Akane Benisaka's face looked as ugly as if she had eaten. At this time, Akane Benisaka had already understood that she was completely implicated. Xiao Bai's targets were Yirun Ani and Michiru Hyido, but he was stupid. broke in.

No matter what, he couldn't lose this time, and he couldn't afford to lose. He glanced at An Yilun, Michiru Hyido and others with hateful eyes. Akane Kurisaka said:"Since your purpose is to deal with An Yi Lun also has Hyōdo Michiru, so I won't interfere. I just hope you can sell me the copyright of the game and music."

Xiao Bai looked at Akane Kurisaka with a sarcastic expression, and said with ridicule in his tone:" Miss Akane Kosaka before, you looked like you were going to kill the security guard Erenya, why did you give up now? But it doesn’t matter, Miss Akane Kosaka, you actually opened your mouth, so naturally I want to give you this face"

"As long as I have 10 billion Ming coins, I will sell the copyright to Ms. Akane Kosaka. How about that?"

When I first heard that Xiao Bai was willing to sell the copyright, Akane Benisaka's expression eased slightly, but after hearing what Xiao Bai said about 10 billion Ming Dynasty banknotes, Akane Akane's face instantly became uglier.

"I seriously hope you can sell me the copyright, please stop joking."

The smile on Xiao Bai's face suddenly disappeared, and then he looked coldly at Akane Benisaka in front of him:"Who said I was joking with you? I'm telling you very clearly, if you want the copyright, then come up with one. Tens of billions of Ming Dynasty banknotes are coming, and I won’t sell them for even a dime less!"

The veins on Akane Benisaka's forehead jumped and jumped, and her heart was already filled with anger. Akane Benisaka looked at Xiao Bai:"I want to know the reason."

"I told you from the beginning that pie in the sky will poison people. Have you forgotten how you protected An Yilun before? So it's useless for you to regret it now. If you want to blame it, then blame An Yilun. If An Yilun hadn't asked you to take over, you wouldn't have been implicated. Well, speaking of which, who made you greedy? If you If you don't accept this set, how could something like this happen?"

Akane Akane looked at Aki Toniya on the side, and then kicked Aki Toniya!

"Why do you hit someone?"

Hyoudou Michiru saw that An Yirun was also beaten, and suddenly screamed, and Benisaka Akane directly slapped Hyodou Michiru in the face.

"If you two don't want to go to jail, then the best thing is to ask Xiao Bai to sell the copyright to me. Otherwise, you two will go to jail and spend the rest of your life!"

Akane Benisaka's face was ferocious. Akane Akane Benisaka had already invested no less than 200 million neon coins in this game. Once he was accused of plagiarism, not only would all the investment be in vain, but also Akane Hongsaka even had to compensate Xiao Bai a large amount of money.

Forget it, what Akane Hongsaka couldn't accept was that all her ambitions and grand plans were going to be destroyed. This was because Akane Hongsaka was extremely career-minded. This is unacceptable to a woman. She is unwilling to accept the family's arrangements to marry, get married, and have children honestly, so Akane Hongsaka wants to fight for her own world.

But now if she can't get the copyright, then all of Akane Hongsaka's All ambitions will be ruined.

Looking at Akane Hongsaka’s appearance, Xiao Bai said to Akane Hongsaka:"It’s a crime for you to take over for An Yilun!"

After hearing this sentence, Akane Benisaka's cheek twitched twice!

Then Xiao Bai looked at Akane Benisaka:"Did you realize that you started recording after I came in, and there are surveillance cameras in this studio? Is there recording and surveillance that can at least prove your innocence?"

"If this is the case, then I have to tell you that you are thinking too much. Before I came in, this place was completely blocked. In other words, the reason why I dare to tell you so much is because you have no way to stay. Any evidence."

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he looked at An Yilun.

"But don’t worry, I won’t let you sit through the bottom of the prison like Michiru Hyido, I will cut off your hands and feet, and then let you beg where I can see, I will let people watch you, I won’t I will let you die, I will let you live, let you live a long life, let you live forever!"

An Yilun's pupils also shrunk, and there was a look of horror in his eyes. He even saw his own future under Xiao Bai's description. He had his hands and feet cut off, and then he could only beg for a living, and even Even if he wanted to die, he couldn't die, and An Yilun was scared.

"I'm sorry Xiao Bai, I was wrong, I was really wrong, please forgive me, I don't want to be like this, please forgive me, please let me go."

An Yilun also begged Xiao Bai for mercy, but Xiao Bai looked at that round coldly, without any wavering in his eyes.

".It would be too easy to die. This world is the hell I give you."

The hairs on Akane Benisaka's body stood on end, and her eyes when looking at Xiao Bai were full of fear. In the past, Akane Hongsaka still had the idea of ​​​​revenge on Xiao Bai, but now Akane Hongsaka has no idea at all. No more. Even Benisaka Akane didn’t want to have anything to do with Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai looked at Benisaka Akane

"I'm looking forward to your revenge on me, Miss Akane Kosaka!"

Benisaka Akane looked at Xiao Bai:"No, this time I admit defeat. As for the affairs of An Yilunya and Hyōdo Michiru, I won't care!"

Xiao Bai looked at Akane Benisaka:"What a wise choice. Since you made such a wise choice, I will not kill everyone. So, Miss Kousaka Akane, goodbye. By the way, the fees for subsequent plagiarism will be as per (Money paid) It is calculated based on the number of games sold. The more you sell, the more you will lose!"

"Thank you for reminding!"

Xiao Bai left with the people. Kawasegawa Eiko looked at Benisaka Akane with some confusion in her eyes.

"Aunt, what should we do?"

Benisaka Akane took a deep breath, and then kicked An Yirunya suddenly.

"Trash, trash, who gave you the courage to deceive me!"

Kenisaka Akane poured out all her anger towards An Yirun.

An Yirun was also beaten until he was rolling on the ground. When Hyōdō Michiru saw that An Yirun was also beaten, he did not dare to step forward to stop him, for fear of He followed in Aki Toruya's footsteps.

After a while, Akane Kurisaka shouted to the other people in the studio:"Throw this garbage out of the studio, and Michiru Hyōdo, too. I'm out!".

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