【Yesterday's diary was completed and rewards started to be distributed. You got the gem meat generator. You can get one kilogram of gem meat every day, which can be accumulated.】

【The person who recorded yesterday's diary received a reward, and the diary copy was drawn, and the person holding the diary copy received the same reward.】

【The drawing is completed, congratulations to XXXX (Tushan Yaya) for winning one kilogram of gem meat】

【Rewards for diary copy holders have begun to be distributed. The person whose name was mentioned the most by diary recorders yesterday was Yae Shenzi. Rewards are now being distributed.】

【Congratulations to Yae Shenzi for getting the chance to summon Wu Xiang Yi Dao! 】

Taking advantage of the fact that the Divine Sakura Festival has just begun and he still has free time, Xiao Bai received yesterday’s reward. This reward made Xiao Bai very satisfied. The Gem Meat Generator was also the top level before entering the food industry. One of the ingredients, one kilogram per day, Ness!

Speaking of which, I have accumulated a lot of experience with Century Soup. Next time I invite others to try it. Good things should be shared!

As the clear and melodious ringing of the Kagura bells rang, Xiao Bai clearly felt that the filth that rushed out from the ground was gradually transformed into spiritual energy 580 under the barrier of the sacred cherry tree.

But through the pink barrier, the sky was gloomy, without any sunlight at all, and the thick dark clouds directly blocked the sunlight.


Suddenly Isayama Huangquan shouted, and then he saw a large black evil spirit coming towards Narukami Taisha Shrine in the distance. Xiao Bai saw that there were at least tens of millions of these black evil spirits. Go ahead, can Isayama Yoshizumi alone stop so many evil spirits?

Just as Xiao Bai thought in his mind, Isayama Yoshizumi pulled out his sword:"Chaotic Red Lotus!"

Following Isayama Yoshizumi's shout, a lion with multiple eyes appeared behind Isayama Yomi. Then following Isayama Yoshizumi's command, the monster suddenly roared, and then directly He rushed towards those evil spirits, and saw that as soon as the lion inhaled, countless evil spirits were sucked into the mouth of the lion, and then he chewed it twice and swallowed it directly.

Xiao Bai Seeing this scene, it suddenly dawned on me. These little soldiers had removed their mass containers, and these evil spirits were so weak that they were directly sucked into the lion's mouth and eaten.

"It looks like you don’t need my help anymore!"

Xiao Bai saw that Isayama Yomi was able to cope with it, so he didn't think of any plans to take action. Isayama Yomi looked at Xiao Bai:"Although I'm not as good as a monster like you, I'm not a vegetarian either. These are just like soldiers. Leave the evil spirits to me. You are responsible for holding down the formation. When the time comes, you will take action when you encounter a monster that I am no match for!"

Xiao Bai smiled and nodded, his eyes retracted from those evil spirits and looked at the Kagura dance of Kamishiro Koji and Kikyo!

"How beautiful!"

Watching the Kagura dance of Kamishiro Koji and Kikyo for more than half an hour, Xiao Bai only had this thought in his mind at this moment. There is killing outside the barrier, and Luan Honglian is there Those evil spirits were killing everyone inside, but within the barrier, Kamishiro Koji and Kikyo waved the Kagura bells in their hands. The Kagura bells emitted bursts of crisp and sweet ringtones, and they appeared from under the ground. The filth is also purified into aura under the sound of the bell

"So is there any thought of possessing them? Tear their miko uniforms to pieces, then violently enter their bodies, crying that they have desecrated this sacred thing!"

The voice of the Eight-Level God Son reached Xiao Bai's ears. Xiao Bai suddenly stared at the Eight-Level God Son. Xiao Bai wanted to ask if you are the devil!

"I didn't. Don't talk nonsense. I'll sue you for libel!"

Xiao Bai shook his head decisively and rejected Yae Shenzi's idea. What a joke. Even if Xiao Bai really had such an idea, it would be impossible for him to tell Yae Shenzi. Naturally, Yae Shenzi's words immediately attracted Xiao Bai's attention. refute

"Seriously, I don’t believe you don’t have such thoughts. How can you men hide your inner thoughts from me? The more sacred and pure it is, the more you men want to stain it, just like a piece of white paper, you long to dye the white paper black!"

Yae Kamiko's words are like exposing the darkness in the hearts of most men.

"Not to mention you, the same was true for the original Emperor Shengzong. At that time, he had more fun than anyone else!"

Xiao Bai:"????"

Can you tell me the dark history of Emperor Shengzong like this?

Xiao Bai really wanted to ask Yae Shenzi this question, but in the end Xiao Bai silently shut his mouth and stopped talking. At this time, it was better not to speak than to speak!

"I'm going to see if Isayama Yomi needs any help!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiao Bai decided to stay away from the Yao Shenzi, lest this fox tell him something that he shouldn't know.

Here comes the advice. Beside Isayama Huangquan, Xiao Bai asked Isayama Huangquan:"How long can I last?"

Although Isayama Yomi didn't say anything, the sweat on her forehead told Xiao Bai that her condition was obviously not as good as before.

"The number of evil spirits is beyond my imagination. At most, I need to rest and recover in more than half an hour!"

"It can last for more than an hour, which is not bad, and I have killed thousands of evil spirits one after another. Xiao

Bai looked at Isayama Huangquan and said,"Okay, let's retreat and let the witches behind us take the lead first!""

Although Xiao Bai also wants to take action, Yae Shenzi has told Xiao Bai that Xiao Bai's best thing is not to take action when she doesn't let Xiao Bai take action!

Although she doesn't know what Yae Shenzi has planned, since she is here to help , Xiao Bai naturally would not refute Yae Shenzi’s face.

So Xiao Bai did not take action directly

"That’s fine!"

Knowing that it was useless to hold on to his current situation, Yae Shenzi also waved to the miko who had been waiting for Narukami Taisha Shrine to come forward!

Each of these mikos held various ritual props, and the attendants stood in every corner. A new barrier immediately rose to isolate the evil spirits outside, and then the remaining evil spirits in the barrier were immediately eliminated by Isayama Yomi. Immediately after, the miko Isayama Yomi brought a meal prepared by Erina and Nakiri Alice.

After eating the food, Isayama Yomi's condition recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

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