The pupils turned pale gold, Xiao Bai's fingers were still gently stroking the wound on Yuyihu:"Does it hurt?"

Yuyihu held Xiao Bai's face in both hands:"As long as my beloved son can come back, this little What does the pain mean!"

Hagoromo Kitsune was born in darkness, but she was born for love. The meaning of her existence is entirely for her beloved son.

"Don't worry, I will be back soon, just wait, wait for me for a while!"

"No matter how long it takes, I will be waiting for your return!"

Xiao Bai looked at the Eighth Divine Son, and then said to the Eighth Divine Son:"Shenzi, come here!"

Following Xiao Bai's words, Yae Shenzi came over:"You heartless one, I didn't see you come out when I was beaten before!"

"Well, we haven’t seen each other for hundreds of years, but you are still so dismissive. I will leave my mother to your care first. I have to deal with some things next, and I don’t have much time!"

Hearing Xiao Bai's words, Yae Shenzi's expression stiffened slightly, and then he walked to Xiao Bai's side and supported the feathered fox. Although Xiao Bai healed the wound cut by Nu Liang Hua Lao, the injury of the feathered fox was not the same. There was no recovery.

Xiao Bai picked up the three-tailed sword that Hagoromo had dropped on the ground and looked at Nu Liang Hua Lao and all the monsters in Nu Liang's group.

"Why do you want to seek death when you can obviously live? What's more, you dare to take action against the people I care about. Nu Liang Hua Lao, what on earth gave you the courage to do such a thing."

Xiao Bai's words and his superior eyes frightened Nuliang Huadian:"This is impossible, you are dead, how could you still be alive? No, you are definitely not him!"

The corners of his lips curved into a sneer.

"You are obviously afraid of me, but you still want to provoke me. It really makes people don’t know what to say to you..!"

He raised too much in his hand, and an invisible force emitted and then wrapped around the three-tailed sword held in Xiao Bai's hand!

"Run, everyone disperse and escape!"

Nuliang Hulaiao shouted at the monsters of the Nuliang group, but Xiao Bai said calmly:"It's late, you are all in my overlord's territory now, where can you run to?!"

Following Xiao Bai's words, a force of power instantly immobilized all the monsters of the Nura group in place. Then Xiao Bai just casually waved the three-tailed sword in his hand.

"Dominate the country!"

In an instant, the huge sword pressure swept across, and the bodies of countless monsters of the Nura group exploded into a ball of blood mist without even letting out a scream!

And the Nura who absorbed the filth of the sacred cherry tree Hua Lao's lower body had completely disappeared, leaving only his upper body lying on the ground looking at Xiao Bai with an unwilling face.

The moment Xiao Bai wielded Ba Tang, some people in countless places around the world seemed to have noticed something.!


"He is back!"

Tushan Yaya's tone was filled with excitement, and the cold queen's character in the past disappeared without a trace.

"There is no mistake, he is back, but"

Tushan Rongrong looked at the name on the scroll in his hand that gradually became blurred, and his tone was a little helpless.

"Damn it!"

Looking at the name that was gradually disappearing, the expression on Tushan Yaya's face instantly became extremely angry!

"Second sister, don’t worry. Since he is back, he will really come back sooner or later. He has been waiting for hundreds of years. Is there still such a long time left?"

"Rong Rong, I want to go to Neon, I want to complete my reincarnation and renew my destiny!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Second sister, if we want to complete the reincarnation and renew the destiny, we still lack important conditions. The heavenly book and the token are indispensable. But we don’t have the heavenly book in our hands, and we don’t have the token. It is simply impossible to complete the reincarnation and renew the destiny!"

Tushan Rongrong's words directly made Tushan Yaya irritable.

The words were divided into two parts, Miningshen Grand Shrine.

Looking at Nuliang Huaguo who still had his upper body, Xiao Bai said with emotion:"I haven't done anything in hundreds of years. , my hands have grown a lot, but I didn’t expect that I didn’t kill you with one knife. What a failure!

Yae Shenzi complained directly:"Are you a hand child?" Obviously you didn't want him to die so easily, so you didn't kill Nuliang Huaiao directly with a knife."

Xiao Bai turned his head and glanced at the Eightfold God Son with his domineering golden eyes:"Huh?"

Ye Shenzi shivered slightly, and then hid directly behind Hagoromo Fox. Xiao Bai shook his head when he saw Yae Shenzi's appearance, and then looked at the monsters in the Kyoto group.

"You disobeyed my order, Kidomaru!"

Hearing Xiao Bai's words, many monsters from Kidomaru's Kyoto group knelt down one after another.

"Please punish me!"

There is no excuse. Seeing the return of the man they admired and admired, they will not hesitate to commit suicide even if they all die.

Hagoromo Fox couldn't help but say when he saw this scene:"They disobeyed your order because of my order. For my sake, please forgive them this time!"

"Not only did you disobey my order, but you also hurt my mother. Kidomaru, you have disappointed me!"

Xiao Bai's words made the faces of the monsters headed by Kidomaru show expressions of guilt and self-blame.

"But since your mother has interceded for you, you can avoid the death penalty, but you cannot escape the living penalty, so cut off one of your arms!"


Without any hesitation, the monster from the Kyoto group immediately cut off one of his arms.

"Hey, hey, hey, you made my Narukami Taisha Shrine full of blood as soon as you came back, that's too much!"

Xiao Bai looked at the Eight-Level God Son, a hint of smile flashed in his pale golden eyes, ignored the Eight-Level God Son, and then said to these Kyoto group monsters:"Since you have been punished, then you will naturally be rewarded for your merits. You have served your mother loyally for hundreds of years, so of course you cannot but be rewarded!"

Looking at the monsters in front of him, Xiao Bai waved his hand and a cloud of black mist instantly covered the broken arm of each monster in the Kyoto group! The next moment, a cunning arm grew out, and this one The arms are much stronger than their original arms.

"Thank you sir for giving me C!"

"Protect my mother well. If you let her get hurt, then you can all die!".

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