【It is basically certain that the Gaocheng family are members of the Guangfuhui, but I didn’t expect that the signal in this place in bed master city was actually blocked, so now I can’t even contact Yue Jiang.】

【However, after taking Saya Takagi to Takagi's house, as long as he arrived at Takagi's house, he could basically determine whether the other party was the one. 】

Putting away the diary, Xiao Bai looked at Saya Takagi and Saeko Busujima and said,"Then let's get ready and set off. While it's still early, let's hurry up as soon as possible. If it gets dark, then by then But it’s hard to rush. Try to get to your destination as soon as possible today!"

"Okay, then let's set off."

Gao Cheng Saya looked at Xiao Bai with a hint of excitement in her eyes. She will be able to go home soon. Poison Island Saeko and Xiao Bai are protected by two masters. Gao Cheng Saya believes that she can definitely do it. Return home safely

"But who of us can drive? Even if we have a car, if no one can drive, it will be of no use."

Komuro Takashi still wanted to make a death struggle.

Marikawa Shizuka raised her hand:"If you are driving, I think I have no problem!"

"Then I leave it to you, Teacher Maruchuan. As long as you can take me home, I will repay you well!"

Takagi Saya said to Marikawa Shizuka 887, Marikawa Shizuka giggled:"Really? Then I want a lot of brand-name bags and dresses"

"no problem!"

Gaocheng Saya agreed immediately, but it was just something that could be solved with some money. Gaocheng Saya didn't realize there was anything difficult at all.

"Then let’s go!"

"By the way, a personal suggestion. Even if we see other survivors in the future, it is best for us not to meddle in other people's business. The more people there are, the greater the chance of being targeted by those things. I don't want it to be because of some people. Kindness has cost you your own life, what do you think?"

Gaocheng Saya became more and more certain that Xiao Bai was definitely not an official. Officials would not say such things as Xiao Bai, so Gaocheng Saya looked at Xiao Bai and nodded in agreement:"That's right, Ye What Ryousuke Kami said is very correct. We cannot put others in danger for the sake of the kindness of some people, so I very much agree with what Ryosuke Kami Ryosuke said. After hearing this

, Komuro Takashi gave a direct rebuttal:"How can we be so cold-blooded and refuse to save those who ask for help!""

"Then go ahead and save him, as long as he doesn’t implicate us. Also, I don’t agree with the other party getting into our car. That’s it. If you want to save the other party, then face the dangers with him and don’t drag us along. to danger."

Komuro Takashi's face turned red, and his eyes when looking at Xiao Bai became extremely hateful. On the side, Miyamoto Rei saw Komuro Takashi being treated like this by Xiao Bai and immediately helped Komuro Takashi and said:"Takashi is just a word. , what do you mean by being so aggressive!"

Xiao Bai looked at Miyamoto Rei and sneered:"Okay, you two go on your own, don't follow us, save whoever you want to save, this lovely lady, if you don't mind, I think I can take her alone. It's easier to leave with you than to carry these oil bottles with you, well, except for Busu Island, how about following me on Busu Island?"

Bujima Saeko looked at Xiao Bai and nodded.

The expressions of Komuro Takashi and Miyamoto Rei changed. They knew very well what their strength was. If Busujima Saeko and the others were 80% dead,

"Saya, you can't leave us behind."

Gaocheng Saya's face showed hesitation, Xiao Bai said leisurely on the side:"This lovely lady, do you think it is easy for me and Busujia to protect you alone, or do you think it is easy for me and Busujia to protect you? So many people are simple?"

Gaocheng Saya's expression froze. In her heart, she had already leaned towards Xiao Bai and Busujima Saeko to protect her alone, but

"The fewer people there are, the easier it is to travel."

Xiao Bai's voice was like a devil's whisper, which made Gaocheng Saya feel full of tangles.

"But I'm not that unkind person. As long as they don't cause me any trouble, I actually don't mind bringing a few people with me, but I hope these people won't cause me any trouble. Otherwise, I don't mind. Kill each other!"

Xiao Bai glanced at Komuro Takashi and Miyamoto Rei!

Komuro Takashi and Miyamoto Rei's expressions instantly turned ugly.

Busujima Saeko looked at Xiao Bai and chuckled:"Yakami-kun, don't be scared. Everyone else, I think they will listen to you"

"Oops, Busujima-san, you have seen through it, but I am not trying to scare people. Idiots who still think about saving people under such circumstances will only kill everyone. Xiao

Bai said lightly:"Okay, it's time for us to set off!""

Xiao Bai took the lead and walked out, followed closely by Takagi Saya, followed closely by Busujima Saeko, followed by Marikawa Shizuka and Hirano Toda, Komuro Takashi and Miyamoto Rei, although their faces were ugly. , but they still followed.

Soon the group of people arrived at the bus. There was no danger because Xiao Bai and Busujima Saeko were cleaning up the dead bodies on the way.

But just as everyone was about to start the bus and leave At that time, there was a burst of shouting from the school:"Wait, we are still here, take us away together!""

After that, the Yinqun students ran out under the leadership of a teacher wearing glasses.

Xiao Bai ignored it and said to Marikawa Shizuka:"Don't worry, keep driving!"

Takashi Komuro is acting like a monster again at this time.

"Wait a moment, it's only a moment, and there is no danger now. If we wait a little longer, we can save so many people. Xiao

Bai looked at Gaocheng Saya and said,"This lovely lady, what do you mean?""

Takagi Saya saw a trace of boredom flashing in Komuro Takashi's eyes, and refused directly:"Ignore these people, Teacher Marikawa Shizuka, just drive."

After finishing speaking, Takagi Saya looked at Komuro Takashi:"And Takashi, if you want to save these people, then just stay with these people. We have to leave first. We are not the same as them, and Now that the things in the school have been almost cleared, they can get the keys and leave in another bus without us waiting for them."

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