"You can actually restore your state by eating something. It's a bit like the setting in the game. That knife is your contracted spirit, called Luan Honglian?"

"Yes, Luan Honglian is my partner and my contract spirit, but don’t you know that eating Chuxin cuisine can quickly restore the contractor’s consumption? If the contractor wants to control the spirit to fight or use the power of the spirit, he needs to consume energy and spirit. The longer the control is, the more it will be consumed. If the contractor consumes too much, he may even be sucked dry by the spirit. But if you have the heart to cook, Cooking can be restored quickly. Xiao

Bai touched his head:"I haven't tried it before. I thought this thing can be used casually. As for consumption, I really don't have any."

Isayama Huangquan, who was eating, almost choked to death on the food, and then Isayama Huangquan looked at Xiao Bai, with a hint of sadness and anger in his eyes!

"You monster!"

Xiao Bai smiled and didn't pay attention to what Isayama Huangquan said. He looked at the dark evil spirits outside the barrier. These evil spirits seemed to have no attack power.But Xiao Bai always had an ominous premonition

"I always have a feeling that a storm is coming. These evil spirits are like cannon fodder being used for consumption. I am afraid that the real BOSS has not yet appeared."

Isayama Yoshizumi said nonchalantly:"It doesn't matter, I just want to stop these cannon fodder-level evil spirits. Real monsters still need to be solved by Yaegomiyaji. Well, maybe you will be added as well!"

Looking at Xiao Bai, Isayama Yoshizumi looked a little jealous. He had worked hard since he was a child to achieve his current strength, but Xiao Bai only relied on his own shit luck to get to where he is now.


In Xiao's case When Bai and Isayama Huangquan were chatting, suddenly the barrier made of miko outside made a clicking sound. Xiao Bai looked up and saw that there were dense cracks on the barrier!


With a crisp cracking sound, the barrier directly shattered into countless fragments. Each of the shrine maidens who maintained the barrier vomited blood because of the shattered barrier!

Yae Shenzi's expression turned cold, and then He said:"Since you're here, come out. Why hide? We haven't seen each other for a long time. Why don't you come out and meet your old friends?""

With the voice of Yae Shenzi, the endless darkness gathered together, and then a woman with pale skin that made people feel scared appeared in the air. There was a huge skeleton under her feet! She was so pale that it was weird The skin color, the black sailor uniform on her body, the black hair, and the black pantyhose wrapped around her legs gave the other party a strong visual impact.

Yae Kamiko looked at the woman in front of him, and then said:"We also have hundreds of years. We haven’t met yet. You gave me such a big surprise when we met, but it scared me!"

"Son of the Eightfold God, please get out of the way. You just can’t stop me, and do you want to be my enemy?"

"I don't dare to be an enemy of you, Lord Yuyihu. After all, you are his adoptive mother. I don't dare to be an enemy of you. But now it's not that I want to be your enemy, but that you want to destroy the arrangements he left behind!"

Hagoromo Fox?

Xiao Bai didn't know how to complain when he heard the title of Yae Shenzi!

【Good guy, I didn’t expect that participating in the Divine Sakura Dazu will not only have to fight those mindless evil spirits, but now even the Hagoromo Fox has appeared. Will there be a grandson of the slippery ghost appearing later? ?】

【I asked why this woman looks so familiar. Isn’t this the Hagoromo Fox? Unfortunately, I thought this was some kind of monster, but I didn’t expect it to be a fox with a feather. But why do I feel a sense of closeness when I look at the fox with a feather? Isn’t it because I lack maternal love?】

【But what is this Hagoromo fox here for? Why are you here if you don't have a good baby? Could it be that he came here because of the filth of the sacred cherry tree?】

【Speaking of it, in the plot of Hagoromo Kitsune, Abe Seimei wanted to give birth to his own child again. Now in this world, he would also want to have a child, right?】

【Absorb this filth? And then use this filthy power to give birth to Abe Seimei who is in hell through the belly of the Hagoromo Fox? ]

Yae Shenzi narrowed his eyes, then looked at Hagoromo Fox and said,"Are you planning to use this filthy power to try to give birth to him?"

Hagoromo looked at Yae Shenzi in surprise, and then He said to Yae Shenzi:"I didn't expect you to see through my plan? Yes, just as you said, I plan to absorb the dirty power of the sacred cherry tree, and then use the power of the sacred cherry tree for your own use. , and let him give birth to him through my belly!"

After finishing speaking, Hagoromo Fox looked at Yae Shenzi and said:"Ye Shenzi, since you know my purpose, now you still have to stop me and stop me. Will I bring my beloved son back?"

"I'm really sorry, Lord Hagoromo, your plan is impossible to bring him back. Although I don't know your specific method, your method cannot bring him back, so I better advise you to give up.."

The Yuyihu had an obviously displeased look on his face, but he didn't say anything more:"In that case, I don't ask you to help me, as long as you don't interfere with me!"

"This is not okay. It is his order to protect the sacred cherry tree and purify the filth of the sacred cherry tree. How dare I, a little fox, disobey his order, so Lord Hagoromo Fox, please don’t make it difficult for me."

"So, you must stop me?"

Hagoromo's tone suddenly turned cold, while Yae Shenzi held the royal coin in his hand:"It's not that I want to go against you, Master Hagoro, but I really have to obey his orders."

"In this case, there is nothing more to say, just come out!"

As Yuyihu shouted, countless figures appeared. The negative energy emitted by these people was not comparable to those of the mindless evil spirits. The negative energy of any one of these figures was comparable to that of thousands. Tens of thousands of evil spirits!

Yae Shenzi’s face instantly became serious.

"Do you even plan to follow Lord Hagoromo and disobey his orders?"

Looking at these figures, Yae Shenzi asked coldly...

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