Xiao Bai came to Suzuki's house again. Shabu had already told Xiao Bai the result of the attack. Hasta would stay in Xiao Bai like Cthulhu. The premise is that Xiao Bai must also let Hasta approve..

In short, it is to let Hasta eat delicious food. After Hasta is impressed, Hasta will become Xiao Bai's spirit and use his power for Xiao Bai.

Moreover, Shabu also told Xiao Bai that the best food is a dish that does not exist in this world. Only this kind of food can impress Hasta and make Hasta recognize Xiao Bai.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if you don’t agree. Just try again next time. But I don’t know if Suzuki Jirokichi can hold on for too long. Anyway, for Sabu and Hasta, except for Xiao Bai, the representative Besides, it doesn't matter what the rest of humanity is like and there is no need to care.

Xiao Bai told Hasta's conditions to the Suzuki family. Naturally, the Suzuki family did not dare to have any objections. The two great beings before had almost destroyed the world. The Suzuki family were not fools and knew very well what they could do. and can't do.

However, Shabu reminded Xiao Bai that he could not cook dishes that did not exist in this world, which meant that he could only cook dishes that did not exist in this world, so there was only one choice left.

Xiao Bai decided on the recipe after thinking for a while

"Help me prepare the ingredients!"

Xiao Bai directly asked the Suzuki family to prepare the ingredients. Faced with Mu Bai's request, the Suzuki family naturally could not refuse and quickly delivered the ingredients Xiao Bai asked for. For the Suzuki family, as long as It was not the kind of ingredients that were particularly difficult to obtain. It was easy to gather the ingredients Xiao Bai needed.

Six hours later, Xiao Bai placed a jade-like peony flower in the boiling water. Suddenly , a breath of ocean came to their faces. The group of people in the Suzuki family continued to inhale hard, and saliva was secreted from their mouths.

Looking at the soup in Xiao Bai's hand, Suzuki The people at home were greedy, but no one dared to do anything. They wanted to die, and they didn’t care who the soup was for.

Xiao Bai put the soup in front of Suzuki Jirokichi, and Suzuki Jirokichi opened his eyes in an instant. , and then started to drink the soup like a puppet. Xiao Bai naturally did not forget the two big guys on his body, and then he also served himself a bowl. After drinking the soup, Xiao Bai made a crackling sound in his muscles and bones. Bai felt that his body had become stronger.

This bowl of thick soup directly strengthened Xiao Bai's body. After finishing the six previous fights with Momo Qi Luo Li and Kasumigaoka Shi Yu, Feeling weak, Xiao Bai now feels that even if he is beaten ten times, it will not be a problem!

After drinking the soup, a ray of light suddenly flew out of Suzuki Jiroji's body, and this ray of light instantly fell on Xiao Bai's body, and then An earring appeared on Xiao Bai's ear! The earring was obviously not pierced, but this earring seemed to grow in the flesh! He touched the earring slightly with his fingers, Xiao Bai looked at the unconscious Suzuki Jirokichi and then said to the Suzuki family:"Okay, Suzuki Jirokichi's matter has been resolved, but I just thought about why Suzuki Jirokichi was stared at by that kind of existence when he returned!"

Xiao Bai was very confused as to why Suzuki Jirokichi was being targeted. To be precise, he was being stared at by the King in Yellow. He just focused his attention on Suzuki Jirokichi. This is what happened to Suzuki Jirokichi. If he stayed in Suzuki Jirokichi's body, I guess Suzuki Jirokichi has already cooled off, not everyone is like the kind of big boss Xiao Bai can contract with

"thisI don't know about the door. I'm afraid I can only answer your question after my cousin wakes up!"

There was a hint of embarrassment on Suzuki Shiro's face. Xiao Bai didn't say anything. He just looked at Suzuki Shiro in front of him and said,"In that case, let's wait. Suzuki

Shiro said quickly:"In that case, I will have someone arrange dinner immediately!""

It's already past nine o'clock in the evening. Suzuki Shiro is naturally not so discerning, but Xiao Bai shook his head:"Compared with this, I have something to ask you."

Xiao Bai now wants to ask Suzuki Shiro one thing, that is, whether there is any relationship between the Suzuki family and the black organization.

"Please, I will definitely tell you the truth"

"Do you have any relationship with the black organization? Suzuki

Shiro was stunned for a moment, and then asked:"Is it the black organization that uses the name of the wine as its code name?""


"There is no close relationship, but there has been some cooperation, and that’s it!"

After Xiao Bai heard this sentence, he nodded slightly and did not say change. In other words, what the other party said is true. The Suzuki family has nothing to do with the black organization, and Xiao Bai does not need to meddle in other people's business.

This At that time, Suzuki Jiroji gradually woke up, and then Xiao Bai said to Suzuki Shiro and the others:"You should explain to him first."

Suzuki Shiro immediately stepped forward to tell Suzuki Jiro what happened to Guitar. After listening to Suzuki Shiro's words, Suzuki Jiro stood up and expressed his gratitude to Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai shook his head indifferently, and then said to

Suzuki Jiroji asked:"How on earth did you get targeted by that kind of existence?"

Jiroyoshi Suzuki said in a solemn tone:"This started when I received a statue. After receiving that statue, I noticed some changes in my body."

"That statue? Where is that statue now?"

"Please come with me."

Suzuki Jirokichi took Xiao Bai to a basement, or underground treasure house. After a series of verifications, the door of the treasure house was opened. Then Suzuki Jirokichi took Xiao Bai and other members of the Suzuki family in When he arrived at the treasure house, he took out a statue and gave it to Xiao Bai.

"This is the statue I received. After getting the statue, I felt that something had changed in me.

Xiao Bai looked at this statue and his eyes twitched slightly.


The sound coming out of Xiao Bai's mouth seemed to be automatically blocked. In the ears of other people in the Suzuki family, the sound of Cthulhu turned into the rustling sound of a TV snowflake screen.

People in the Suzuki family are not stupid, so naturally they are not Will you ask?

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