"Calm down, if you want to continue listening."

Nangong saw that Xiao Bai's mood was wrong that month, and said to Xiao Bai

"Nazuki-chan, keep talking."

Nangong Nayue looked at Xiao Bai and continued to speak.

"Whether it is as we guessed, I am afraid only the man knows, but what is certain is that the other person left your mother after getting your grandmother's relics."

Xiao Bai closed his eyes. The anger flowing in his heart made Xiao Bai know that he must calm down now.

It took a long time for Xiao Bai to open his eyes again.

"No matter what you want to do, improving your strength is the key. The spirit that resides in you is very strong, but the power you can use is very little. Now you can't even beat that snow girl."

Xiao Bai:

What Nangong said that month was absolutely correct. It was true that Xiao Bai's spirit was very powerful, but all of this was based on Xiao Bai using the power of Cthulhu. However, the power that Xiao Bai's body could withstand was limited.

Once this upper limit is exceeded, Xiao Bai's body will be as if a balloon has been filled with more air than the limit, and then it will explode with a boom like a balloon.

"And let’s talk about that man’s wife, whose surname is Liu, Liu from Liu Pleiades!"

Xiao Bai's pupils shrank, and then Xiao Bai seemed to have thought of something, and there was a certain light shining in his eyes767

"The Lei family, Tang family, Xie family, etc. who were friends with the Liu family had at least five special chefs standing behind them."

No need for Nangong to say much in that month, Xiao Bai can understand what a huge network of relationships this is.

"Don't worry, Yue-chan, I know how to do it."

Xiao Bai calmed down. The angrier he gets, the more he has to calm down.

"You'd better save your strength now."

Nangong Nayue actually considered not telling Xiao Bai, but after seeing the appearance of the Tyrannosaurus pattern, Nangong Nayue decided to tell Xiao Bai about it. The purpose was to motivate Xiao Bai with this white

"So other than that, Yue-chan, do you have anything else to do?"

"Regarding the old noodles, I got the exact news. There is a copy of Shu Han Old Noodles in the Ming Dynasty’s national treasure house. As long as you can pass the Cooking God Candidate Assessment, then you can get Shu Han Old Noodles!

When Xiao Bai heard this, he asked instead:"So what about Bai Luo Snake's chain transfer?" Is there any whereabouts of Bailuo Snake's Chain?"

"This is not available yet!"

Xiao Bai was not disappointed either. After all, it was an unexpected surprise to find out the whereabouts of the old Shu Han noodles this time.

Xiao Bai looked at the Jade Dragon Pot.

The rusty Jade Dragon Pot was obviously unusable.

"Nayue-chan, this Jade Dragon Pot must have lost its effect. Do you have any good ideas to restore the Jade Dragon Pot to its original appearance?"

"You should have seen Yae Shenzi. Go find Yae Shenzi. That fox might be able to do something. This is the address. Xiao

Bai looked at Nangong Nayue who handed him the address, and then asked hesitantly:"Nayue-chan, you seem to really don't want to meet Yae Shenzi?""

"I couldn't deal with that woman, and almost every time I had to argue, we would argue and then we would start fighting!"

Looking at Nangong Nayue's troubled look, Xiao Bai thought about the character of Yae Shenzi in the game, and it was not difficult to understand.

Other people's family members are gods and said to the traveler: Go, give my family's family members two slaps.

When we arrived at Yae Shenzi, it was Yae Shenzi who said to the traveler: Go and slap my god twice.

"I understand, then I will go find Yae Shenzi and Nazuki-chan to help me ask for leave from school tomorrow.

Nangong Nayue looked at Xiao Bai:"Then take a good rest!""

Leaning on the sofa, Xiao Bai didn't know what he was thinking. He didn't know how long had passed. It wasn't until a burst of ringing that Xiao Bai came back to his senses. He picked up the phone and looked at the display on the phone.

"Chris Yamada?"

Answered the call. (bccf)"Editor Yamada, what's the matter?"

"It’s like this, Mr. Takachan-san, the pre-release chapters of your two light novels have caused a lot of discussion, so our editorial department has discussed and decided to prepare for early release. If you agree, then in three days we will Official release of two of your novels by Mr. Yingjiang Xiaosan"

"Is it like this? If you think it can be released, then go ahead and release it, I have no objection!"

"Okay, then let’s prepare now and release Taka-chan-san’s light novel in three days."

Then Xiao Bai hung up the phone, and Xiao Bai thought of another person.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She may not have even written a light novel.

As everyone knows, Kasumigaoka Shiyu! Kasumigaoka Shiha is more concerned about when his novel will be released than Xiao Bai himself.

After Yamada Chris made preparations for the release of the light novel, Machida Enoko received the news as soon as possible and passed the news to Kasumigaoka Shiha

"Shiyu, are you sure you want to be at the same time as Xiao Bai? According to the estimates of our editorial department, Xiao Bai’s two light novels this time will definitely have more than 100,000 copies each!"

"I know very well, Sister Yuanzi, please, please let me be willful this time. I believe that my light novel will definitely not be worse than Xiao Bai!"

"Shiyu, I know your strength, but you are making a joke about your own future!"

"The bet between Xiao Bai and I has been established. Even if we want to go back on it now, it's too late, so Sister Yuanzi, please."

Listening to Kasumigaoka Shiu's request, Machida Enzi said helplessly:"Okay, okay, I'll help you. That's okay, but I'm afraid you're going to lose this time, Shiu."

"I understand, if you lose, just lose. I just want to try once. If I lose even in the field I am best at, then I have nothing to say."

Machida Enzi wanted to hit someone after hearing this, but Kasumigaoka Shiu, this damn girl, was so angry with her.

"Forget it, I don't care about you, but what is going on between you and Xiao Bai? Didn't he save us last time?"

"Sister Yuanzi, don’t talk anymore. I have already repaid the favor he saved me. Don’t talk about it again in the future."

Machida Enzi:"Okay, okay, I really don't know what is going on with you young people."

"If I could choose again, maybe I wouldn't hurt him!"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu smiled bitterly.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu actually didn't understand that even if she had made some mistakes before, she would not make Xiao Bai hate herself like this!.

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