Xiao Bai stood in front of Platycodon grandiflorum and Jindai Xiaoshi, and Xiao Bai's hand blocked Yu Yihu's ghost attack.

Looking at his broken finger, Xiao Bai showed a slightly shocked expression. Xiao Bai never expected that he would be injured by the Yuyi Fox's blow.

He broke his broken finger back, and the broken finger recovered instantly. Then Xiao Bai looked at Yae Shenzi and said:"I said you did it on purpose, Fox!""

"Oops, I can't block that move. You saw it yourself and even your bones were broken. What can I, a weak woman, do?"

Ye Shenzi held the royal coin with a hint of smile on his face, but Xiao Bai clearly noticed the smile in Yae Shenzi's eyes. The other party did it on purpose.

"What a stupid fox, but since you have no choice, I will do it, no problem."

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he didn't wait for Yae 28 Son of God to answer. He snapped his fingers. The corpses of the monsters that had just died were instantly covered by a pool of black liquid that emerged from the ground, and then formed a A huge black ball.

The next second the black ball burst, and then a huge black goat kid appeared.


With a cry, the invisible sound waves spread out instantly. The bodies of the weak monsters and those brainless evil spirits exploded in an instant and were swallowed by more black liquid and turned into a black ball. Then the black The ball went on to hatch black goat babies!

"It was actually able to hatch two black goat cubs. Even if it couldn't survive for a long time, it wouldn't be a big problem!"

Cold sweat broke out on Yae Shenzi's forehead when he saw the two black goat cubs.

"Be careful, don't destroy my shrine, otherwise you will compensate me for a shrine!"

"Hey hey hey, then, kill them all!"

Xiao Bai looked at those monsters coldly, and uttered a cold and ruthless voice. Following the words of the black goat, the countless tentacles behind the black goat instantly grabbed one monster after another and put them in his mouth to chew. Then he ate it. When he saw this scene, Nuliang Huaiao shouted to Xiao Bai:"Hey, we are on the same side, don't do anything to us.""

"Sorry, I don't think you are on our side, but I clearly feel the malice you carry. Nu

Liang Hua Piao looked at Yae Shenzi and said,"Say Yae Palace Priest, are you trying to burn bridges across the river?""

"Oops, we didn’t promise anything, let alone an alliance with you!"

Nu Liang Hua Piao's eyes instantly darkened, and Nu Liang Hua Piao's face immediately darkened:"In that case, don't blame us, kids, stop them!"

Nuliang Hua Lao rushed directly towards the filth emerging from under the sacred cherry tree. Xiao Bai sneered:"Sure enough, I came here for the filth, ha!"

The black goat cub instantly grabbed Nuliang Huaxiao with its tentacles. Nuliang Huaxiao's figure disappeared instantly, but the next moment the two black goats raised their feet and stamped on the ground suddenly. The next moment Nuliang Huaiao's figure was directly shaken out, and then the black goat's tentacles instantly grabbed Nuliang Huaiao!


Niu Gui appeared next to Nu Liang Hu Lao and pushed Nu Liang Hu Lao away, but Niu Gui was caught by the black goat cub.

"Bull ghost!"

Seeing his general being caught by the black goat cub, Nuliang Huolao immediately took the knife in his hand and slashed at the tentacles of the black goat cub, but the blade hit the tentacles of the black goat cub. However, there was a sound of gold and iron clashing. Nuliang Huaguo even flew backwards due to the huge force of the shock, while Niu Gui had been put into the mouth of the black goat cub to chew and eat!

"I am going to kill you!!!"

Nuliang Huaiao roared with red eyes and slashed at Xiao Bai with his weapon, but the black goat cub was protected in front of Xiao Bai's eyes.

Everyone's attention was focused on Nuliang Huaiao and When Xiao Bai was on Xiao Bai's body, Yuyihu rushed towards the filth, and was about to reach out to touch the filth, but Nuliang Huaiao's figure suddenly appeared, and then slashed at Yuyihu with a knife. Past!

The Flower in the Mirror, the Moon in the Water, the native skill of the Nuliang Slippery Ghost.

Xiao Bai looked at the blood spurting from the Yuyi Fox, and the pupils in his eyes suddenly shrank into pinholes, and then a rage in his heart instantly overwhelmed Xiao Bai. Bai's sanity!

Kicked away the feathered fox, Nura Hua Laiao stretched out his hand to grab the dirt, and then when it touched the dirt, Nu Liang Hua Lao instantly turned into many parasites of filth, and all the filth poured in instantly. In the body of Nu Liang Hua Lao. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Power, I feel power, endless power!"

Nuliang Huaiao's pupils turned black, black mist was rising from his body, and the aura exuding from his body was even more terrifying!


The Crow Tengu came to Nuliang Huali's side and knelt down on one knee:"Congratulations to the General for getting what he wanted. There is no one in this world who can be the opponent of the General!"8

"Congratulations to the general! Nu

Liang Hua Piao showed an evil smile and looked up at Yae Shenzi:"Ye Shenzi, you didn't expect it, but I succeeded in the end!""

Ye Shenzi ignored Nuliang Huaiao, but stared at Xiao Bai!

Nuliang Huaiao subconsciously looked towards Xiao Bai, and the next moment Nuliang Huaiao's face flashed Passed a trace of fear

"How is it possible, this is impossible, you can't be him, he is already dead!"

Xiao Bai walked to Yuyihu's side, looked at Yuyihu who was lying in a pool of blood, and helped Yuyihu up:"Does it hurt?"

The voice was very soft and gentle, as if he was worried that if he spoke louder, he would scare Yuyihu!

Yuyihu looked at Xiao Bai in disbelief, with unspeakable surprise in his eyes.

He stretched out his hand tremblingly, and Xiao Bai shook it He took the blood-stained hand and put it on his face

"Don’t worry, I’m back. I’ll make the person who hurt you pay the price!"

The fingers gently stroked the wounds on Yuyihu's body, and the wounds where Xiao Bai's fingers touched disappeared directly.

Yuyihu looked at Xiao Bai's fingers and touched Xiao Bai's cheek:"You are back, you are really back.!".

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