These spirits or monsters looked at Yae Shenzi and calmly replied:"Ye Palace Priest, as long as that Lord can come back, we will obey even if we are asked to commit hara-kiri. But if you want to stop us from welcoming that day, Come back, even if you are an adult, we will never show mercy, so please get out of the way!"

"You are so capable, Kidomaru, how dare you talk to me like that!"

Ye Shenzi looked at the person in front of him and said with a cold face, but the other person did not argue with Yae Shenzi. His eyes looking at Yae Shenzi were still extremely firm. Seeing this scene, Yae Shenzi knew that he had no way to make the other party just like this. After retreating and glancing at Hagoromo at one side, Yae Shenzi asked Hagoro:"Hagoro-sama, are you really capable of this?"283" The point where we meet at war!"

"Son of the Eightfold God, I want to bring back my beloved son. No matter who stands in front of me, I will be crushed to pieces, even you. And don’t you want to see my beloved son again? ?"

"Of course I think about it, and it’s not just me who is thinking about it, everyone is waiting for his return, but Lord Hagoromo Fox, do you know what the consequences will be if you do this? Yuyihu calmly replied:"As long as my beloved son can come back, then all these things will be nothing more than trivial matters!""

Ye Shenzi's face darkened, knowing that there was no point in talking:"In that case, let me see the real chapter. The sacrifices of so many people have sealed those filth under the sacred cherry tree. I don't think so. Allow their sacrifice to be in vain!"

Seeing the appearance of Yae Shenzi, Hagoromo Fox said to the other monsters:"Leave Yae Shenzi to me, you go and kill those miko!"

"Yes, Lord Hagoromo Fox!"

Kidomaru said, pulling out the weapon above his waist, and then moved towards Kamishiro Koji and Kikyo!

At this moment, figures suddenly appeared one by one:"It seems that we are not here too late.!"

"Nuliang group? It's you hateful monsters again who dare to appear in front of me. You are seeking death. If it weren't for you, my beloved son would have been born a hundred years ago!"

When the feathered fox saw the leader wearing a fox scarf, his eyes showed anger!

"I'm really sorry, but that person absolutely cannot be brought back to life. For us, since he is dead, let him die forever and never come back to life!"

Nura Huaxiao put the knife on his shoulder and said calmly to the Hagoromo fox, and then looked at Yae Shenzi:"Let's cooperate, only this time, to stop Hagoromo. I think you don't want the sacred cherry tree to fall. Those things from below escape. Once those things come out, the consequences will be unbearable for you and me! Yae

Shenzi glanced at Nura Huaguo:"I don't believe you. After all, the woman you liked was robbed by him. Who knows what you will do!""

"It is true that I am very unhappy with that person, but I am not a guy who ignores the overall situation for my own selfishness. Once those things come out, we monsters will instantly turn into food for those things. We don’t want to die, so the seal of the sacred cherry tree Can't be broken!"

Ye Shenzi was noncommittal, but he did not refuse the other party's cooperation.

Xiao Bai did not speak or attract anyone's attention, but Xiao Bai didn't know where to start complaining. Did he make a mistake? , is there any mistake? What the hell is this!

【How could a good Kamizakura Daiharu turn into a battle between Nura Huatai and Hagoromo Kitsune, the Nura group and the Kyoto group? And the grandson is not Nura Rikuo but Nura Hua Laiao. This plot is really】

【Also, could the person they were talking about be the Holy Emperor, my senior time traveler?】

【My senior time traveler is really a 6. He actually stole Nu Liang Hua Lao's wife. Senior knows how to play, but if it were me, I would probably do the same thing. After all, who can refuse a cute and beautiful woman? girl! 】

Since the Eight-Level God Son did not let Xiao Bai take action, then Xiao Bai had no intention of taking action, so he was going to take a look first. If he really wanted to do it himself, the Eight-Level God Son would definitely remind him.

"Kids, let’s do it!"

Nuliang Hulaiao gave the order!

"Yes, General!"

Following Nura's words, the monsters of the Nura group immediately rushed towards the monsters of the Kyoto group, while Yae Shenzi stopped the Hagoromo Kitsune........

"Yae Shenzi, do you really plan to join forces with them to deal with me?"

"But they didn't join forces. They were the ones who stopped Kidomaru and the others. It had nothing to do with us. We just stopped you and couldn't let you do the wrong thing!"

The disdainful expression on Yae Shenzi's face made Hagoromo Fox's expression darken instantly. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"If that's the case, then I won't be polite!"

Nine white tails instantly appeared behind the Yuyi Fox!

"The Three-Tailed Sword!"

Withdrawing a sword from the tail behind him, Hagoromo Fox swung the sword directly, and the sharp slash came out from the blade and looked towards Yae Shenzi!

"Oh, it's really scary, butKilling Sakura!"

The purple thunder wedge remained in the eyes, but the figure of Yae Shenzi had already appeared in the distance.

The slash was blocked by the thunder wedge

"The Sky Fox appears!"

The Eighth Level Divine Son appeared not far away, and three thunder wedges surrounded Hagoromo Fox in a triangle shape. Then, as the 1.4th Level Divine Son appeared using Sky Fox, the lightning wedge instantly formed a thunder and lightning cage to trap Hagoromo. The fox was imprisoned!

"Do you think you can trap me like this? Do you still remember the trick he taught? He calls it domination!"

The complexion of Yae Shenzi suddenly changed, but Hagoromo Fox had already raised the sword in his hand!

Black airflows gathered on the sword in Hagoromo's hand!

"Ghosts haunt the country!"

The huge power of the sword tore up the cage instantly, and then killed the monsters of the Nura group along the way. The huge power crushed the bodies of those monsters into blood in just an instant. The fog, and the attack was still attacking Kikyo and Kamishiro Koji!

A smile appeared on the corners of Hagoromo Kitsune's lips, but her smile soon became stiff!.

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