【The diary was completed yesterday and rewards started to be distributed. You got a hairpin from Mai Sakurajima.】

【The person who recorded yesterday's diary received a reward, and the diary copy was drawn, and the person holding the diary copy received the same reward.】

【The drawing is completed, congratulations to XXXX (Kushida Platycodon) for winning a hairpin of the same style.】

【Rewards for diary copy holders have begun to be distributed. The person whose name was mentioned the most by diary recorders yesterday was Yukinoshita Yukino. Rewards are now being distributed.】

【Congratulations to Yukinoshita Yukino for getting the Millennium Ice Soul. The Millennium Ice Soul: giving it to an ice spirit can increase the spirit's strength. If humans swallow it, they can gain the power to control ice and snow.】

【Am I having sex with Mai Sakurajima? Why does it belong to this woman again? Mai Sakurajima, hetui~, spit and leave! 】

Mai Sakurajima: Just wait, I will kill you sooner or later!

After receiving the reward, Xiao Bai fell directly into sleep. Tomorrow, he would go to find the Eightfold God Son to purify the Jade Dragon Pot.

But the chat room of the diary copy holder is quite lively.

【Nangong Nayue: Ram, Xiao Bai estimates that Xiao Bai will be in a bad mood these two days, so I’ll leave this matter to you.】

【Ram: Don’t worry, Ram will comfort the master well.】

【Shinomiya Kaguya: The hateful sneaky cat!】

【Ram: How can you losers who dare not even say that you like a pervert master can compete with Ram!】

【Yukinoshita Yukino: Ram, don't go too far, you are just taking advantage of others' danger and sneaking in when Xiao Bai is not in the right mood!】

【Ram: If it were you, would you dare to do anything to the pervert master? Miss Yukino the Lost Dog】

【Megumi Kato:】

【Ram: How long has it been since the master mentioned you, Miss Kato Megumi!】

【Rem: Sister, be humble, otherwise it will be bad if you are beaten by a group of people.】

【Ram: Hum, it’s a joke, these men are defeated, a group of dogs with broken spines can only bark, what can they use to fight Ram!】


【Nakiri Erina: Don’t be too arrogant】

【Ram: If you are not convinced, go to the pervert master and confess your love. What are you doing? The arrogant golden retriever loser, tui】

【Nakiri Alice: Damn it, why does Shiro-kun have such a disgusting maid like you!】

【Ram: As a maid, I can give the pervert master an advantage, what about you? Even if you don't give the pervert master a chance to take advantage of it, you still dare to say that you like the pervert master!】

【Yae Shenzi: Oh my, I really heard an incredible speech, but you position yourself as just a maid, not Xiao Bai’s girlfriend, Miss Ram】

【Ram: What do you care about you, a naughty fox?】

【Yae Shenzi: Haha, little sister Ram looks like she has itchy skin.】

【Ram: Who are you calling me? Ram is only a teenager. Can an aunt of your age be a little self-conscious? 】


Yae Shenzi in Narukami Taisha Shrine crushed the wine glass in his hand, with a smile on his face, but there was no trace of smile in his eyes.

"Just wait for me, I dare say I am too old to be as good as you!"

At this time, Ram was still in the chat group, spraying five or even more!

Everyone else in the entire chat group was autistic because of Ram's comments.

Obviously, they did not expect Ram's fighting power. So strong, and able to accurately find everyone's fatal weakness.

Rem wanted to stop Ram, but it was obvious that Ram, who had gone crazy, didn't care about this. Today, it was better to spray first.

Therefore, Rem finally So he gave up.

When he woke up the next day, Xiao Bai pulled away his quilt, and then looked at Ram who was hiding under the quilt and eating popsicles.

"Good morning, pervert master!"

After saying that, Ram continued to eat secretly.

By the time Xiao Bai came out of the room, it was already more than half an hour later.

After eating breakfast, Xiao Bai went out. Today, Xiao Bai is going to Mingshen. Taisha looks for Yae Shenzi to ask about the method of purifying the Jade Dragon Pot.

"elder sister!"

"Don't worry, Rem. Sister, I just need to become the maid of the pervert master. The girlfriend of the pervert master will be given to Ram, and my sister will keep those mistresses out for Rem."

Narukami Taisha Shrine is located in Izumo City, Shimane Prefecture. Well, the place that was originally supposed to be Izumo Taisha Shrine is now Narukami Taisha Shrine.

Since Neon was recovered by Emperor Shengsou, Emperor Shengsou transferred most of them to The shrines were promoted, such as Izumo Taisha Shrine, which was one of them, and then Narukami Taisha Shrine was built on the original address of Izumo Taisha Shrine.

Xiao Bai came to Narukami Taisha Shrine, and then came to Narukami Taisha Shrine under the leadership of the shrine maiden. Under the sacred cherry tree. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Please give me flowers

"It’s really spectacular!"

Looking at the sacred cherry tree that was pruned to look like a fox, Xiao Bai sighed with emotion. The trunk of this sacred cherry tree is at least two meters in diameter and at least seven or eight meters high!

"How about it? Isn't it very spectacular, especially when I spent a lot of effort to trim the sacred cherry tree into a fox shape. Xiao

Bai was silent, then looked at Yae Shenzi and said,"Ye Gongsi, do you think there is a possibility that the original sacred cherry tree might be even more spectacular?""

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Ye Shenzi directly refuted

"Okay, so I'm here today. I don't know if Na Yue-chan has told you yet."

"I know about the legendary kitchen utensils, but I'm not familiar with things like purification. I suggest you go find Platycodon. What I am better at is how to eliminate those evil spirits that do all kinds of evil!"


So you're going to Fushimi Inari Shrine again?"

"But there is no need for you to go find Platycodon. I had invited Platycodon to Narukami Taisha Shrine before because of the matter about the Great Sacrifice of the Divine Sakura, so I think Platycodon will be here in half a day. You can just wait here, or I will Let me take you around Narukami Taisha Shrine!"

"Won't you trouble Yae Gongji?"

"Of course not. I like this little guy like you, so I don’t mind taking you around. What do you think? Is the little guy interested? Maybe I will take you to my boudoir."

"Forget it, I have no interest in your boudoir, and compared to that, I think the sacred cherry tree is more interesting.

Xiao Bai said and asked Yae Shenzi:"Do you mind if I touch the sacred cherry tree?""

"Of course I don't mind."

Ye Shenzi looked at Xiao Bai, but there was expectation in his eyes.

Xiao Bai walked towards the sacred cherry tree.

From the beginning, Xiao Bai felt that the sacred cherry tree seemed to be calling him.

"Are you calling me?"

Xiao Bai put his hand on the trunk of the sacred cherry tree.

The next moment, Xiao Bai's eyes were blurry, and then Xiao Bai saw a gentle woman wearing fursode kimono but unable to see her face clearly appearing in front of him. In front of him, he kissed him on the lips, and the next moment the scene shattered.

Everything disappeared, as if Xiao Bai had hallucinated...

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