Looking at Rem and Ram looking at him with indifferent expressions, cold sweat broke out on Xiao Bai's forehead.

Rem and Ram's noses are so good. They've almost washed off a layer of their skin, but they can still smell it.

"So what, I'll go back to the room first, and you guys should go to bed early."

Xiao Bai glanced at Rem and Ram in front of him, said this in a panic, and then slipped back into the room. The looks in Rem and Ram's eyes now are really terrifying, Xiao Bai is really I just didn't know what to say.

After returning to the room and closing the door, Xiao Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

【It's almost over. The looks in Rem and Ram's eyes are like they want to give me a hatchet.】

【In fact, I didn't want to. At that time, Momochi Luoli was really sexy, and at that time, I really wanted to vent the anger in my heart, so I wanted to indulge. For other girls I can't bear to part with it, but I don't have any psychological burden on Momoki Luoli.】

【I can feel that Momoqi Luoli's love for me is not love, but a desire to be conquered? Although I don’t know what’s going on, I don’t care. I don’t need to give any affection to Momoki Luoli, I just need to treat her as a useful tool. 】

Originally, a group of girls were very angry because of Xiao Bai's indiscretion, but now they have calmed down their anger a little.

At least, Xiao Bai didn't show his feelings. In this case, he can be forgiven a little bit.

Moguki Loli also saw the diary, but Moguki Loli herself didn’t care, or in other words, Moguki Loli didn’t care about feelings either. All she wanted was a strong man who could conquer her.

【To be honest, when my wife told me the news that month before, the idea of ​​​​destroying the whole world came up in my heart. Regardless of the fact, I suppressed this crazy idea in the end, although I don’t care what happens to this world. So, but they will care, after all, they are not alone like me without any relatives or reasons.】

【I admit, I have no heart, I am not a good person, even if I like them, it is just because I regard them as scabbards, so that my sword will not be exposed and hurt myself.】

【To be honest, I didn’t necessarily like them at the beginning. Even now, they are more possessive. Of course, there is a little bit of it, but I like them a little bit.】

【When Hikigaya Hachiman appeared before, I actually really wanted to kill Hikigaya Hachiman. Yukino can only be mine. I know very well that this is possessiveness and not love, but I can't say it is all possessiveness. It also has a little bit of what I like about it.】

【There's also Kaguya, Alice, Erina, and Arisu. Anyway, at least I like them a little bit!】

【My mind is very messy right now, and what I record in my diary is also messy, but forget it, writing a diary is for rewards anyway, otherwise who would be a serious person to write a diary!】

【All in all, after having sex with Momoki Luoli today, it made me think about a lot of things. Before, I always regarded them as anime wives instead of real people.】

【So, I decided that from now on, I will no longer call them wives. Of course, this is not because I don’t like them, but because I want to wait to marry them all back, and then I will call them wives!】

【But first I need to think about how to calm down Rem and Ram. I am obviously the master, but in the end I have to coax two maids. It’s really...Forget it, who made me like them? Well, just a little bit, just a little bit! 】

Xiao Bai didn't know that because of this entry in his diary, the hatchet Shura field that was about to happen was calmed down.

In the chat room of the diary copy holder at this time

【Shinomiya Kaguya: Momoki Luoli, no matter what your calculations are, you will always be nothing more than a tool to Xiao Bai, ha!】

【Momochi Luoli: Oh, I'm not like you. What I care about is whether I can be Xiao Bai's help. Even if it is a tool, I will become a tool that he will not abandon. And strictly speaking, it is Bai's first woman!】

【Nakiri Alice: Momogaki Roli, would you like a little face? Are you proud to be Mr. Bai's tool? If one day you are no longer useful, wouldn't you be abandoned by Mr. Bai?】

【Momoki Luoli: If I am abandoned because I am useless, then I will not have any resentment. If I am abandoned because of my lack of ability, then I can only blame myself for my incompetence!】

【Nakiri Erina: You are a crazy woman, right?】

【Nangong Nayue: Taoqi Luoli, you are good at seizing opportunities. Xiao Bai’s mood was very wrong before, so you successfully seduced Xiao Bai. Otherwise, you might not have had a chance at all.】

【Nangong Nayue: Ram, I originally thought it would be you, what a pity!】

【Ram: Who knew that the pervert master could not stand the temptation so much, and he was seduced by the vixen outside without even noticing the result!】

【Yae Shenzi: Hey, hey, what’s the vixen outside? What’s wrong with the vixen? Did he provoke you? 】

Unknown to Momo Qi Luoli in the chat group, all the firepower was attracted away. Xiao Bai, who escaped from the Shura field by himself, was still recording in his diary.

【However, today’s relationship with Momotoshi Roli (the one who wins the king) is not a loss. At least I learned the whereabouts of another legendary kitchen utensil from Momotoshi Roli, and it is still in Momotoshi Roli. There is a black goat's egg buried in her body. If she betrays me, the black goat's egg will hatch directly. If she does not betray, then I have also buried a chess piece in the Restoration Society. 】

A group of people in the chat group all recognized him with eyes wide open!

Another piece of legendary kitchenware?

They knew that Xiao Bai had obtained a legendary kitchen utensil, but they did not expect that Xiao Bai now actually obtained the whereabouts of another legendary kitchen utensil.

Also, Xiao Bai actually buried a time bomb in Taoqi Luoli's body?

This man has no heart. After all, Momoqi Luoli is also Xiao Bai's woman, but in the end, he still does such a thing.

And what is the restoration meeting?.

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