren’t there few people in your service department? I brought you two members!"

Xiao Bai looked at the two people brought by Hiratsuka Shizuka.

【Hikigaya Hachiman and Yuigahama Yui? Tsk, Yukino's official partner, Hikigaya Hachiman, although I don't hate you, but I won't give Yukino to you, Yukino can only be mine!】

【The one next to me is Yuigahama Yui. Sure enough, it’s a dango. Although it’s cute, it’s not my type!】

【Shizukai wants Hikigaya Hachiman to join the service club? I have to mess with him, and I firmly refuse Hikigaya Hachiman to come near my little Yukino!】

【But it doesn’t seem like I can stop him. Otherwise, Hikigaya Hachiman will be quietly humanely destroyed later? Although I'm very sorry for Hikigaya Hachiman, Yukino is mine, and whoever takes it from me will die! 】

Xiao Bai looked at Hikigaya Hachiman, a hint of murderous intent flashed in his eyes!

Yukinoshita Yukino frowned slightly, feeling very disgusted with Xiao Bai's possessiveness.

But then Yukinoshita Yukino sighed slightly in her heart

"Sorry, Hiratsuka old 5.8 Division, the number of people in the service department is enough now, so there is no need for new members! Hiratsuka

Shizu looked at Yukinoshita Yukino and was about to say something, but Yukinoshita Yukino spoke first:"Don't say more, I won't agree.""

Hearing this sentence, Hiratsuka Shizu knew that Yukinoshita Yukino would not agree.

"Well, in that case, then I can entrust you with it, right? Then I hope you can help Hikigaya change his personality and let him make more friends. The next thing is about Yuigahama's grades and help improve her grades!

Hikigaya Hachiman suddenly said:"I won't bother you. Yukinoshita-san just needs to help this Yuigahama-san.""

"In that case, I accept Yuigahama-san’s request!".

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