After hearing Takagi Saya's words, Komuro Takashi showed an angry look on his face. Looking at Takagi Saya, Komuro Takashi said:"Saya, how could you become so cold-blooded? We can help other people easily, so why not help those people , it’s just a little effort!"

"Don't say that I don't give you a choice. If you want to help, you can go now, but you will follow them later, and we will part ways like this. Remember one thing, you are the one being protected, not Protector, so the protected person should just be honest and stop causing trouble to others, do you understand?"

Xiao Bai could tell that Komuro Takashi was probably targeting him because his appearance had caused his leadership position in the team to be robbed, so he specifically targeted him.

But Xiao Bai didn't have time to play games with the other party. If Xiao Bai didn't know Gao Cheng Where is home, and there is no signal now, so Xiao Bai is too lazy to play house with these people here.

And now Komuro Takashi plans to delay Xiao Bai's arrival at Gaocheng's house, and Xiao Bai is not used to him.

Komuro Takashi's His face suddenly became extremely ugly, and when he looked at Xiao Bai, he wanted to poke dozens of holes in Xiao Bai's body!

Xiao Bai naturally noticed it, but Xiao Bai didn't care. Xiao Bai looked at Gao Cheng Saya and saw Gao Cheng Shaye had no other intention to object, and then said:"Now, those who are willing to follow me get on the bus, and those who want to stay and save others get off the bus by themselves, and make a decision within ten seconds! After that, Xiao

Bai said to Marikawa Shizuka:"Light the fire and get ready to go!""


Although Marikawa Shizuka was naturally stupid, she also knew that Xiao Bai and Busujima Saeko were protecting her at this time, so Marikawa Shizuka did as Xiao Bai said.

Komuro Takashi looked at the others, and Hirano Toda looked down directly Head, Takagi Saya snorted and ignored Komuro Takashi, Busujima Saeko also ignored Komuro Takashi, and finally Komuro Takashi looked at Miyamoto Rei, Miyamoto Rei had a smile on her face after discovering who the person asking for help was. The color of disgust

"Xiao, there is absolutely no need for us to save that kind of person!"

"Li, why do you say it like this? Could it be that you"

"Okay, the time is up, so now, Komuro Takashi, what is your choice!"

Xiao Bai looked at Komuro Takashi and said

"I won't do anything like you. If he can abandon others now, then he can also abandon you in the future!"

Komuro Takashi also tried to pull others into his camp, but it was obvious that everyone was not stupid. Seeing that he did not persuade others, Komuro Takashi's face suddenly changed, and then Komuro Takashi was fierce He glared at Xiao Bai and others:"You will definitely regret it! After saying that

, Komuro Takashi got off the bus!

Xiao Bai closed the door and said to Marikawa Shizuka:"Drive, if you encounter those things, just hit them directly!""


The bus started directly, and all of a sudden knocked away or ran over all the dead bodies that were approaching.

Komuro Takashi looked at the bus going away, with a look of resentment in his eyes, not only Because of Xiao Bai, and even more so because of Rei Miyamoto.

That bitch Rei Miyamoto betrayed him once, and now she actually betrayed him a second time. This made Takashi Komuro full of resentment towards Rei Miyamoto. Putting a hand on Komuro Takashi's shoulder, Komuro Takashi turned his head and looked:"Are you Mr. Wisteria?"

Wisteria Koichi looked at Komuro Taka with a smile on his face:"It seems that you are also an abandoned person, Komuro Taka-kun."

On the bus, Xiao Bai didn't know that Komuro Takashi and Purple Fuji Koichi were hooking up. At this time, Xiao Bai couldn't wait to go to Gaocheng's house.

Without the interference of Purple Fuji Koichi and his group, Marikawa Shizuka spent about two days. It took more than an hour to finally arrive at Gaocheng's house.

Looking at the area separated by barbed wire, Xiao Bai's eyes flashed with a sneer, and then he said to Gaocheng Saya:"Miss Gaocheng, I think we need you to come forward!"

Behind the barbed wire, there were people patrolling with guns. When they saw the bus approaching, they immediately pointed their guns at the bus. The bus stopped, and then Saya Takagi got out of the car.

"Don't shoot, it's me!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

0 Asking for flowers 0

When I saw it was Saya Takagi, those people lowered their guns, and then they seemed to be talking to the other end through the walkie-talkie. Not long after, a beautiful girl The woman appeared in front of Xiao Bai and the others!


Gaocheng Saya shouted immediately when she saw the beautiful woman, and then ran towards Gaocheng Yuriko and threw herself into Gaocheng Yuriko's arms.

Gaocheng Yuriko had a loving look on her face, but then she asked what happened. The same thing.

After hearing what Xiao Bai and Busujima Saeko said, Takagi Saya then told what happened to him in the school, and also focused on Xiao Bai's incident, giving all the information about Xiao Bai. Everything was told to Yuriko Gaocheng one by one. Yuriko Gaocheng looked at Xiao Bai and the doubts in her heart were gradually dispelled by Saya Gaocheng's narration.

Xiao Bai should not be an official of the Ming Dynasty. People of the Ming Dynasty official would not do such a trick. Unkind, but even if Xiao Bai is excluded from the Ming Dynasty official, Gaocheng Yuriko does not trust Xiao Bai, but has no intention of driving Xiao Bai away.

"Thank you for bringing Saya back. So please come with me. Please have a good rest at the Gaocheng family. Food and water will be provided by the Gaocheng family!"

Gaocheng Yuriko took Xiao Bai and the others into the Gaocheng family, and when they entered the courtyard of the Gaocheng family, they happened to see a scene.

Gaocheng Souichiro chopped off the head of a dead body with a knife!

"This is my subordinate. In order to fight those monsters, he was unfortunately infected. For this reason, I could only kill him with my own hands in order to prevent more people from being infected.Time has passed so long, but Ming’s rescue has not yet come. We are all abandoned. We must join hands to survive.Neon should belong to Neon people, we want to be independent!"

The intermittent sound came into Xiao Bai's ears. Xiao Bai's face was calm. Gao Cheng Yuriko had been observing Xiao Bai carefully. Seeing that Xiao Bai's expression did not change, she felt a little relieved. Then Gao Cheng Yuriko said After Xiao Bai and his party settled down, they left Jiu...

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