After returning home, Xiao Bai’s first thing was to receive yesterday’s diary reward.

【The diary was completed yesterday and rewards started to be distributed. You got Mai Sakurajima’s original school uniform.】

【The person who recorded yesterday's diary received a reward, and the diary copy was drawn, and the person holding the diary copy received the same reward.】

【The drawing is complete, congratulations to XXXXX (Honami Ichinose) for winning the same school uniform】

【Rewards for diary copy holders have begun to be distributed. The one whose name was mentioned the most by diary recorders yesterday was Mujiuzhienguo. Rewards are now being distributed.】

【Congratulations to Mikushien Kao for getting a rainbow fruit. Rainbow fruit: a drop of juice can turn the water in a 25-meter swimming pool into thick and mellow juice, a dream ingredient! 】

Xiao Bai looked at the original school uniform in his hand and sighed.

【Mai Sakurajima, Mai Sakurajima, did I get into a fight with you or something? I've almost got all your equipment. It would be great if you weren't an indiscreet woman. 】

Sakurajima Mai: You’re just being unruly. Your whole family is unruly. Can’t I take a private photo and watch it myself?

Mai Sakurajima sighed and didn't know what to say, but fortunately Xiao Bai was not holding his original equipment now, and then hetu with a look of disdain

【Forget it, don't think about this anymore, everything is ready. Things on An Yilun's side are now waiting to be concluded, and the next thing is waiting for Sawamura Eiri to come back. 】

Sayuri Sawamura is also crazy. She sent Eiri Sawamura to Britain. Now Eiri Sawamura has actually come back. And now Xiao Bai is obviously going to settle the general ledger. Eiri Sawamura She even ran back so stupidly that Sawamura Sayuri really wanted to strangle her daughter to death.

Xiao Bai suddenly received a call from Choji Yamada. Is An Yilun also preparing to escape?

Xiao Bai laughed out loud when he heard the news, and then ordered Yamada Choji:"Send Hyoudou Michiru directly to the detention center. As for An Yilun, I will do it myself and have someone come and pick me up. By the way, go and bring Kasumigaoka Shiu here!"

In less than half an hour, Yamada Choji personally drove Xiao Bai to the Yamada Group headquarters.

(bgci) Looking at the tied An Yilunye, Xiao Bai's arrival made An Yilunye look frightened.

"woo woo woo woo!!!"

An Yilunye's mouth was blocked, and he was squirming on the ground like a bug.

Xiao Bai walked up to An Yilunye and took the towel out of An Yilunye's mouth, then looked at An Yilunye and said :"Speak, while you still have the tongue to speak, let's make your last sound."

"Xiao Bai, I was wrong, I was really wrong, please let me go, no matter what you ask me to do, I will agree to it, please, let me go. With a faint smile on his face:"

Let you go, then how can Xiao Bai, who was killed by you, calm down his anger?""

After finishing speaking, Xiao Bai stood up and looked at Kasumigaoka Shiu who was brought by the Yamada team because of his instructions.

"Kasumigaoka Shiyu, tell me, should I forgive An Yilun? That's good, don't you like An Yilun? Then I will give you a chance. As long as you say that An Yilun can be forgiven, what if I let An Yilun go?"

Xia Zhigao Shiyu looked at Xiao Bai:"I didn't expect you to let An Yilun go, and I have no relationship with An Yilun anymore. If nothing happens, let me leave."

"leave? I will let you go, but I have to wait. After all, I want you to witness An Yilunye's end with your own eyes. After saying that ,

Xiao Bai looked at An Yilun:"Look, it's not that I don't forgive you, or that I don't want to let you go. It's Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu who doesn't speak, so An Yilun, don't worry, my sword It will be quick."

Clicking his fingers, a Yakuza from the Yamada group immediately came to Xiao Bai with a neon knife.

Xiao Bai slowly pulled out the knife, and a ray of cold light shone on An Yilunye's face. Above, An Yilun also looked horrified.

"Kasumigaoka Shiyu, save me, Xiao Bai will forgive me as long as you speak, speak up, why don't you speak! An

Yilun also shouted at Xia Zhigao Shiyu. Xia Zhigao Shiyu looked at An Yilun and said coldly:"Do you think Xiao Bai will let you go if I ask for mercy for you?" Once I speak, will Xiao Bai let me go? Even if it's a one in 10,000 chance, I'm not going to take the risk for you."

Xiao Bai applauded on the side. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"You guessed it right. I really had no intention of letting An Yilun go from the beginning to the end. I even planned to let you accompany An Yilun if you begged for mercy. Congratulations on your escape."

Xiao Bai winked at Yamada Choji on the side.

Yamada Choci immediately stepped forward, then untied the rope on Wan Yilunye's body, and then pulled out An Yilun's hand.

An Yilun also Face full of fear

"No, please, no, ah!!!"

With a scream, one of An Yilun's arms was cut off by Xiao Bai. Yamada Choji then grabbed the other arm. Xiao Bai continued to swing the knife, as if cutting butter, An Yilun Ye's only remaining arm was also broken at the root.

An Yilun also screamed, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's face turned pale, she really didn't expect Xiao Bai to be so cruel!

Then An Yilun also Both legs were also cut off by Xiao Bai, leaving An Yilun with only his upper body.

Then Xiao Bai inserted the knife into An Yilun's mouth. With one stroke and one stroke, a tongue fell out. It flew out.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu's hands and feet became weak with fear.

However, Xiao Bai saw black mist coming out of his hands and feet and falling into the wounds on An Yilunye's body. In an instant, granulations began to grow on the cuts on An Yilunye's limbs, and then Healing is not about bleeding!

"Put him on the Yamada-gumi's territory and I want him alive, understand?"

Yamada Chouji immediately arranged

"Yes, I will arrange for people to watch him 24 hours a day, and I will never let him die. Xiao

Bai looked at Yamada Choji:"I am very satisfied with what you have done, so I will give you a chance. Do you still want to transform into a deep diver now?""

Yamada Choci's eyes flashed with enthusiasm, and he immediately knelt down in front of Xiao Bai:"Yes, please grant me this gift."

A black mist appeared on Xiao Bai's palm.

"as you wish!".

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