【Yesterday the diary was completed and rewards started to be distributed. You got the Fierce Bull and Blue Dragon Slash.】

【The person who recorded yesterday's diary received a reward, and the diary copy was drawn, and the person holding the diary copy received the same reward.】

【The draw is complete, congratulations to Kobayashi Gentian for winning the Fierce Bull Blue Dragon Slash (fake)】

【Rewards for diary copy holders have begun to be distributed. The person whose name was mentioned the most by diary recorders yesterday was Mai Sakurajima. Rewards are now being distributed.】

【Congratulations to Mai Sakurajima for getting a reminder. Tip: You have been targeted by a certain existence. You will gradually be hidden from the gods. No one will remember you and no one will be able to see you. You will become non-existent. people. 】

Mai Sakurajima was instantly shocked when she saw this prompt!

Are you kidding? Why would you be targeted by a certain existence? Moreover, no one will remember you, no one will be able to see you, and you will become a non-existent person. 19 What a joke!!!

There were emotions of fear, panic, etc. in Sakurajima Mai's eyes, and then Sakurajima Mai immediately spoke in the chat roomAsk Nangong Nayue for help!

【Mai Sakurajima: Nangong Nazuki, Miss Nangong, I am being targeted by a certain existence now. No one will remember me, and no one will be able to see me. Is there any way to stop it? 】

Sakurajima Mai prayed thinking about Nan Gong Na Yue’s question, and it took a while for Nan Gong Na Yue to answer Sakurajima Mai.

【Nangong Nayue: First of all, you need to confirm what kind of existence you have encountered. If it is an existence like the previous King in Yellow, then I believe no one can solve it except Xiao Bai, so the easiest way is to go Find Xiao Bai!】

【Sakayanagi Arisu: Miss Sakurajima Mai is probably not willing to go to Xiao Bai. After all, Xiao Bai is the one who breastfeeds again and again every day. Naturally, Miss Sakurajima Mai is not willing to go to Xiao Bai. 】

Seeing Sakayanagi Arisu's speech, countless people in the chat room immediately laughed. Thinking about how miserable Sakurajima Mai was before, she was hung up by Xiao Bai again and again. If it were them, they wouldn't be willing to go to Xiao Bai. After all, the club has died time and time again. It's all a lie if Sakurajima Mai doesn't have any resentment towards Xiao Bai.

【Yukinoshita Yukino: My personal suggestion is to go directly to Xiao Bai. The existences that can be reminded by the diary may be those great existences. That kind of existence is not something we can resist. If you find someone else, you may also bring trouble to others. Something happened, so it’s better to go to Xiao Bai directly. After all, only Xiao Bai can solve this matter.】

【Shinomiya Kaguya: If necessary, I can take you to Xiao Bai in person. This will dispel Xiao Bai's doubts about you.】

【Mai Sakurajima: I'm thinking about it. To be honest, if there are other ways, I really don't want to find Xiao Bai.】

【Himeji Mizuki: It’s understandable. After all, Xiao Baijun did something very excessive before. He thought Miss Sakurajima Mai was an indecent woman without knowing what was going on.】

【Mai Sakurajima:】

After exiting the chat room, Sakurajima Mai shook her head and smiled bitterly. It wasn't that she couldn't bear to go to Xiao Bai, but she didn't know how she should face Xiao Bai. The guy Xiao Bai in those private photos must be After seeing it all, how could Mai Sakurajima face Xiao Bai calmly?

So Sakurajima Mai was not ashamed, but shy and didn't know how she should face Xiao Bai, a man who had seen her naked.

Unknown to him, there was a girl who was struggling with the fact that he had seen her private photos. At this moment, Xiao Bai was looking at the cooking skill of Fierce Bull and Green Dragon!

The Fierce Bull Azure Dragon Slash can disintegrate a cow in an instant, which is the top cooking skill in the dark cooking world.

"Just after I got the Seven-Star Sword, I got the Fierce Bull Azure Dragon Slash, which was pretty good luck."

The sound gradually became inaudible, and Xiao Bai gradually fell asleep. He was also tired today. The battle between Hastur and Cthulhu made Xiao Bai nervous and nervous. The door of the room slightly opened. He was pushed away, and then he saw that Xiao Bai was already asleep. Then Rem walked into the room, covered Xiao Bai with a quilt, looked at Xiao Bai, his face turned slightly red, and then looked at Xiao Bai. He kissed her on the lips, and then ran away quickly as if he had done something bad.

The next morning, Xiao Bai could not feel the pressure on his chest.

【I was a little disappointed that I couldn't see Rem's cute sleeping face and Ram's naughty behavior in the morning. ]

Walking out of the room, Xiao Bai saw Rem who was busy in the kitchen. As for Ram, he was still sleeping in. Xiao Bai glanced at the door that was not closed and left a gap, and clearly saw where Ram was sleeping. Zhengxiang

"Good morning, master!"

After noticing Xiao Bai's existence, Rem immediately bowed slightly to Xiao Bai. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Well, Rem, good morning!"

Xiao Bai said hello to Rem, and then said to Rem:"It's really good food. Rem, your strength should be close to catching up with those Yueyue graduates!"

"Thanks to your teachings, Master. Because of your teachings, Master, I have been able to make such great progress."

"No, this has nothing to do with me!"

While Master Xiaobai was eating breakfast, Mai Sakurajima encountered a huge problem at this moment.

"Please give me a breakfast!"

Sakurajima Mai, who arrived at the breakfast shop, shouted to the waiter, but the waiter seemed to have not heard Sakurajima Mai's words and was minding her own business.

Sakurajima Mai shouted several times in a row and still didn't respond. Any reaction made Sakurajima Mai a little angry, but soon Sakurajima Mai discovered her strength. Not only the waiters but also other people could not listen to her voice at all, and even they seemed to be like It's like she didn't realize her existence!

This reminded Sakurajima Mai of yesterday's diary reward.

No one will remember her, no one will be able to see her, and she will become a non-existent person!

Sakurajima Mai immediately opened it Chat room!

【Mai Sakurajima: Nangong Nazuki, now I find that I am standing in front of the person and no one else can see me. If I call the other person, the other person cannot hear my voice. What should I do? 】.

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