【It's strange, Sakurajima Mai has no hope of not being noticed, so why does Yakumo Murasaki keep an eye on Sakurajima Mai?】

【There's no way Yakumo Purple is chasing after Mai Sakurajima! 】

Xiao Bai is very strange. In the original plot, Mai Sakurajima lost her sense of existence because she wanted to go to a world where no one could see her. And how did Mai Sakurajima attract Murasaki Yakumo in this world? ?

【Or was it just that Mai Sakurajima was unlucky enough to be chosen by Yakumo Murasaki? This may not be impossible, but the probability should not be high. After all, it cannot be such a coincidence.

【So in other words, there was something about Mai Sakurajima that attracted Yakumo Purple, and then she was targeted by Yakumo Purple! 】

The thoughts in Xiao Bai's heart were racing, but he still never figured out why Sakurajima Mai was targeted by Yakumo Purple. Of course, this does not mean that it must be Yakumo Purple, or it may be someone else. It is just assumed that she is being targeted now. Mai Sakurajima is just Yakumo Murasaki.

Suddenly Xiao Bai remembered that he hadn't received yesterday's reward yet, so he collected the reward of 140 first, and then maybe he could get the reward now and solve Sakurajima Mai's problem.

"Receive award!"

As Xiao Bai muttered silently in his heart, the following diary began to distribute rewards!

【The diary was completed yesterday, and rewards began to be distributed. Character card upgrade fragment task 2】

【Yesterday’s diary recorder received a reward, and the diary copy holder began to be drawn. One person holding the diary copy received the same reward. Due to the special reward, the reward was replaced.】

【The draw is completed, congratulations to XXXX (Kaguya Shinomiya) for getting a chance mission】

【Rewards for diary copy holders have begun to be distributed. The one whose name was mentioned most by diary recorders yesterday was Hagoromo Fox. Rewards are now being distributed.】

【Congratulations to Yuyihu for getting a pillow as big as Xiao Bai】

【Character card upgrade fragment mission two is activated!】

【Character Card Upgrade Fragments Task 2: Solve the hidden incident that happened to Sakurajima Mai. Complete this task to obtain Liu Pleiades character card fragment*1. 】

Looking at the reward he got from his diary this time, Xiao Bai took a direct breath!

【Good guy, I didn’t expect that the reward this time is another character card upgrade fragment mission. If I solve the problem of the hidden god on Sakurajima Mai, I can get a character card upgrade fragment of Liu Pleiades.】

【Not to mention that I wanted to solve this matter originally, but now that the tasks have been handed down, it is even more necessary to solve it.】

【But there are some things that are difficult to solve. The Kamigakure on Mai Sakurajima is very troublesome, and I have no clue at all! ]

Sakurajima Mai looked at the diary recorded by Xiao Bai, and her face changed. She didn't expect that even Xiao Bai couldn't solve it. Is she really going to disappear from everyone's memory?

Become a non-existent person!

Xiao Bai saw Mai Sakurajima's expression, and then reached out and patted Mai Sakurajima.

"Don't worry, I will definitely find a way to solve this matter of yours."

Subsequently, Xiao Bai conducted various experiments on Mai Sakurajima, but Mai Sakurajima never changed at all, even though Xiao Bai injected his own power into Mai Sakurajima's body. The same is true in the middle. In the end, Xiao Bai thought of a way, which was to plant the eggs of the black goat in Sakurajima Mai's body. Maybe this can solve the problem of Sakurajima Mai, but it is only maybe.

But there is After all, the method must be tried. Xiao Bai expressed his thoughts and told Sakurajima Mai. Whether he should use it or not depends on Sakurajima Mai herself. If Sakurajima (abde) Mai is not willing, Xiao Bai Shiro would not force it. After all, rejection is normal. Who would leave their life and death in the control of others!

After hearing what Xiao Bai said, Sakurajima Mai looked directly at the hand holding the egg of the black goat.

"OK, I agree!"

Xiao Bai reached out and implanted the black goat's egg into Sakurajima Mai's body. As the black goat's egg entered Sakurajima Mai's body, Xiao Bai felt that there was more between him and Sakurajima Mai. There was a trace of contact, but even so, it still did not have any effect on Sakurajima Mai, and it still did not solve Sakurajima Mai's problem.

This was embarrassing. Xiao Bai looked at Sakurajima Mai and said:"No for the time being. The solution is to come here today. Rem and Ram have prepared the bedroom. You can rest here now and think of a solution tomorrow!"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

What can Sakurajima Mai do?

Naturally, she can only agree.

But in the middle of the night, Xiao Bai suddenly felt that he and Sakurajima Mai The feeling disappeared, and he immediately got up and went to Mai Sakurajima's room and knocked on the door, but no one came to open the door after knocking for a long time. This time, Xiao Bai immediately opened his mouth and shouted, but there was still no response!

"Master, what happened! Rem came out and asked while rubbing her eyes, while Xiao Bai took a deep breath and said,"The connection between me and Mai Sakurajima has disappeared!""

After Xiao Bai said that, he opened the door and walked in. The next moment, there was no trace of Mai Sakurajima in the room.

Mai Sakurajima was indeed missing!

Xiao Bai's face turned dark when he saw this scene, and Sakurajima Mai Shima actually disappeared next to him. If he told this matter, he would be embarrassed!

Closing his eyes, Xiao Bai followed the connection between himself and Mai Sakurajima and successfully found Mai Sakurajima, but Now Sakurajima Mai is in a place full of big red eyes.

In the gap!

Xiao Bai instantly thought of where Sakurajima Mai was at this moment.

After making sure that Sakurajima Mai was fine, Xiao Bai thought about it. How to bring Mai Sakurajima back!

Mai Sakurajima came back with her only because she believed in herself, but ended up losing her in her own hands. Xiao Bai couldn't afford to lose face!

But Xiao Bai wanted to find Yakumo. It’s not easy for Zi either. Xiao Bai can’t find him anywhere.


Perhaps Yakumo Purple will be in the fantasy system, Xiao Bai has such an idea in his mind!

But the question is where is Gensokyo now?

Xiao Bai knows that Hakurei Shrine is one of the entrances, but Hakurei Shrine is Where?

Or go find someone to ask?.

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