Glancing at Nuliang Huaxiao who was still struggling on the ground, Xiao Bai ignored him with a disdainful sneer. Although Xiao Bai did not kill Nuliang Huaxiao directly with one knife, it also wiped out all the vitality of Nuliang Huaxiao. Beheaded!

Now the other party will only struggle and die in pain. Just like Yae Shenzi said, Xiao Bai deliberately let Nuliang Huaxiao go, because it is too cheap for Nuliang to kill Nuliang Huaxiao like this. It's slippery.

Looking at Kamishiro Koji and Kikyo, Xiao Bai smiled and said,"Thank you for your hard work, leave the rest to me."

Kamishiro Koji and Kikyo stopped, dripping with sweat, Xiao Bai Then he came to the sacred cherry tree, touched the sacred cherry tree with his palms, and then seemed to say to the sacred cherry tree:"Long time no see!" After finishing speaking,

Xiao Bai said to himself:"You guys I didn't kill you when you said these things to me, I just sealed you under this sacred cherry tree. You are not grateful and are still causing trouble to me!" Following

Xiao Bai's words, those lowly peopleThe filth gushed out. If the filth before was just like tap water, then the filth now is like a dam bursting!

"Oh, you think I can't kill you now? So you dare to slap my nose and face like this? I’m giving you face!"

Xiao Bai raised the three-tailed sword in his hand, and then thrust it down hard!


The ground shook for a moment, and the entire Narukami Grand Shrine shook, but the vibration was only limited. Inside Narukami Taisha Shrine, there was no movement outside Narukami Taisha Shrine.

"Even a dog with a broken spine dares to bark in front of me!"

After Xiao Bai's words fell, the filth in the ground rushed out instantly. Then Xiao Bai just slashed out with one knife. The next moment, the filth dissipated instantly, and then turned into pure spiritual energy.

"I will continue to sleep from now on, mother, son of God, don’t tell him what just happened!"

After he finished speaking, Xiao Bai's body softened, his eyes closed, and then he fell down softly! The next moment, Yu Yihu appeared next to Xiao Bai (cicd), looking at Xiao Bai who fell into a coma. , Yuyihu hugged Xiao Bai and gently stroked Xiao Bai's face with his palms.

"Son of God, why didn’t you tell me that my beloved Son has returned!"

Hagoromo Fox looked at Yae Shenzi with deep dissatisfaction in his eyes, but Yae Shenzi looked at Hagoromo Fox with an innocent expression.

"Lord Hagoromo, I want to tell you about this, but can I tell you about the situation just now? And it seems that you don't have that thing, otherwise you should already know it."

Hagoromo fox frowned and looked at Yae Shenzi. He didn't know what Yae Shenzi meant. What was that thing?

Seeing Hagoromo's appearance, Yae Shenzi was sure that Hagoromo had not got the diary. This made Yae Shenzi a little surprised. , Hagoromo Fox actually does not have a copy of the diary, and is not the holder of a copy of the diary.

"It seems that you have done something without telling me."

Facing the appearance of Yae Shenzi, Hagoromo Fox was a little angry and a little unhappy. Yae Shenzi looked at Hagoromo with helplessness:"Master Hagoromo, I have no way to reveal what that thing is. Once it is revealed, it will I'll die. I'm just a pitiful and helpless little fox, so don't embarrass me!"

Hagoroki Fox was a little annoyed by Yae Shenzi's behavior, but there was nothing he could do about it. Yae Shenzi looked at Hagoromo's look and knew that this matter was fine.

"So, what are you going to do next, Hagoromo-sama? He doesn't want us to tell him what happened just now, which means he hasn't awakened yet. Lord Hagoromo Fox, you shouldn't be prepared to forcefully awaken him. Dai

Mei frowned slightly, and Yu Yihu said to Yae Shenzi with some dissatisfaction:"I will not disobey my son's request, so you don't have to worry that I will tell my son the truth about the matter.""

Yu Yihu looked at Xiao Bai, his eyes full of doting:"How could I refuse Aiko's request?"

"It's as if you weren't the one who tried to stop Shenying Dazu just now. It's obvious that he"

Yae Kamiko stopped talking, because Hagoromo Kitsune looked at her with a hint of annoyance, so Yae Kamiko could only shut up.

Yae Shenzi is still very self-aware, and he is very clear about the consequences if he fails to understand current affairs.

Seeing Yae Shenzi shut up knowingly, Hagoromo Fox said to Yae Shenzi:"I want to stay with Aiko next time!"

"no!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Without even thinking about it, Yae Shenzi rejected Hagoromo Kitsune, who looked at Yae Shenzi with dissatisfaction.

"Lord Yuyihu, it’s not that I don’t want to, but I can’t let you do this. There are more than four unspeakable spirits in Xiao Bai’s body. Lord Yuyihu, although you are powerful, but"

Hagoromo fox frowned and looked at Yae Shenzi, who continued to persuade:"Master Hagoromo fox, he will be back soon. He has been waiting for hundreds of years, so what if he has to wait for a while now?"

"I have been waiting for hundreds of years, but this does not mean that I am willing to wait for every minute!"

"But this is his request, and he doesn’t want us to interfere with his choice!"

Hagoromo Fox's expression froze. Hagoromo Fox can ignore what other people think, but she cannot refuse Aiko's request, and she is unwilling to refuse. But if she agrees, she will not be able to stay with Aiko, which makes Hagoromo a little uncomfortable. I was willing, but suddenly a diary fell into the hands of Yuyihu.

"This is"

A copy of Xiao Bai's diary (exclusive to Yuyihu).

Yae Shenzi looked at Hagoromo Fox:"Oh, it seems that you have also obtained a copy of Xiao Bai's diary, Hagoromo-sama!"

Hagoromo ignored Yae Shenzi, and then started to look through the diary. After reading through the diary, Yuyihu then glanced at Xiao Bai and said with some reluctance:"Since it is Aiko's request, I will leave temporarily!"

After saying this, Yuyihu's eyes flashed with a trace of killing intent!

"But for those who hurt my beloved son, I will never let them go!"

"This is Xiao Bai's own revenge. Lord Yuyihu, please don't interfere!".

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