Xiao Bai had previously suspected the right-winger Takagi Soichiro, and now Takagi Saya's words made Xiao Bai almost certain that the current affairs in Bedlord City were inseparable from Takagi Soichiro!

If you tell Takagi Saya what's wrong in advance, you'll immediately find a hiding place, and then wait for the rescue sent by your family?

How could the other party say such things if he didn't know these things in advance, so it must have been premeditated by the other party.

But suddenly Xiao Bai asked a question:"Well, why don't you try to contact your home?"

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, everyone looked at Xiao Bai with a suspicious look on his face:"Don't you know that we are now Is there no signal at all?"

"Well, I really don’t know this, after all, I don’t have a mobile phone with me."

Xiao Bai pulled out his trouser pocket, and then gestured to everyone that he didn't have a mobile phone, so he didn't know that there was no signal here at Xianza.

"It must be the damn official who cut off our signal here to prevent us from revealing what happened here. It must also be Daming Ming who was conducting biochemical experiments here, and then the leak of the experiment led to this accident!"

There was deep disgust in Gaocheng Saya's eyes. Her childhood education made Gaocheng Saya not have the slightest fondness for Ming. Under the current situation, Gaocheng Saya even believed that all this was done by Ming. Xiao Bai listened After finishing, he nodded repeatedly:"Indeed, the people in Ming Dynasty are all working hard, and if such a big thing happened here, they didn't know to come to the rescue."

Gaocheng Saya looked at Xiao Bai with a flash of peace of mind. She was originally a little worried that Xiao Bai would be the person sent by Ming Dynasty to investigate. After all, a stranger suddenly appeared to join the team at this time. She did not doubt that it was a fake..

But as Xiao Bai complained, Gaocheng Saya breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. Gaocheng Saya knew very well what the official situation of the Ming Dynasty was. Each of these people were foolishly loyal to the Ming Dynasty, and it was impossible to say anything bad about the Ming Dynasty. , so people like Xiao Bai who complain about Ming Dynasty can basically rule out that the other party is an official member of Ming Dynasty.

Of course, this does not mean that all official personnel of Ming Dynasty are like this. Gao Chengshaye still believes in Xiao Bai, mainly Xiao Bai The smell of scum on his body, it is impossible for officials of the Ming Dynasty to have that kind of scum smell!

Takagi Saya noticed that Xiao Bai's eyes were vaguely on the chests of Busujima Saeko, herself, Miyamoto Rei, and Marikawa Shizuka Stay, it is impossible for Ming Dynasty officials to behave like this.

Although Gao Cheng Saya said that the eldest lady has a bit of a temper, she is not stupid. On the contrary, Gao Cheng Saya is very smart. She has already realized that her family may have something to do with this matter. Gaocheng Saya naturally cannot be careless, so after various inferences, Gaocheng Saya can be sure that Xiao Bai will never be an official member of the Ming Dynasty.

"But it would be very troublesome if we didn't rescue one here. The first thing is the food problem. I think you haven't eaten for a while.'


After hearing Xiao Bai's words, everyone nodded subconsciously. They haven't eaten anything since yesterday.

"So I feel that I still can't sit still and wait for death. My personal suggestion is to find an opportunity directly, then break out and go to this lovely lady's home."

Xiao Bai looked at Gaocheng Saya. Gaocheng Saya glanced at Xiao Bai appreciatively, and then looked at the other people, with a hint of superiority in his eyes!

"I have no objection, whether it is to wait for rescue or to break out."

Bujima Saeko looked at Xiao Bai and Takagi Saya and said that he had no problem. It didn't matter to Busujima Saeko whether he insisted on breaking through, it was acceptable.

"It's too dangerous outside, we'd better wait for rescue."

As expected, the person who spoke should be Komuro Takashi. Although Xiao Bai did not know the other party, the long Aotian expression on the other party's face made Xiao Bai identify the other party as Komuro Takashi, and Komuro Takashi did not want to take risks and planned to go to school. Waiting for rescue

"Let’s not talk about whether we can wait for rescue. Even if we have to wait for rescue, how long will we have to wait? More importantly, you have ignored a question, which is whether only Bedlord City has encountered such a situation. If it is the entire Neon City, , or if the whole world encounters such a situation, will rescue still come?"

Xiao Bai's words shocked everyone present.

"How can it be!"

Gaocheng Saya directly exclaimed, as if he couldn't understand this kind of thing, let alone believe that if the whole world became like this, would he and others still be able to wait for rescue?

"Wait, if this is the case, then my parents"

Gao Cheng Saya thought, if his parents had become like that, then they would not be able to send anyone to save him. Could it be that his parents are now like that?

"Let's break out, I'm going to confirm the safety of my father and mother."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Takagi Saya made a decision, and the others, Hirano Toda, who is Takagi Saya's licking dog, naturally agreed, Busujima Saeko didn't care, and Marikawa Shizuka didn't either. Any opinions, that is to say, even the objections of Komuro Takashi and Miyamoto Rei are useless, unless they are willing to stay in this place, otherwise they can only leave Naga together.

Komuro Takashi and Miyamoto Rei People looked at Xiao Bai with a trace of resentment in their eyes. If it weren't for Xiao Bai, then they wouldn't need to go out and take risks. Here, under the protection of Xiezi on the poisonous island, they only need to wait for the rescue to arrive.

But Now, unless they stay here by themselves, they can only go out for adventure with others!

Xiao Bai naturally sensed the resentment of the other party, but Xiao Bai sneered in his heart at this.

Bitch Matching dogs last forever. Xiao Bai hated these two guys, Miyamoto Rei and Komuro Takashi, when he watched the anime. Now Xiao Bai has shown mercy without looking for a chance to trick them, and now he actually dares to look at him with resentment. Look at yourself!

"Then we decided to break out. When I came, I saw a few buses in the school, and we could take the buses there."

Gaocheng Saya's eyes became extremely satisfied when she looked at Xiao Bai.

"What's your name? I'll introduce you to my dad when I get home."

"Ryosuke Yagami, a person with a little bit of strength, his biggest wish is to use his strength in exchange for the status and rights he wants!".

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