Xiao Bai quickly completed the trial cooking of the dishes offered to the sacred cherry tree. The result was pretty good and there were no problems at all.

But another thing is more troublesome. The Bailuo family's pastry sticks have the inheritance of the Bailuo family, but Xiao Bai didn't notice what was different.

Xiao Bai almost broke the Bailuo noodle stick, and then looked to see if it was inherited in the noodle stick.

If he hadn't checked and confirmed that the Bai Luo pastry stick was not hollow or sandwiched, Xiao Bai would have really planned to break the pastry stick!

Seeing that he couldn't find anything, Xiao Bai could only give up with regret.

After sleeping until the next day, Xiao Bai's light novel will be officially released today. Xiao Bai doesn't care about it, but Xiao Bai still wants to make sure that his light novel can beat Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

In another country, Britain, Kazuo Akita received an order from Xiao Bai and tried to find a way to get Eri Sawamura to return to Neon. Kazuo Akita had developed some power in Britain, but he wanted to shake That would be impossible with the Spencer family, but Kazuo Akita is very smart.

He did not directly go to Sawamura Eiri, but just told Sawamura Eiri that An Yilun would also encounter misfortune and needed Sawamura Eiri's help!

Kazuo Akita believes that Eiri Sawamura will make the right choice.

Sawamura Eiri didn't know that all her actions were being watched, and they were waiting for her to take the bait.

As expected by Akita Kazuo, Sawamura Eiri chose to return to Neon quietly. Even in order to prevent the Spencer family from stopping Sawamura Eiri, Akita even used his power to secretly send Sawamura Eiri away..

By the time the Spencer family found out, Eri Sawamura had already been put on a plane to Neon.

Spencer was furious about this but could do nothing about it. If Kazuo Akita did not confront Spencer head-on, the Spencer family would not even be able to find Kazuo Akita!

The reason why the Spencer family was so angry is another matter.

On Neon's side, Xiao Bai was directly attracted by another thing after seeing the sales of his light novel.

Akane Benisaka’s game is actually on sale.

Xiao Bai was a little shocked, but then Xiao Bai smiled.

At the moment, Xiao Bai asked Akita Kazuo to buy one million copies of the game. According to the price of one copy of 180 neon coins, one million copies equals 180 million neon coins!

Xiao Bai didn't even need to pay this amount of money himself. Yamada Choji of the Yamada Group gave this money privately.

Akane Benisaka obviously did not expect that more than 1.2 million copies of her game would be sold as soon as it was released.

But what followed was ecstasy. Akane Benisaka knew that this copy of the game would be a big hit, but Akane Benisaka didn't expect that this copy of the game would be so popular.

"Yingzi, we are successful!"

Kawasegawa Eiko also had a look of ecstasy on her face after hearing what she said.

"Auntie, we succeeded. With this game, we can completely step into the threshold of virtual reality. When the time comes, we"

Before the other party could finish speaking happily, there was a knock on the studio door.

Then the door was pushed open, and Xiao Bai walked in and looked at Benisaka Akane and the others with a smile on his face:"Congratulations, congratulations on your game being a hit!"

An Yilun also seemed to have regained his confidence. Likewise, he looked at Xiao Bai and said,"What are you doing here? You are not welcome here!"

Xiao Bai looked at An Yilun with a hint of sneer on his lips, and then looked at Akane Benisaka:"Miss Akane Takasaka, Has anyone told you that when it comes to pie-in-the-sky things, there is a high probability that there will be poison hidden in the pie!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Bai took out a document and handed it to Akane Kurisaka:"This is the indictment. I am suing. The game White Album currently sold by your club is a plagiarized idea, and the BGM and related music used in the game are also plagiarized."

Akane Kurisaka's face changed, and she took the indictment handed over by Xiao Bai. After looking at it, Akane Kurisaka looked at An Yirun and Michiru Hyōdo with a ferocious expression!

"An Yirunya, Hyodo Michiru, please explain to me clearly what is going on!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

An Yilun and Yoshitomo Hyodo's expressions changed when Xiao Bai told them about plagiarism and plagiarism.

Looking at An Yilun, he also said With Michiru Hyōdo, Akane Kurisaka still doesn’t know the truth of the matter!

Now Akane Kurisaka is looking at Michitome Hyōdō and Toruya Aki with eyes that make her want to peel them off..

But she still needs to calm down, she must solve this matter, otherwise all her ambitions will be in vain!

"Xiao Bai, come up with a price. Give me the copyright. You come up with a price. I won’t counter-offer!"

Looking at Benisaka Akane who didn't even look like begging for help, Xiao Bai chuckled:"What makes you think I will sell the copyright to your 737?"

"And this doesn’t seem like the attitude you should have when asking for help!"

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Hongsaka Akane's expression was gloomy.

"It’s so scary, your expression now, by the way, although I don’t know how many copies of the game you have sold, I contributed 1 million copies, and the amount involved in the case reached more than 100 million. As a plagiarist, Aki It should be enough for Toruya and Michiru Hyōdo to spend a lifetime in prison. As for how much you have to compensate me, that's another matter!"

Kenisaka Akane didn't expect that Xiao Bai actually purchased 1 million copies of the 1.2 million game.

"So there is no pie in the sky, and even if it were, it would be poisonous."

Xiao Bai looked at Benisaka Akane, and then looked at An Yirunya and Hyoudou Michiru:"An Yirunya, why don't you use your pig brain to think about it, it is such a coincidence in the world that you need a person. Did a game plan really appear in front of you when you were planning it?"

"And Michiru Hyido, in order to lure you in, I personally made these music. Why don’t you think about it, it’s just the right music for the game, and it has no audience at all, and then you accidentally discovered it, Can such a coincidence happen in the world?".

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