Xiao Bai narrowed his eyes

"There was no mention of additional conditions before!

Momoqi Luoli replied:"I didn't promise you any conditions at that time, right?""

With a cold look on his face, Xiao Bai looked at Tao Qi Luo Li with a dangerous look.

Now that he thinks about it, Tao Qi Luo Li did not promise anything at that time, but it was precisely because of this that Xiao Bai suddenly understood I realized that I was being tricked by Momochi Loli.

"I can help you establish a community, and I can also disband it naturally."

Momochi Luoli faced this threat but smiled calmly.

"I don't care about the club at all, even if it is disbanded, it doesn't matter. If you want to know the whereabouts of the legendary kitchen utensils, you must either beat me in a bet or conquer me!"

Xiao Bai was silent. Momo Qi Luoli was a lunatic. Threatening the other party with his life would not necessarily make him compromise.

For a moment, Xiao Bai didn't know what to do with Mo Qi Luoli!

"What if I choose neither?"

Suddenly Xiao Bai showed a strange smile, XiaoThe cat's eye stone in the ring on the left hand seemed to be moving.

Momochi Luoli's eyes narrowed

"If you do anything to me, then if I find that I am unable to control my consciousness, I will choose to commit suicide!"

Taoqi Luoli threatens Xiao Bai

"If you want to die, then you must die!"

Xiao Bai sneered, raised his hand, and a ball of pink mist instantly submerged into Mooqi Luoli's body.

In just a moment, Mooqi Luoli's eyes turned into the shape of love hearts.

"Tell me where the legendary kitchen utensils are!"

Xiao Bai asked Tao Qi Luoli, but at this time Tao Qi Luo Li had completely become a slave of desire. She would not answer Xiao Bai's question and pounced directly on Xiao Bai. , lips smeared with cyan lipstick kissed Xiao Bai directly.

Xiao Bai pushed Momo Qiluoli away. Xiao Bai came to Moogao Qiluoli to ask for the whereabouts of the kitchen utensils, not to marry Moogao. Qi Luoli had sex!

One hand grabbed Mo Gong Qi Luoli's face, Xiao Bai stared at Mo Gong Qi Luoli coldly

"Wake up!"

Following Xiao Bai's words, Taoqi Luoli's eyes regained a trace of clarity.

"Tell me the whereabouts of the legendary kitchenware!"

"Conquer me and I will tell you! Licking her lips, Moogachi Luoli looked at Xiao Bai as if she were looking at prey!

Xiao Bai looked at Moogachi Luoli with eyes filled with astonishment.

"Is this the kind of conquest you are talking about?"

Xiao Bai really didn't expect that the conquest that Taoqi Luoli was talking about turned out to be this kind of conquest!

Taoqi Luoli kissed Xiao Bai again, Xiao Bai paused, and then no longer hesitated. , turning passivity into initiative!

Three hours later, Momo Qi Luoli's whole body was like a puddle of mud.

Xiao Bai put on his clothes and looked at Moo Qi Luoli with disheveled hair.

"Can you say it now?"

Taogao Qi Luoli looked at Xiao Bai and let out a breath.

"Guangfuhui, legend has it that the kitchen utensils are at the Guangfuhui!"

"Restoration meeting?"

Xiao Bai has obviously never heard of this organization.

"This organization emerged after Neon was destroyed, and the purpose of the Restoration Association is to make Neon independent and restore Neon!"

Xiao Bai's eyes narrowed. Do you want Neon to be independent? Restore Neon?

"A hundred years ago, the Restoration Society stole a legendary kitchen utensil from the Ming Dynasty and wanted to use it to split the national destiny of the Ming Dynasty and steal the national destiny of the Ming Dynasty to make Neon independent."

Xiao Bai sneered, then looked at Tao Qi Luoli:"Then you tell me what is the purpose of this matter, and you know the Guangfu Society, so what is your relationship with the Guangfu Society?"

"The Baiguo clan is also a member of the Liberation Society, and even Baihua King Academy is a stronghold of the Liberation Society!"

Xiao Bai put his hand on Taoqi Luoli's neck.

"So what do you want to do by telling me this? You even took the initiative to tell me the purpose of the whereabouts of the legendary kitchen utensils."

Momoqi Luoli felt the hands on her neck. She knew very well that Xiao Bai could strangle herself to death at any time, but Taoqi Luoli didn't care.

"I said before, you conquered me, so everything I have is yours, even if you want my life, I can give it to you!"

"I don’t believe that just because I’ve had sex with you, you are devoted to me!"

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, as long as you know that I will never betray you!"

Xiao Bai withdrew the hand that was placed on Tao Qiluoli's neck, and then a seed appeared in his hand. A black seed, with a bud growing on one end.

Then Xiao Bai took the seed together with his palm. It stabbed into Momo Qiluoli's heart fiercely.

But unexpectedly, no blood spattered!

"I want you to inquire about the information in the Liberation Society. Whether it is the member list of the Liberation Society or the legendary kitchen utensils, I want you to report the information to me without missing a beat. The seed just now can bring you strength. 767 will also be watching you. Once you betray me, you will die miserably!"

Withdrawing his hand, Xiao Bai looked at Tao Qi Luoli coldly.

"If you can trust me in this way, then that's fine. Now I want to conquer me!"

Looking at Taoqi Luoli, whose eyes showed love, Xiao Bai twitched the corners of his mouth.


This word is both a verb and a consonant!

By the time Xiao Bai came home, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening.

As soon as they came back, Ram and Rem asked Xiao Bai about the temperature of other women on his body. (Read Baoshuang novels , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Master Pervert, are you away from home all day just to fool around with other women? What vixen smells like on you!"

【No, I've taken so many showers, but Rem and Ram can still smell the scent of Momochi Loli on me? 】

Xiao Bai was also shocked. He had washed himself so many times, but the result could still be smelled?

【Even if you kill him, you can't say it. Although he has no relationship with Moguki Roli, if Ram and Rem know that they have a relationship with Moguki Roli, Rem and Ram will definitely be angry. 】

What Xiao Bai didn’t know at all was that he had completely betrayed himself!

Rem and Ram's faces instantly turned ugly, as did some of the other people who saw the diary!.

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