Jirokichi Suzuki likes to collect antiques, so by chance, Jirokichi Suzuki received this statue of Cthulhu. But from that day on, Jirokichi Suzuki felt that some changes had occurred in his body, but he could not tell. What a change.

Until he passed out in the end, after Xiao Bai listened, he looked at Suzuki Jirokichi with the statue of Cthulhu and said:"This statue is the image of a great existence. That great existence is unknowable, unheard, and invisible. It can even be mentioned." and the name of the other party will be directly blocked."

The people of the Suzuki family looked at the statue as if they had seen something terrifying. Now the people of the Suzuki family simply avoid this statue.

Xiao Bai said:"It seems that you don't want this statue anymore. Since it is like"Nine Seventy", then this statue should be given to me!"

Xiao Bai glanced at the Suzuki family and said.

After hearing that Xiao Bai asked for this statue, Suzuki Jirokichi respectfully held the statue in his hands.Gave it to Xiao Bai

"Please be sure to accept this statue. We really didn't know that this statue was related to that great existence!"

Xiao Bai accepted the statue, then glanced at it casually, and suddenly found a set of knives. Then Xiao Bai said to Suzuki Jirokichi:"Are these knives also in your collection?"

"Exactly, this set of props was sold to me by a down-and-out chef family. I spent 2 billion yen to buy this set of props!"

After Suzuki Jirokichi said this, Xiao Bai said:"Five billion yen, how about transferring this set of knives to me?"

Hearing that Xiao Bai wanted this set of knives, Suzuki Shiro winked at Suzuki Jiroji crazily. Suzuki Jiroji didn't need to remind Suzuki Shiro at all, and immediately said:"If it is you who want it, then I will use this set now. I give you the props. You saved my life. A mere set of knives is not enough to express my gratitude."

Xiao Bai laughed, then looked at Suzuki Shiro and Suzuki Jirokichi and said,"In that case, I won't take advantage of you!"

A cloud of black mist appeared on Xiao Bai's palm, and then the black mist instantly merged into the statue of Cthulhu, and then handed the statue of Cthulhu to Suzuki Jirokichi!

"I have removed some bad things from this statue, and integrated my power into the statue. It can be placed at home to guard the house. As long as it is not a god-level spirit, there is no need to worry, even if it breaks in. The power in the statue will be activated, and the evil spirits will be destroyed when the time comes, but the power will be exhausted after one time."

Hearing Xiao Bai's words, Suzuki Jirokichi respectfully took the statue back. The value of this statue is absolutely priceless. Spirits below the god level do not need to worry. This is simply a life-saving trump card for the Suzuki family.

Xiao Bai picked up the set of knives, and then pulled out the largest knife among them.

"The broken saber is indeed a seven-star sword!"

This set of props is the Seven-Star Sword, but Xiao Bai can't figure out why the Seven-Star Sword is not in the Lei family but in the Suzuki family. But it doesn't matter. Now that this set of knives falls into his hands, it belongs to him..

Xiao Bai put away the Seven-Star Sword, and then said to the Suzuki family:"Send me back now."

Suzuki Shiro personally arranged for the driver to take Xiao Bai back.

When Xiao Bai returned home, he met the sight of his two maids, and his expression froze. Good guy, I forgot that I had been lying before, and now I can't The little maid pulled out his underwear.

But what surprised Xiao Bai was that the two little maids didn't say anything to Xiao Bai, but looked at Xiao Bai up and down, as if to confirm that Xiao Bai was fine. Only then did the two maids He said to Xiao Bai:"Master, the bath water has been put away, do you need to eat? Should we eat first or take a shower first?

Xiao Bai looked at Rem and laughed sarcastically:"I'll eat first, and then take a shower after eating.""

Xiao Bai said and entered the bathroom first.

【Today is really exhausting for me. The King in Yellow meets a great pair of mortal enemies. I’m so grateful that the world is not destroyed. Fortunately, there are people who exist. Otherwise, the world would really be doomed. , the only problem is that this time there is a party, not only Momogaki Roli and Kasumigaoka Shiha, Snake Yumeko, Momogatori Rika, Igarashi Seika, Yomozumi Luna, why are they also there? ?】

【Forget it, 80% of it was Momoki Luoli’s fault, but for these girls..........Just take it one step at a time. If they are willing, it's okay to stay with them. If they don't, it's okay to give them some compensation.】

【The power is easy to use, but the sequelae are a bit big, and there is no way to solve this sequelae, which makes people feel numb. I can't use it once and then party. I don't care, but I don't know when the time will come. Just got a 404. ]

Lying in the bathtub, Xiao Bai thought about what happened today. What happened today was more dangerous than the previous things combined.

The world is almost over.

The bathroom door was suddenly opened, and then Ram walked in wrapped in a bath towel and walked towards Xiao Bai who was in the bathtub.

"Ram?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Master Pervert, don’t say anything, leave everything to Ram!"

"Um, Ram, what about that?"

"Just shut up and accept Ram's control, you pervert master!"

Xiao Bai looked at Ram and opened his mouth, and finally shut up.

As Xiao Bai shut up, Ram stepped into the bathtub, and soon a trace of bright red blood floated on the water!

In the bathroom Rem outside was a little annoyed.

"If Rem didn't produce cloth just now, but fist, then now it's not sister, but Rem, so angry!"

More than an hour later, Xiao Bai walked out of the bathroom with Ram in his arms.

After putting Ram on the bed, Xiao Bai returned to his room.

【Ram is really bold, but Ram is probably the first girl I have feelings for and had sex with. I thought Ram would not be able to accept my idea of ​​starting a harem, but I didn’t expect】

One of Xiao Bai's diaries immediately broke the defenses of countless people!.

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